841 research outputs found

    Computationally Derived Points of Fragility of a Human Cascade Are Consistent with Current Therapeutic Strategies

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    The role that mechanistic mathematical modeling and systems biology will play in molecular medicine and clinical development remains uncertain. In this study, mathematical modeling and sensitivity analysis were used to explore the working hypothesis that mechanistic models of human cascades, despite model uncertainty, can be computationally screened for points of fragility, and that these sensitive mechanisms could serve as therapeutic targets. We tested our working hypothesis by screening a model of the well-studied coagulation cascade, developed and validated from literature. The predicted sensitive mechanisms were then compared with the treatment literature. The model, composed of 92 proteins and 148 protein–protein interactions, was validated using 21 published datasets generated from two different quiescent in vitro coagulation models. Simulated platelet activation and thrombin generation profiles in the presence and absence of natural anticoagulants were consistent with measured values, with a mean correlation of 0.87 across all trials. Overall state sensitivity coefficients, which measure the robustness or fragility of a given mechanism, were calculated using a Monte Carlo strategy. In the absence of anticoagulants, fluid and surface phase factor X/activated factor X (fX/FXa) activity and thrombin-mediated platelet activation were found to be fragile, while fIX/FIXa and fVIII/FVIIIa activation and activity were robust. Both anti-fX/FXa and direct thrombin inhibitors are important classes of anticoagulants; for example, anti-fX/FXa inhibitors have FDA approval for the prevention of venous thromboembolism following surgical intervention and as an initial treatment for deep venous thrombosis and pulmonary embolism. Both in vitro and in vivo experimental evidence is reviewed supporting the prediction that fIX/FIXa activity is robust. When taken together, these results support our working hypothesis that computationally derived points of fragility of human relevant cascades could be used as a rational basis for target selection despite model uncertainty

    Emerging investigator series: moving beyond resilience by considering antifragility in potable water systems

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    It is inherently difficult to plan water systems for a future that is non-predictive. This paper introduces a novel perspective for the design and operation of potable water systems under increasing water quality volatility (e.g., a relatively rapid and unpredicted deviation from baseline water quality). Increased water quality volatility and deep uncertainty stress water systems, confound design decisions, and increase the risk of decreased water system performance. Recent emphasis on resilience in drinking water treatment has partly addressed this issue, but still establishes an adversarial relationship with change. An antifragile system benefits from volatile change. By incorporating antifragility, water systems may move beyond resilience and improve performance with extreme events and other changes, rather than survive, or fail and quickly recover. Using examples of algal blooms, wildfires, and the COVID-19 pandemic, this work illustrates fragility, resilience, and antifragility within physicochemical process design including clarification, adsorption and disinfection. Methods for increasing antifragility, both individual process options and new system design tools, are discussed. Novel physicochemical processes with antifragile characteristics include ferrate preoxidation and magnetic iron (nano)particles. New design tools that allow for systematic evaluation of antifragile opportunities include artificial neural networks and virtual jar or pilot “stress testing”. Incorporating antifragile characteristics represents a trade-off with capital and/or operating cost. We present a real options analysis approach to considering costs in the context of antifragile design decisions. Adopting this antifragile perspective will help ensure water system improved performance during extreme events and a general increase in volatility

    A Test of Highly Optimized Tolerance Reveals Fragile Cell-Cycle Mechanisms Are Molecular Targets in Clinical Cancer Trials

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    Robustness, a long-recognized property of living systems, allows function in the face of uncertainty while fragility, i.e., extreme sensitivity, can potentially lead to catastrophic failure following seemingly innocuous perturbations. Carlson and Doyle hypothesized that highly-evolved networks, e.g., those involved in cell-cycle regulation, can be resistant to some perturbations while highly sensitive to others. The “robust yet fragile” duality of networks has been termed Highly Optimized Tolerance (HOT) and has been the basis of new lines of inquiry in computational and experimental biology. In this study, we tested the working hypothesis that cell-cycle control architectures obey the HOT paradigm. Three cell-cycle models were analyzed using monte-carlo sensitivity analysis. Overall state sensitivity coefficients, which quantify the robustness or fragility of a given mechanism, were calculated using a monte-carlo strategy with three different numerical techniques along with multiple parameter perturbation strategies to control for possible numerical and sampling artifacts. Approximately 65% of the mechanisms in the G1/S restriction point were responsible for 95% of the sensitivity, conversely, the G2-DNA damage checkpoint showed a much stronger dependence on a few mechanisms; ∼32% or 13 of 40 mechanisms accounted for 95% of the sensitivity. Our analysis predicted that CDC25 and cyclin E mechanisms were strongly implicated in G1/S malfunctions, while fragility in the G2/M checkpoint was predicted to be associated with the regulation of the cyclin B-CDK1 complex. Analysis of a third model containing both G1/S and G2/M checkpoint logic, predicted in addition to mechanisms already mentioned, that translation and programmed proteolysis were also key fragile subsystems. Comparison of the predicted fragile mechanisms with literature and current preclinical and clinical trials suggested a strong correlation between efficacy and fragility. Thus, when taken together, these results support the working hypothesis that cell-cycle control architectures are HOT networks and establish the mathematical estimation and subsequent therapeutic exploitation of fragile mechanisms as a novel strategy for anti-cancer lead generation

    Business fluctuations in a behavioral switching model: Gridlock effects and credit crunch phenomena in financial networks

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    In this paper we characterize the evolution over time of a credit network in the most general terms as a system of interacting banks and firms operating in a three-sector economy with goods, credit and interbank market. Credit connections change over time via an evolving fitness measure depending from lenders’ supply of liquidity and borrowers’ demand of credit. Moreover, an endogenous learning mechanism allows agents to switch between a loyal or a shopping-around strategy according to their degree of satisfaction. The crucial question we investigate is how financial bubbles and credit-crunch phenomena emerge from the implemented mechanism

    Analysis of the Molecular Networks in Androgen Dependent and Independent Prostate Cancer Revealed Fragile and Robust Subsystems

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    Androgen ablation therapy is currently the primary treatment for metastatic prostate cancer. Unfortunately, in nearly all cases, androgen ablation fails to permanently arrest cancer progression. As androgens like testosterone are withdrawn, prostate cancer cells lose their androgen sensitivity and begin to proliferate without hormone growth factors. In this study, we constructed and analyzed a mathematical model of the integration between hormone growth factor signaling, androgen receptor activation, and the expression of cyclin D and Prostate-Specific Antigen in human LNCaP prostate adenocarcinoma cells. The objective of the study was to investigate which signaling systems were important in the loss of androgen dependence. The model was formulated as a set of ordinary differential equations which described 212 species and 384 interactions, including both the mRNA and protein levels for key species. An ensemble approach was chosen to constrain model parameters and to estimate the impact of parametric uncertainty on model predictions. Model parameters were identified using 14 steady-state and dynamic LNCaP data sets taken from literature sources. Alterations in the rate of Prostatic Acid Phosphatase expression was sufficient to capture varying levels of androgen dependence. Analysis of the model provided insight into the importance of network components as a function of androgen dependence. The importance of androgen receptor availability and the MAPK/Akt signaling axes was independent of androgen status. Interestingly, androgen receptor availability was important even in androgen-independent LNCaP cells. Translation became progressively more important in androgen-independent LNCaP cells. Further analysis suggested a positive synergy between the MAPK and Akt signaling axes and the translation of key proliferative markers like cyclin D in androgen-independent cells. Taken together, the results support the targeting of both the Akt and MAPK pathways. Moreover, the analysis suggested that direct targeting of the translational machinery, specifically eIF4E, could be efficacious in androgen-independent prostate cancers

    Precise calculation of a bond percolation transition and survival rates of nodes in a complex network

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    <p><b>(a) Cumulative distributions of the survival rate at the critical point (<i>f</i><sub>c</sub> = 0.994) of nodes belonging to the largest shell, <i>k</i><sub><i>s</i></sub> = 25, in the initial state. (b) Schematic figure of calculating the survival rate</b>. Each link is supposed to be removed with the same probability and we compare the sizes of separated clusters. The gray nodes belong to the largest cluster. <b>(c) Cumulative distribution of link numbers at the critical point in a log-log plot</b>. The solid line is calculated only in the largest cluster, and a superposition of 100 trials. The dotted line is calculated for all clusters, and we take superposition of 10 trials. The guide line shows the slope of 1.5, the same slope as <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0119979#pone.0119979.g001" target="_blank">Fig 1(a)</a>.</p

    Computational models of hemostasis: Degrees of complexity

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    The history of studies on blood clotting goes back to the emergence of civilized society itself. The foundations of the modern scientific study of hemostasis are based on the discovery of erythrocytes in blood in 1674 and, later, that of platelets in 1842. The causes of thrombosis are encapsulated in the Virchow Triad (dated to 1856), which refers, in modern terms, to hypercoagulability, alterations of hemodynamics (stasis), and endothelial injury. The understanding of coagulation, the network of reactions that underlies hemostasis and thrombosis, has evolved from a cascade (in 1964) into spatially distinct sets of reactions dependent on co-factors occurring on different cells in different tissues and linked together by diffusion and flow (as of 2015). Correspondingly, mathematical/computational models for hemostasis and thrombosis (which involve coagulation along with platelet aggregation in the presence of flow) have evolved in design complexity from Continuum temporal (or “homogeneous”) models to Continuum spatio-temporal models (with or without the flow) and lately into Discrete-Continuum spatio-temporal models with the flow. After a brief listing of the discoveries and historical personae that contributed to the understanding of hemostasis up to the present, the development of mathematical/computational models is traced from the late 1980s when they started gaining importance. Influential models are then highlighted. The models are reviewed in increasing order of design complexity (one of four possible methods of classification). The physiological significance of each and the insights they offer into hemostasis regulation are explained. © 2022 The Author