2,746 research outputs found

    An architectural framework for heterogeneous networking.

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    The growth over the last decade in the use of wireless networking devices has been explosive. Soon many devices will have multiple network interfaces, each with very different characteristics. We believe that a framework that encapsulates the key challenges of heterogeneous networking is required. Like a map clearly helps one to plan a journey, a framework is needed to help us move forward in this unexplored area. The approach taken here is similar to the OSImodel in which tightly defined layers are used to specify functionality, allowing a modular approach to the extension of systems and the interchange of their components, whilst providing a model that is more oriented to heterogeneity and mobility

    An Architectural Framework for E-Voting Administration

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    One of the key areas of concentration in achieving harmonious democracy is transparency in the electoral processes. Some countries on the African continent such as Ghana and Kenya have recently had issues of doubt and mistrust of the administration and the management of their Electoral Commission and hence a suspicion of election fraud which has prone threats of violence, economic declination and on the peak, legal implications. There was a claim of double registration, duplicated ballots, lost ballots, wrong count of ballots, failure of biometric registration system, impersonation, and alteration of counted votes in the immediate past election in countries such as Ghana, which led to series of court cases. E- Voting brings about a suitable solution to these. Available Literature at present exclusively reveals that most e-voting systems have presented several failures in design. This raises eyebrows concerning the technical and procedural controls on whether they are sufficient to guarantee trustworthy voting. The best methods possible should be applied in order to come up with the best solutions based on a framework that thoroughly addresses the requirements and standards. Therefore, this paper seeks to optimize the voting processes and governance of the Electoral Commission of respective countries by proposing a trustable e-voting theoretical framework which dwells on biometric data of various candidates as the basis for encryption of ballot, dedicated channel for transmission of counted ballots and/or connecting and disconnecting the database server before and after voting. Various literatures are considered to help propose a robust framewor

    An Architectural Framework for Modeling Teleoperated service robots

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    Teleoperated robots are used to perform tasks that human operators cannot carry out because of the nature of the tasks themselves or the hostile nature of the working environment. Though many control architectures have been defined for developing these kinds of systems reusing common components, none has attained all its objectives because of the high variability of system behaviors. This paper presents a new architectural approach that takes into account the latest advances in robotic architectures while adopting a component-oriented approach. This approach provides a common framework for developing robotized systems with very different behaviors and for integrating intelligent components. The architecture is currently being used, tested and improved in the development of a family of teleoperated robots which perform cleaning of ship-hull surfaces.Este trabajo está parcialmente financiado por CICYT ref. TIC2003-07804-C05-02 y la Comunidad Autónoma de Murcia (Séneca PB/5/FS/02

    An Architectural Framework for Collaboration of Heterogeneous Communication Devices Using WAP and Mobile Device Augmented(MDA)Gateway Integration

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    Within the last couple of years, the challenge of displaying collaborative multimedia information has become very important with the large diversity of communication devices such as Personal Computers, laptops, notebooks and handheld devices. The shared data and information may be presented with different views depending on the communication device used by a particular collaborator. The use of various web tools (HTML, WML etc) offers some solutions to the problem but if the target application requires more complex features such as rich multimedia data than is manageable using HTML or WML format, something else need to be done. In this paper, we propose a framework that integrates WAP and MDA Gateway to support collaboration among virtual teams and nomadic workers using heterogeneous communication devices. We then discuss an approach for augmenting mobile device small screen capabilities with surrounding large screen display device

    An architectural framework for developing advanced integrated environmental monitoring systems

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    The environment has become a topic of great public and academic concern. Monitoring studies of environmental variables are needed to allow control strategies and policy-/decision-making to be applied effectively. This thesis presents an overview of the main issues and requirements for the capabilities of integration, flexibility and scalability for complex environmental monitoring applications. The scope and depth of the topics are considerable and are developing rapidly in line with new technology and computational techniques. The author proposes and designs an architectural framework to develop advanced integrated environmental monitoring systems (A-ITEMS), which feeds the requirements of complex environmental monitoring systems. Afterwards, in terms of the theoretical and technical investigation on the A-ITEMS, this thesis demonstrates the key ideas by implementing an Integrated Watershed Telemetry (IWT) system. The practical design and simulation implementation of the IWT system does show that the A-ITEMS has the significant flexibility and capability to adapt to complex environmental monitoring applications

    An Architectural Framework for Evidence-Based Practice Diffusion, Dissemination, and Institutionalization

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    Technology, innovation, and a demand for the safest, value-added healthcare have led to the proliferation of research studies. Unfortunately the evidence from most of those studies has yet to be applied to evidence-based practice (EBP) projects. Much of this research and many of EBP projects remain waiting to be retrieved, analyzed, translated, and applied to everyday practice. A finding from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) is that it takes approximately 10 years to integrate research evidence into practice (Rogers, 2009). Recent studies recognize nurses as a vehicle to shorten the research-to-practice 10-year journey; nurses are realized as the pinnacle for achieving safe and effective patient outcomes (Eggenberger, 2012). In order to maximize nurses’ capability, however, nurse leaders are challenged to identify and create the necessary support to deliver safe, EBP. Astonishingly, nurse leaders, in general, have also been identified as ill-equipped for EBP promotion (Melnyk, Fineout-Overholt, Gallagher-Ford, & Kaplan, 2012). For this reason, nurse leaders are implored to identify a framework and champion support needed for nurses to be successful with engaging team members to understand and utilize EBP. The goal, therefore, of this project was to create an adaptable EBP architectural framework with design elements and resources, which may be utilized and modified by nursing leaders across health care environments, including those incorporating high reliability, project management, continuous improvement, and lean principles. In creating this framework for EBP diffusion, dissemination and institutionalization, clinical outcomes of this organization improved from low to high decile performance

    An architectural framework for self-configuration and self-improvement at runtime

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    An Architectural Framework of a Decision Support Platform for e-Business

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    The rapid development of e-Business urges the need for online integrative partnership and collaborative business process management. These trends call for a new dimension of decision support: online multiplicitive decision interoperability. We define it as a decision support platform for e-Business, which facilitates inter-organizational decision making process allowing dynamic partnership. As it is not the common decision support system we familiar with, we propose a new architectural framework of this decision support platform. This framework carries a set of unique characteristics that should be incorporated in the design and development of such platform

    Towards an architectural framework for intelligent virtual agents using probabilistic programming

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    We present a new framework called KorraAI for conceiving and building embodied conversational agents (ECAs). Our framework models ECAs' behavior considering contextual information, for example, about environment and interaction time, and uncertain information provided by the human interaction partner. Moreover, agents built with KorraAI can show proactive behavior, as they can initiate interactions with human partners. For these purposes, KorraAI exploits probabilistic programming. Probabilistic models in KorraAI are used to model its behavior and interactions with the user. They enable adaptation to the user's preferences and a certain degree of indeterminism in the ECAs to achieve more natural behavior. Human-like internal states, such as moods, preferences, and emotions (e.g., surprise), can be modeled in KorraAI with distributions and Bayesian networks. These models can evolve over time, even without interaction with the user. ECA models are implemented as plugins and share a common interface. This enables ECA designers to focus more on the character they are modeling and less on the technical details, as well as to store and exchange ECA models. Several applications of KorraAI ECAs are possible, such as virtual sales agents, customer service agents, virtual companions, entertainers, or tutors