12 research outputs found

    Making a case for an ARM Cortex-A9 CPU interlay replacing the NEON SIMD unit

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    Efficient performance scaling of future CGRAs for mobile applications

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    ASAM : Automatic Architecture Synthesis and Application Mapping; dl. 3.2: Instruction set synthesis

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    An Architecture Framework for Transparent Instruction Set Customization in Embedded Processors

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    Instruction set customization is an e#ective way to improve processor performance. Critical portions of application dataflow graphs are collapsed for accelerated execution on specialized hardware. Collapsing dataflow subgraphs will compress the latency along critical paths and reduces the number of intermediate results stored in the register file. While custom instructions can be e#ective, the time and cost of designing a new processor for each application is immense. To overcome this roadblock, this paper proposes a flexible architectural framework to transparently integrate custom instructions into a general-purpose processor. Hardware accelerators are added to the processor to execute the collapsed subgraphs. A simple microarchitectural interface is provided to support a plug-and-play model for integrating a wide range of accelerators into a pre-designed and verified processor core. The accelerators are exploited using an approach of static identification and dynamic realization. The compiler is responsible for identifying profitable subgraphs, while the hardware handles discovery, mapping, and execution of compatible subgraphs. This paper presents the design of a plug-and-play transparent accelerator system and evaluates the cost/performance implications of the design

    Low power architectures for streaming applications

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    Studio e implementazione di strumenti per lo sviluppo software nei sistemi basati su FPGA.

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    Computer market becomes every day more performance-hungry. Nowadays microprocessor based systems are not able to relevant good performances in various application domains. The classic Von Neumann load/store architetture is suitable for some tasks, but seems to have serious scalability issues. To tackle these issues one of the current trend in the quest for additional execution speed, provides additional processing corees in the central processing unit and to parallelize the execution of as much of the software as possible. This paradigm has potential, but its effectiveness has been limited by the difficulties involved in parallelizing software that was written for sequential execution, resulting in cumbersome dependencies. These dependencies require extensive changes in the software design paradigms if this approach means to reach its full potential. On the other hand, reconfigurable devices have proven to be very scalable for a large class of applications and they offer potential application performance improvements beyond those predicted by Moore's Law. Among the different templates proposed in literature in the field or reconfigurable computing, Configurable System-on-a-Chip (CSoC) are emerging as a convincing trade-off between efficiency and flexibility. This kind of systems are often composed by one or more CPUs coupled with a Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA), and it can be demonstrated that they can run applications two orders of magnitude faster than traditional on CPUs. This performance speedup with respect to microprocessors relies basically in the opportunity of using dedicated reconfigurable hardware to exploit the inherent parallelism of an algorithm. One of the key issues in using such systems is related to the software development activity. A programmer typically uses a high level language to implement its algorithms but, to exploit the full potential of a reconfigurable system, a deeper knowledge of the target architetture and of digital design techniques are needed. In this work two tools are developed and implemented to overcome these issues and allow the software developer to use its traditional development flow. The first one deals with code partitioning between CPU and FPGA. The tool takes as input an ANSI C application code and performs the following operations: (i) automatically identifies code fragments suitable for hardware implementation as specialized functional unite (ii) for all these segments a synthesizable code is generated and sent to a synthesis tool, (iii) from the synthesis results, the segments to be implemented on FPGA are selected (iv) bitstream to configure the FPGA and modified C code to be executed on the CPU are generated. In order to validate this tool, fit was applied to standard benchmarks obtaining, with respect to state of the art, an improvement of up to 250% in the accuracy of performances estimation related to the selected segments of code. The second tool developed, named eBug, is a debugging solution for software developed on the eMIPS dynamically-extensible processor. The off-chip portion of eBug is an application that performs tasks that would be too expensive or too inflexible to perform in hardware, such as implementing the communication protocols to interface to the client debuggers. The on-chip hardware portion of eBug is realized with a new approach: rather than being built into the base pipelined data path, it is a loadable logic module that uses the standard Extension interface of the processor. This accomplishes the three goals of area minimization and reuse, security in a general purpose, multi-user environment, and open-ended extensibility. When not in use, eBug is simply not present on the chip and its area is therefore reused. eBug solves the security issues normally created by a hardware-level debug module because only the process that owns the eBug Extension can be affected by a debugging session. As an Extension, eBug is not compiled into the basic processor design and this makes it easy to add new features without affecting the core eMIPS design. Leveraging the high-visibility extension interface of eMIPS, eBug can realize arbitrarily complex features for high-level monitoring. To show this feature hardware watchpoints support is transparently added to the initial, simpler design. It is also possible to interface eBug with other eMIPS extensions such as those generated by P2V to improve its capabilities. eBug was written in Verilog and is usable both with the Giano system simulator and on the Xilinx ML401 FPGA board

    Techniques d'exploration architecturale de design à usage spécifique pour l'accélération de boucles

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    RÉSUMÉ De nos jours, les industriels privilégient les architectures flexibles afin de réduire le temps et les coûts de conception d’un système. Les processeurs à usage spécifique (ASIP) fournissent beaucoup de flexibilité, tout en atteignant des performances élevées. Une tendance qui a de plus en plus de succès dans le processus de conception d’un système sur puce consiste à spécifier le comportement du système en langage évolué tel que le C, SystemC, etc. La spécification est ensuite utilisée durant le partitionement pour déterminer les composantes logicielles et matérielles du système. Avec la maturité des générateurs automatiques de ASIP, les concepteurs peuvent rajouter dans leurs boîtes à outils un nouveau type d’architecture, à savoir les ASIP, en sachant que ces derniers sont conçus à partir d’une spécification décrite en langage évolué. D’un autre côté, dans le monde matériel, et cela depuis très longtemps, les chercheurs ont vu l’avantage de baser le processus de conception sur un langage évolué. Cette recherche a abouti à l’avénement de générateurs automatiques de matériel sur le marché qui sont des outils d’aide à la conception comme CapatultC, Forte’s Cynthetizer, etc. Ainsi, avec tous ces outils basés sur le langage C, les concepteurs ont un choix de types de design élargi mais, d’un autre côté, les options de designs possibles explosent, ce qui peut allonger au lieu de réduire le temps de conception. C’est dans ce cadre que notre thèse doctorale s’inscrit, puisqu’elle présente des méthodologies d’exploration architecturale de design à usage spécifique pour l’accélération de boucles afin de réduire le temps de conception, entre autres. Cette thèse a débuté par l’exploration de designs de ASIP. Les boucles de traitement sont de bonnes candidates à l’accélération, si elles comportent de bonnes possibilités de parallélisme et si ces dernières sont bien exploitées. Le matériel est très efficace à profiter des possibilités de parallélisme au niveau instruction, donc, une méthode de conception a été proposée. Cette dernière extrait le parallélisme d’une boucle afin d’exécuter plus d’opérations concurrentes dans des instructions spécialisées. Notre méthode se base aussi sur l’optimisation des données dans l’architecture du processeur.---------- ABSTRACT Time to market is a very important concern in industry. That is why the industry always looks for new CAD tools that contribute to reducing design time. Application-specific instruction-set processors (ASIPs) provide flexibility and they allow reaching good performance if they are well designed. One trend that gains more and more success is C-based design that uses a high level language such as C, SystemC, etc. The C-based specification is used during the partitionning phase to determine the software and hardware components of the system. Since automatic processor generators are mature now, designers have a new type of tool they can rely on during architecture design. In the hardware world, high level synthesis was and is still a hot research topic. The advances in ESL lead to commercial high-level synthesis tools such as CapatultC, Forte’s Cynthetizer, etc. The designers have more tools in their box but they have more solutions to explore, thus their use can have a reverse effect since the design time can increase instead of being reduced. Our doctoral research tackles this issue by proposing new methodologies for design space exploration of application specific architecture for loop acceleration in order to reduce the design time while reaching some targeted performances. Our thesis starts with the exploration of ASIP design. We propose a method that targets loop acceleration with highly coupled specialized-instructions executing loop operations. Loops are good candidates for acceleration when the parallelism they offer is well exploited (if they have any parallelization opportunities). Hardware components such as specialized-instructions can leverage parallelization opportunities at low level. Thus, we propose to extract loop parallelization opportunities and to execute more concurrent operations in specialized-instructions. The main contribution of this method is a new approach to specialized-instruction (SI) design based on loop acceleration where loop optimization and transformation are done in SIs directly, instead of optimizing the software code. Another contribution is the design of tightly-coupled specialized-instructions associated with loops based on a 5-pattern representation