420 research outputs found

    Distributed dispatchers for partially clairvoyant schedulers

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    This work focuses on the empirical evaluation of distributed dispatching strategies on shared and distributed memory architectures for hard real-time systems. The dispatching model accommodates process parameter variability and analyzes the effect of variable execution times.;Hard real-time systems are modeled in the E-T-C scheduling framework and dispatched if a valid schedule exists. We examine the dispatchability of Partially Clairvoyant schedules of different sizes and varying deadlines under reasonable assumptions. The effect of scaling up the number of processors used by the dispatcher is also studied. The results validate the superiority of the distributed strategies over sequential dispatching and scalability of the distributed strategies. Certain system limitations which lead to Loss of Dispatchability in the experiments were pointed out.;The model finds applications in diverse areas like safety critical systems, robotics and machine control, real-time data management, and this approach is targeted at powering up the controllers

    IST Austria Technical Report

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    We present a flexible framework for the automated competitive analysis of on-line scheduling algorithms for firm- deadline real-time tasks based on multi-objective graphs: Given a taskset and an on-line scheduling algorithm specified as a labeled transition system, along with some optional safety, liveness, and/or limit-average constraints for the adversary, we automatically compute the competitive ratio of the algorithm w.r.t. a clairvoyant scheduler. We demonstrate the flexibility and power of our approach by comparing the competitive ratio of several on-line algorithms, including D(over), that have been proposed in the past, for various tasksets. Our experimental results reveal that none of these algorithms is universally optimal, in the sense that there are tasksets where other schedulers provide better performance. Our framework is hence a very useful design tool for selecting optimal algorithms for a given application

    Schedulability Analysis for Adaptive Mixed Criticality Systems with Arbitrary Deadlines and Semi-Clairvoyance

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    This paper provides analysis of the Adaptive Mixed Criticality (AMC) scheduling scheme for mixed-criticality systems that include tasks with arbitrary deadlines and semi-clairvoyant behavior. An arbitrary deadline task is one that can have a deadline that may be greater than its period. A semi-clairvoyant task is one that upon arrival of each job, reveals which of its two WCET parameters will be respected. This enables an earlier switch to be made from the normal mode of operation to the abnormal mode. The previously published schedulability test AMC-max is modified to cater for both of these extensions. Evaluation shows that there is a significant improvement in schedulability for semi-clairvoyant tasks over non-clairvoyant, and for arbitrary-deadline tasks over considering those deadlines as being constrained by the task’s period

    Online Matching with Stochastic Rewards: Optimal Competitive Ratio via Path Based Formulation

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    The problem of online matching with stochastic rewards is a generalization of the online bipartite matching problem where each edge has a probability of success. When a match is made it succeeds with the probability of the corresponding edge. Introducing this model, Mehta and Panigrahi (FOCS 2012) focused on the special case of identical edge probabilities. Comparing against a deterministic offline LP, they showed that the Ranking algorithm of Karp et al. (STOC 1990) is 0.534 competitive and proposed a new online algorithm with an improved guarantee of 0.5670.567 for vanishingly small probabilities. For the case of vanishingly small but heterogeneous probabilities Mehta et al. (SODA 2015), gave a 0.534 competitive algorithm against the same LP benchmark. For the more general vertex-weighted version of the problem, to the best of our knowledge, no results being 1/21/2 were previously known even for identical probabilities. We focus on the vertex-weighted version and give two improvements. First, we show that a natural generalization of the Perturbed-Greedy algorithm of Aggarwal et al. (SODA 2011), is (1−1/e)(1-1/e) competitive when probabilities decompose as a product of two factors, one corresponding to each vertex of the edge. This is the best achievable guarantee as it includes the case of identical probabilities and in particular, the classical online bipartite matching problem. Second, we give a deterministic 0.5960.596 competitive algorithm for the previously well studied case of fully heterogeneous but vanishingly small edge probabilities. A key contribution of our approach is the use of novel path-based analysis. This allows us to compare against the natural benchmarks of adaptive offline algorithms that know the sequence of arrivals and the edge probabilities in advance, but not the outcomes of potential matches.Comment: Preliminary version in EC 202

    Automated competitive analysis of real time scheduling with graph games

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    This paper is devoted to automatic competitive analysis of real-time scheduling algorithms for firm-deadline tasksets, where only completed tasks con- tribute some utility to the system. Given such a taskset T , the competitive ratio of an on-line scheduling algorithm A for T is the worst-case utility ratio of A over the utility achieved by a clairvoyant algorithm. We leverage the theory of quantitative graph games to address the competitive analysis and competitive synthesis problems. For the competitive analysis case, given any taskset T and any finite-memory on- line scheduling algorithm A , we show that the competitive ratio of A in T can be computed in polynomial time in the size of the state space of A . Our approach is flexible as it also provides ways to model meaningful constraints on the released task sequences that determine the competitive ratio. We provide an experimental study of many well-known on-line scheduling algorithms, which demonstrates the feasibility of our competitive analysis approach that effectively replaces human ingenuity (required Preliminary versions of this paper have appeared in Chatterjee et al. ( 2013 , 2014 ). B Andreas Pavlogiannis [email protected] Krishnendu Chatterjee [email protected] Alexander Kößler [email protected] Ulrich Schmid [email protected] 1 IST Austria (Institute of Science and Technology Austria), Am Campus 1, 3400 Klosterneuburg, Austria 2 Embedded Computing Systems Group, Vienna University of Technology, Treitlstrasse 3, 1040 Vienna, Austria 123 Real-Time Syst for finding worst-case scenarios) by computing power. For the competitive synthesis case, we are just given a taskset T , and the goal is to automatically synthesize an opti- mal on-line scheduling algorithm A , i.e., one that guarantees the largest competitive ratio possible for T . We show how the competitive synthesis problem can be reduced to a two-player graph game with partial information, and establish that the compu- tational complexity of solving this game is Np -complete. The competitive synthesis problem is hence in Np in the size of the state space of the non-deterministic labeled transition system encoding the taskset. Overall, the proposed framework assists in the selection of suitable scheduling algorithms for a given taskset, which is in fact the most common situation in real-time systems design

    Designing a scalable dynamic load -balancing algorithm for pipelined single program multiple data applications on a non-dedicated heterogeneous network of workstations

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    Dynamic load balancing strategies have been shown to be the most critical part of an efficient implementation of various applications on large distributed computing systems. The need for dynamic load balancing strategies increases when the underlying hardware is a non-dedicated heterogeneous network of workstations (HNOW). This research focuses on the single program multiple data (SPMD) programming model as it has been extensively used in parallel programming for its simplicity and scalability in terms of computational power and memory size.;This dissertation formally defines and addresses the problem of designing a scalable dynamic load-balancing algorithm for pipelined SPMD applications on non-dedicated HNOW. During this process, the HNOW parameters, SPMD application characteristics, and load-balancing performance parameters are identified.;The dissertation presents a taxonomy that categorizes general load balancing algorithms and a methodology that facilitates creating new algorithms that can harness the HNOW computing power and still preserve the scalability of the SPMD application.;The dissertation devises a new algorithm, DLAH (Dynamic Load-balancing Algorithm for HNOW). DLAH is based on a modified diffusion technique, which incorporates the HNOW parameters. Analytical performance bound for the worst-case scenario of the diffusion technique has been derived.;The dissertation develops and utilizes an HNOW simulation model to conduct extensive simulations. These simulations were used to validate DLAH and compare its performance to related dynamic algorithms. The simulations results show that DLAH algorithm is scalable and performs well for both homogeneous and heterogeneous networks. Detailed sensitivity analysis was conducted to study the effects of key parameters on performance
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