5 research outputs found

    An Analysis Framework for Mobile Workforce Automation

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    In this paper we introduce an analysis framework for mobile workforce automation. The framework is based on the findings from earlier research as well as on an analysis of 27 recent case studies conducted within the field of mobile workforce automation. It consists of a general reference process for mobile work and of a model explaining influencing factors (worker, task, coordination system, information system), optimization goals and their relationships in mobile business processes. The framework can be applied to process modeling, simulation, and optimization as well as to requirements analysis and return on investment calculations. Based on the results of case study evaluation, it is furthermore shown, that recent mobile IT solutions are mainly built for relatively simple processes and cooperation models. Mobilizing more complex processes still seems to be a challenge

    Towards an Approach to Identify and Assess the Mobile Eligibility of Business Processes

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    So far, the discussion about the usage of mobile devices in companies was strongly technology driven. However, current mobiledevices and related mobile networks have reached a high level of maturity. For this reason, technological issues are nolonger obstacles for using mobile devices within companies’ business processes. From our perspective, identifying businessprocess activities, which can be improved by mobile device support, is currently rather important. The degree of suitability ofbusiness processes for mobile device support is called the mobile eligibility of a business process. Aim of this paper is topresent an approach that supports the systematic analysis and assessment of the mobile eligibility of business processes, takinginto account a set of structured, adaptable criteria to deliberate between potential business values added by mobile devicesand the typical mobile device characteristics

    Developing competitive advantage through tracking tools in service business

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    This research is about the utilization of tracking tools in maintenance resource coordination to investigate the benefits of tracking in the coordination processes. Based on service industry, this study uses a pilot project, questionnaires and interviews as research methods. Various challenges were found in the field of mobile workforce management; coordination, safety at work, achieving optimization goals of cost-efficiency, quality and customer service. Many of these challenges can be facilitated with tracking. However, the possibilities of tracking utilization vary in differing business areas of case company. Four dimensions in the existing business were identified. They are connected with the mobility and management style of service technicians. Further, the main tracking opportunities were introduced into each of these business fields. The successful usage and implementation of a tracking system necessitates strong support from management. Tracking tools offer numerous opportunities for maintenance resource coordination. Undoubtedly, the tracking implementation and utilization require consideration of several managerial matters.fi=vertaisarvioitu|en=peerReviewed

    An Analysis Framework for Mobile Workforce Automation

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    In this paper we introduce an analysis framework for mobile workforce automation. The framework is based on the findings from earlier research as well as on an analysis of 27 recent case studies conducted within the field of mobile workforce automation. It consists of a general reference process for mobile work and of a model explaining influencing factors (worker, task, coordination system, information system), optimization goals and their relationships in mobile business processes. The framework can be applied to process modeling, simulation, and optimization as well as to requirements analysis and return on investment calculations. Based on the results of case study evaluation, it is furthermore shown, that recent mobile IT solutions are mainly built for relatively simple processes and cooperation models. Mobilizing more complex processes still seems to be a challenge