37,804 research outputs found

    Passively mode-locked laser using an entirely centred erbium-doped fiber

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    This paper describes the setup and experimental results for an entirely centred erbium-doped fiber laser with passively mode-locked output. The gain medium of the ring laser cavity configuration comprises a 3 m length of two-core optical fiber, wherein an undoped outer core region of 9.38 μm diameter surrounds a 4.00 μm diameter central core region doped with erbium ions at 400 ppm concentration. The generated stable soliton mode-locking output has a central wavelength of 1533 nm and pulses that yield an average output power of 0.33 mW with a pulse energy of 31.8 pJ. The pulse duration is 0.7 ps and the measured output repetition rate of 10.37 MHz corresponds to a 96.4 ns pulse spacing in the pulse train

    Using SeaWiFS and In Situ Data for HAB Prediction in the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Decision Tree Analysis

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    To date, 13 potential HAB species have been detected in coastal waters of Mississippi and Alabama, including representatives of the diatom genera Pseudo-nitzschia and Chaetoceros, and dinoflagellate genera Karenia, Gonyaulax, Akashiwo, Karlodinium, and Prorocentrum. This study investigates the potential of satellite remote sensing (SeaWiFS) to predict environmental conditions leading to the formation of HABs in these turbid coastal waters. Phytoplankton populations and water quality were monitored in situ at 3 to 6 week intervals and 17 locations in Mobile Bay and the Mississippi Sound from December, 2004, through June, 2006. SeaWiFS imagery corresponding with in situ collections was acquired. Non-parametric multivariate analyses determined relationships between phytoplankton cell counts and in situ or satellite-derived water properties, including surface temperature, salinity, concentrations of chlorophyll, total suspended solids, colored dissolved organic material, and nutrient levels. This paper will describe an expert system decision tree analysis approach to prediction of ecological conditions necessary for the formation of HABs. The model assumes unique ranges of remote sensing reflectance ratios, Chl a, and total suspended solids must exist within the environment are conducive for the formation of HABs. 

    Assessing the Effectiveness of Automated Emotion Recognition in Adults and Children for Clinical Investigation

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    Recent success stories in automated object or face recognition, partly fuelled by deep learning artificial neural network (ANN) architectures, has led to the advancement of biometric research platforms and, to some extent, the resurrection of Artificial Intelligence (AI). In line with this general trend, inter-disciplinary approaches have taken place to automate the recognition of emotions in adults or children for the benefit of various applications such as identification of children emotions prior to a clinical investigation. Within this context, it turns out that automating emotion recognition is far from being straight forward with several challenges arising for both science(e.g., methodology underpinned by psychology) and technology (e.g., iMotions biometric research platform). In this paper, we present a methodology, experiment and interesting findings, which raise the following research questions for the recognition of emotions and attention in humans: a) adequacy of well-established techniques such as the International Affective Picture System (IAPS), b) adequacy of state-of-the-art biometric research platforms, c) the extent to which emotional responses may be different among children or adults. Our findings and first attempts to answer some of these research questions, are all based on a mixed sample of adults and children, who took part in the experiment resulting into a statistical analysis of numerous variables. These are related with, both automatically and interactively, captured responses of participants to a sample of IAPS pictures

    JISC Preservation of Web Resources (PoWR) Handbook

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    Handbook of Web Preservation produced by the JISC-PoWR project which ran from April to November 2008. The handbook specifically addresses digital preservation issues that are relevant to the UK HE/FE web management community”. The project was undertaken jointly by UKOLN at the University of Bath and ULCC Digital Archives department

    Dynamics of agrarian landscapes in Western Thailand : Agro-ecological zonation and agricultural transformations in Kanjanaburi Province: hypotheses for improving farming systems sustainability

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    Ce document traite de la zonation agroécologique à petite échelle, comme outil essentiel dans la recherche orientée sur les systèmes agraires en vue du développement. Ces systèmes sont définis comme modes d'exploitation adaptés à l'environnement (naturel et humain) y compris échanges de produit et patrimoine culturel; l'étude comprend systèmes de production et de culture, et types d'utilisation des sols. Les diverses relations entre éléments sont analysées dans l'espace et le temps de façon à dégager la dynamique des transformations. Le projet a fait intervenir des équipes pluridisciplinaires comprenant agronomes et spécialistes des ressources naturelles en sociologie et télédétection; le tout aux niveaux de la parcelle et de l'exploitation agricole. Le texte, qui comporte un glossaire technique précis, est illustré de six clichés en couleurs (cultures de maïs, cotonnier, manioc, manguiers) et d'une image digitale en couleurs d'une partie de l'ouest de la Thaïlande vue du satellite Landsat-T

    Designing requirements engineering research

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    Engineering sciences study different different topics than natural sciences, and utility is an essential factor in choosing engineering research problems. But despite these differences, research methods for the engineering sciences are no different than research methods for any other kind of science. At most there is a difference in emphasis. In the case of requirements engineering research - and more generally software engineering research - there is a confusion about the relative roles of research and about design and the methods appropriate for each of these activities. This paper analyzes these roles and provides a classification of research methods that can be used in any science—engineering or otherwise