28 research outputs found

    Using NLP to build the hypertextuel network of a back-of-the-book index

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    Relying on the idea that back-of-the-book indexes are traditional devices for navigation through large documents, we have developed a method to build a hypertextual network that helps the navigation in a document. Building such an hypertextual network requires selecting a list of descriptors, identifying the relevant text segments to associate with each descriptor and finally ranking the descriptors and reference segments by relevance order. We propose a specific document segmentation method and a relevance measure for information ranking. The algorithms are tested on 4 corpora (of different types and domains) without human intervention or any semantic knowledge

    Linguistic Analysis of Users' Queries: towards an adaptive Information Retrieval System

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    International audienceMost of Information Retrieval Systems transform natural language users'queries into bags of words that are matched to documents also represented as bags of words. Through such process, the richness of the query is lost. In this paper we show that linguistic features of a query are good indicators to predict systems failure to answer it. The experiments are based on 42 systems or system variants and 50 TREC topics that consist of a descriptive part expressed in natural language

    Unités d'indexation et taille des requêtes pour la recherche d'information en français

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    International audienceThis paper analyses different indexing method for French (lemmas, stems and truncated terms) as well as their fusing. We also examine the influence of the different section of a topic on precision. Our study uses the collections from CLEF – French monolingual from 2000 to 2005. We show that the best method is the one based on lemmas and that fuse the results obtained with the different sections of a topic.MOTS-CLÉS :recherche d'information, fusion, indexation, influence de l'indexation, recherche d'information en français.Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à la recherche d'information en Français. Nous analysons différentes techniques d'indexation (basées sur des lemmes, des radicaux ou des termes) et leur fusion. Nous analysons également l'influence de la prise en compte des différentes parties d'une requête. Notre étude porte sur 6 campagnes d'évaluation de CLEF Français. Nous montrons que l'utilisation des lemmes et la combinaison des différentes variantes d'une requête sont les plus efficaces pour améliorer la précision moyenne et la haute précisio

    Evaluating the Potential of Explicit Phrases for Retrieval Quality

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    Abstract. This paper evaluates the potential impact of explicit phrases on retrieval quality through a case study with the TREC Terabyte benchmark. It compares the performance of user-and system-identified phrases with a standard score and a proximity-aware score, and shows that an optimal choice of phrases, including term permutations, can significantly improve query performance

    Combining compound and single terms under language model framework

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    International audienceMost existing Information Retrieval model including probabilistic and vector space models are based on the term independence hypothesis. To go beyond this assumption and thereby capture the semantics of document and query more accurately, several works have incorporated phrases or other syntactic information in IR, such attempts have shown slight benefit, at best. Particularly in language modeling approaches this extension is achieved through the use of the bigram or n-gram models. However, in these models all bigrams/n-grams are considered and weighted uniformly. In this paper we introduce a new approach to select and weight relevant n-grams associated with a document. Experimental results on three TREC test collections showed an improvement over three strongest state-of-the-art model baselines, which are the original unigram language model, the Markov Random Field model, and the positional language model

    Lexical cohesion and term proximity in document ranking

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    Cataloged from PDF version of article.We demonstrate effective new methods of document ranking based on lexical cohesive relationships between query terms. The proposed methods rely solely on the lexical relationships between original query terms, and do not involve query expansion or relevance feedback. Two types of lexical cohesive relationship information between query terms are used in document ranking: short-distance collocation relationship between query terms, and long-distance relationship, determined by the collocation of query terms with other words. The methods are evaluated on TREC corpora, and show improvements over baseline systems. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Data-poor categorization and passage retrieval for Gene Ontology Annotation in Swiss-Prot

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the context of the BioCreative competition, where training data were very sparse, we investigated two complementary tasks: 1) given a Swiss-Prot triplet, containing a protein, a GO (Gene Ontology) term and a relevant article, extraction of a short passage that justifies the GO category assignement; 2) given a Swiss-Prot pair, containing a protein and a relevant article, automatic assignement of a set of categories.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Sentence is the basic retrieval unit. Our classifier computes a distance between each sentence and the GO category provided with the Swiss-Prot entry. The Text Categorizer computes a distance between each GO term and the text of the article. Evaluations are reported both based on annotator judgements as established by the competition and based on mean average precision measures computed using a curated sample of Swiss-Prot.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Our system achieved the best recall and precision combination both for passage retrieval and text categorization as evaluated by official evaluators. However, text categorization results were far below those in other data-poor text categorization experiments The top proposed term is relevant in less that 20% of cases, while categorization with other biomedical controlled vocabulary, such as the Medical Subject Headings, we achieved more than 90% precision. We also observe that the scoring methods used in our experiments, based on the retrieval status value of our engines, exhibits effective confidence estimation capabilities.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>From a comparative perspective, the combination of retrieval and natural language processing methods we designed, achieved very competitive performances. Largely data-independent, our systems were no less effective that data-intensive approaches. These results suggests that the overall strategy could benefit a large class of information extraction tasks, especially when training data are missing. However, from a user perspective, results were disappointing. Further investigations are needed to design applicable end-user text mining tools for biologists.</p

    Information Retrieval: Recent Advances and Beyond

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    In this paper, we provide a detailed overview of the models used for information retrieval in the first and second stages of the typical processing chain. We discuss the current state-of-the-art models, including methods based on terms, semantic retrieval, and neural. Additionally, we delve into the key topics related to the learning process of these models. This way, this survey offers a comprehensive understanding of the field and is of interest for for researchers and practitioners entering/working in the information retrieval domain