7 research outputs found

    Framework for design, simulation and functional prototyping of wearable IoT devices.

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    El presente proyecto tiene como propósito facilitar el diseño, simulación y prototipado funcional de dispositivos IoT vestibles. Estos dispositivos vestibles son elementos de cómputo con una gran capacidad de interacción con las personas y de comunicación con Internet. Estos dispositivos presentan una oportunidad para los ecosistemas donde se requiere implementar el desarrollo e innovación de base tecnológica, como en Colombia, país que cuenta con políticas encaminadas hacia este horizonte. Sin embargo, el proceso de desarrollo de tales equipos en un ambiente competitivo que se desarrolla a la velocidad de la tecnología de punta se considera complejo debido a factores como el tiempo de desarrollo, la interdisciplinariedad del equipo de trabajo necesario y la necesidad de implementación de funcionalidades avanzadas acordes con el desarrollo tecnológico actual. Para abordar estas dificultades se propuso el framework denominado Frame-WIoT, utilizando un enfoque de diseño basado en modelos con el cual se pudo abordar las dificultades inherentes al desarrollo de dispositivos vestibles. El trabajo consideró diseñar una arquitectura genérica que permita representar los dispositivos vestibles, de acuerdo con la documentación científica. El siguiente paso fue implementar los componentes de la arquitectura en un ambiente de simulación, Simulink, con el objetivo de formalizar el diseño genérico del punto anterior. Finalmente, se generaron los componentes de simulación y prototipado que fueron evaluados con la construcción de un prototipo funcional de dispositivo.LISTA DE FIGURAS 11 LISTA DE ANEXOS 16 RESUMEN 17 ABSTRACT 18 INTRODUCCION 19 1 PROBLEMA, PREGUNTA E HIPOTESIS DE INVESTIGACIÓN 21 1.1 PROBLEMA 21 1.1.1 Pregunta 23 1.1.2 Hipótesis 23 1.2 OBJETIVOS 25 1.2.2 Objetivos específicos 25 1.3 JUSTIFICACIÓN 26 2 MARCO REFERENCIAL 28 2.1 MARCO CONCEPTUAL 28 2.1.1 Framework 28 2.1.2 Diseño 28 2.1.3 Simulación 28 2.1.4 Prototipado 28 2.1.5 Dispositivo vestible 28 2.2 MARCO TEÓRICO 29 2.2.1 Internet de las cosas 29 2.2.2 Modelo de referencia de IoT 29 2.2.3 Capacidades de dispositivo IoT 29 2.2.4 Computación vestible 30 2.2.5 Vestibilidad 31 2.3 ESTADO DEL ARTE 32 2.3.1 Prototipado de vestibles: Aplicaciones y enfoques 33 2.3.2 Frameworks y otras herramientas para el prototipado 37 2.3.3 Consideraciones finales 41 2.4 MARCO LEGAL Y POLÍTICO 43 2.5 MARCO CONTEXTUAL 45 3 ASPECTOS METODOLÓGICOS 46 3.1 ENFOQUE Y TIPO DE INVESTIGACIÓN 46 3.2 TÉCNICAS E INSTRUMENTOS DE RECOLECCIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN 47 3.3 ACTIVIDADES REALIZADAS 48 3.3.1 Diseño de una arquitectura genérica para dispositivos vestibles 48 3.3.2 Implementación de los componentes de la arquitectura propuesta en Simulink 49 3.3.3 Construcción del componente de simulación del framework 50 3.3.4 Construcción del componente de prototipado del framework 51 4 ARQUITECTURA GENÉRICA PARA DISPOSITIVOS IOT VESTIBLES 53 4.1 ANÁLISIS DE ARQUITECTURAS ENCONTRADAS EN LA LITERATURA CIENTÍFICA 53 4.2 REQUISITOS DE UN VESTIBLE 57 4.3 MODELO DE DOMINIO PARA IOT VESTIBLE 60 4.4 FLUJO DE INFORMACIÓN EN LA ARQUITECTURA IOT-A 62 4.4.1 Servicio adquiere valor de un sensor 62 4.4.2 Almacenamiento de información del sensor 62 4.5 FLUJO DE INFORMACIÓN EN EL DISPOSITIVO VESTIBLE 62 4.6 DIAGRAMA DE COMPONENTES 63 4.7 DIAGRAMA DE DESPLIEGUE 65 5 ARQUITECTURA IMPLEMENTADA EN SIMULINK 68 5.1 COMPONENTE DE ADQUISICIÓN 71 5.2 COMPONENTE DE PROCESAMIENTO 74 5.3 COMPONENTE DE ALMACENAMIENTO 76 5.4 COMPONENTE DE SALIDA/CTUACIÓN 77 5.5 COMPONENTE DE COMUNICACIÓN 79 6 ENTORNO DE SIMULACIÓN PARA FRAME-WIOT 81 6.1 ESCENARIOS DE SIMULACIÓN 81 6.1.1 Escenario de interacción con la persona 83 6.1.2 Escenario de comunicación de datos 83 6.2 ELEMENTOS DEL ENTORNO DE SIMULACIÓN PARA FRAME-WIOT 84 6.3 MODELO DE COMPONENTES DE LA ARQUITECTURA DE DISPOSITIVO VESTIBLE EN SIMULINK 84 6.3.1 Componente de adquisición 84 6.3.2 Componente de procesamiento 85 6.3.3 Componente de actuación 87 6.3.4 Componente de comunicación 88 6.3.5 Componente de almacenamiento 89 6.4 INTERFAZ DE SIMULACIÓN 89 6.5 INTERFAZ DE SALIDA DE VIDEO 90 6.6 MODELO DEL CUERPO HUMANO 91 7 ENTORNO DE PROTOTIPADO 94 7.1 RECURSOS PARA LA IMPLEMENTACIÓN DE PROTOTIPOS 94 7.1.1 Raspberry Pi 94 7.1.2 Thingspeak 95 7.1.3 Modelo de prototipado 97 7.2 COMPONENTES MODIFICADOS PARA PROTOTIPADO 99 7.2.1 Componente de adquisición 100 7.2.2 Componente de comunicación 101 7.2.3 Componente de actuación/salida. 102 7.3 PRUEBAS IMPLEMENTADAS 104 7.3.1 Pruebas para el componente de adquisición 104 7.3.2 Pruebas al componente de actuación 105 7.3.3 Pruebas al componente de comunicación 107 7.4 PRUEBA DE CONCEPTO 110 7.4.1 Problema 110 7.4.2. Solución planteada 111 7.4.3 Escenarios evaluados 111 7.4.4 Conclusiones sobre la prueba de concepto 118 8 RESULTADOS 119 9 CONCLUSIONES Y RECOMENDACIONES 121 9.1 CONCLUSIONES 121 9.2 RECOMENDACIONES 125 10 REFERENCIAS 127 11 ANEXOS 140MaestríaThe purpose of this project is to facilitate the design, simulation and functional prototyping of wearable IoT devices. These wearable devices are computational elements with a great capacity for interaction with people and communication with the Internet. These devices present an opportunity for ecosystems where it is necessary to implement technology-based development and innovation, as in Colombia, a country that has policies aimed at this horizon. However, the process of developing such equipment in a competitive environment that develops at the speed of cutting-edge technology is considered complex due to factors such as development time, the interdisciplinary nature of the necessary work team and the need to implement advanced functionalities in line with current technological development. To address these difficulties, the framework called Frame-WIoT was proposed, using a design approach based on models with which the inherent difficulties in the development of wearable devices could be addressed. The work considered to design a generic architecture that allows to represent wearable devices, according to the scientific documentation. The next step was to implement the components of the architecture in a simulation environment, Simulink, with the aim of formalizing the generic design of the previous point. Finally, the simulation and prototyping components that were evaluated with the construction of a functional device prototype were generated

    Análise colaborativa de grandes conjuntos de séries temporais

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    The recent expansion of metrification on a daily basis has led to the production of massive quantities of data, and in many cases, these collected metrics are only useful for knowledge building when seen as a full sequence of data ordered by time, which constitutes a time series. To find and interpret meaningful behavioral patterns in time series, a multitude of analysis software tools have been developed. Many of the existing solutions use annotations to enable the curation of a knowledge base that is shared between a group of researchers over a network. However, these tools also lack appropriate mechanisms to handle a high number of concurrent requests and to properly store massive data sets and ontologies, as well as suitable representations for annotated data that are visually interpretable by humans and explorable by automated systems. The goal of the work presented in this dissertation is to iterate on existing time series analysis software and build a platform for the collaborative analysis of massive time series data sets, leveraging state-of-the-art technologies for querying, storing and displaying time series and annotations. A theoretical and domain-agnostic model was proposed to enable the implementation of a distributed, extensible, secure and high-performant architecture that handles various annotation proposals in simultaneous and avoids any data loss from overlapping contributions or unsanctioned changes. Analysts can share annotation projects with peers, restricting a set of collaborators to a smaller scope of analysis and to a limited catalog of annotation semantics. Annotations can express meaning not only over a segment of time, but also over a subset of the series that coexist in the same segment. A novel visual encoding for annotations is proposed, where annotations are rendered as arcs traced only over the affected series’ curves in order to reduce visual clutter. Moreover, the implementation of a full-stack prototype with a reactive web interface was described, directly following the proposed architectural and visualization model while applied to the HVAC domain. The performance of the prototype under different architectural approaches was benchmarked, and the interface was tested in its usability. Overall, the work described in this dissertation contributes with a more versatile, intuitive and scalable time series annotation platform that streamlines the knowledge-discovery workflow.A recente expansão de metrificação diária levou à produção de quantidades massivas de dados, e em muitos casos, estas métricas são úteis para a construção de conhecimento apenas quando vistas como uma sequência de dados ordenada por tempo, o que constitui uma série temporal. Para se encontrar padrões comportamentais significativos em séries temporais, uma grande variedade de software de análise foi desenvolvida. Muitas das soluções existentes utilizam anotações para permitir a curadoria de uma base de conhecimento que é compartilhada entre investigadores em rede. No entanto, estas ferramentas carecem de mecanismos apropriados para lidar com um elevado número de pedidos concorrentes e para armazenar conjuntos massivos de dados e ontologias, assim como também representações apropriadas para dados anotados que são visualmente interpretáveis por seres humanos e exploráveis por sistemas automatizados. O objetivo do trabalho apresentado nesta dissertação é iterar sobre o software de análise de séries temporais existente e construir uma plataforma para a análise colaborativa de grandes conjuntos de séries temporais, utilizando tecnologias estado-de-arte para pesquisar, armazenar e exibir séries temporais e anotações. Um modelo teórico e agnóstico quanto ao domínio foi proposto para permitir a implementação de uma arquitetura distribuída, extensível, segura e de alto desempenho que lida com várias propostas de anotação em simultâneo e evita quaisquer perdas de dados provenientes de contribuições sobrepostas ou alterações não-sancionadas. Os analistas podem compartilhar projetos de anotação com colegas, restringindo um conjunto de colaboradores a uma janela de análise mais pequena e a um catálogo limitado de semântica de anotação. As anotações podem exprimir significado não apenas sobre um intervalo de tempo, mas também sobre um subconjunto das séries que coexistem no mesmo intervalo. Uma nova codificação visual para anotações é proposta, onde as anotações são desenhadas como arcos traçados apenas sobre as curvas de séries afetadas de modo a reduzir o ruído visual. Para além disso, a implementação de um protótipo full-stack com uma interface reativa web foi descrita, seguindo diretamente o modelo de arquitetura e visualização proposto enquanto aplicado ao domínio AVAC. O desempenho do protótipo com diferentes decisões arquiteturais foi avaliado, e a interface foi testada quanto à sua usabilidade. Em geral, o trabalho descrito nesta dissertação contribui com uma abordagem mais versátil, intuitiva e escalável para uma plataforma de anotação sobre séries temporais que simplifica o fluxo de trabalho para a descoberta de conhecimento.Mestrado em Engenharia Informátic

    An Architectural Based Framework for the Distributed Collection, Analysis and Query from Inhomogeneous Time Series Data Sets and Wearables for Biofeedback Applications

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    The increasing professionalism of sports persons and desire of consumers to imitate this has led to an increased metrification of sport. This has been driven in no small part by the widespread availability of comparatively cheap assessment technologies and, more recently, wearable technologies. Historically, whilst these have produced large data sets, often only the most rudimentary analysis has taken place (Wisbey et al in: “Quantifying movement demands of AFL football using GPS tracking”). This paucity of analysis is due in no small part to the challenges of analysing large sets of data that are often from disparate data sources to glean useful key performance indicators, which has been a largely a labour intensive process. This paper presents a framework that can be cloud based for the gathering, storing and algorithmic interpretation of large and inhomogeneous time series data sets. The framework is architecture based and technology agnostic in the data sources it can gather, and presents a model for multi set analysis for inter- and intra- devices and individual subject matter. A sample implementation demonstrates the utility of the framework for sports performance data collected from distributed inertial sensors in the sport of swimming

    An Architectural Based Framework for the Distributed Collection, Analysis and Query from Inhomogeneous Time Series Data Sets and Wearables for Biofeedback Applications

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    The increasing professionalism of sports persons and desire of consumers to imitate this has led to an increased metrification of sport. This has been driven in no small part by the widespread availability of comparatively cheap assessment technologies and, more recently, wearable technologies. Historically, whilst these have produced large data sets, often only the most rudimentary analysis has taken place (Wisbey et al in: “Quantifying movement demands of AFL football using GPS tracking”). This paucity of analysis is due in no small part to the challenges of analysing large sets of data that are often from disparate data sources to glean useful key performance indicators, which has been a largely a labour intensive process. This paper presents a framework that can be cloud based for the gathering, storing and algorithmic interpretation of large and inhomogeneous time series data sets. The framework is architecture based and technology agnostic in the data sources it can gather, and presents a model for multi set analysis for inter- and intra- devices and individual subject matter. A sample implementation demonstrates the utility of the framework for sports performance data collected from distributed inertial sensors in the sport of swimming