7 research outputs found

    An Algorithm for the Maximum Weight Strongly Stable Matching Problem

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    An instance of the maximum weight strongly stable matching problem with incomplete lists and ties is an undirected bipartite graph G = (A cup B, E), with an adjacency list being a linearly ordered list of ties, which are vertices equally good for a given vertex. We are also given a weight function w on the set E. An edge (x, y) in E setminus M is a blocking edge for M if by getting matched to each other neither of the vertices x and y would become worse off and at least one of them would become better off. A matching is strongly stable if there is no blocking edge with respect to it. The goal is to compute a strongly stable matching of maximum weight with respect to w. We give a polyhedral characterisation of the problem and prove that the strongly stable matching polytope is integral. This result implies that the maximum weight strongly stable matching problem can be solved in polynomial time. Thereby answering an open question by Gusfield and Irving [Dan Gusfield and Robert W. Irving, 1989]. The main result of this paper is an efficient O(nm log{(Wn)}) time algorithm for computing a maximum weight strongly stable matching, where we denote n = |V|, m = |E| and W is a maximum weight of an edge in G. For small edge weights we show that the problem can be solved in O(nm) time. Note that the fastest known algorithm for the unweighted version of the problem has O(nm) runtime [Telikepalli Kavitha et al., 2007]. Our algorithm is based on the rotation structure which was constructed for strongly stable matchings in [Adam Kunysz et al., 2016]

    An Algorithm for Strong Stability in the Student-Project Allocation Problem With Ties

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    We study a variant of the Student-Project Allocation problem with lecturer preferences over Students where ties are allowed in the preference lists of students and lecturers (spa-st). We investigate the concept of strong stability in this context. Informally, a matching is strongly stable if there is no student and lecturer l such that if they decide to form a private arrangement outside of the matching via one of l’s proposed projects, then neither party would be worse off and at least one of them would strictly improve. We describe the first polynomial-time algorithm to find a strongly stable matching or report that no such matching exists, given an instance of spa-st. Our algorithm runs in O(m2) time, where m is the total length of the students’ preference lists

    The Stable Marriage Problem with Ties and Restricted Edges

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    In the stable marriage problem, a set of men and a set of women are given, each of whom has a strictly ordered preference list over the acceptable agents in the opposite class. A matching is called stable if it is not blocked by any pair of agents, who mutually prefer each other to their respective partner. Ties in the preferences allow for three different definitions for a stable matching: weak, strong and super-stability. Besides this, acceptable pairs in the instance can be restricted in their ability of blocking a matching or being part of it, which again generates three categories of restrictions on acceptable pairs. Forced pairs must be in a stable matching, forbidden pairs must not appear in it, and lastly, free pairs cannot block any matching. Our computational complexity study targets the existence of a stable solution for each of the three stability definitions, in the presence of each of the three types of restricted pairs. We solve all cases that were still open. As a byproduct, we also derive that the maximum size weakly stable matching problem is hard even in very dense graphs, which may be of independent interest

    Deepening the (Parameterized) Complexity Analysis of Incremental Stable Matching Problems

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    When computing stable matchings, it is usually assumed that the preferences of the agents in the matching market are fixed. However, in many realistic scenarios, preferences change over time. Consequently, an initially stable matching may become unstable. Then, a natural goal is to find a matching which is stable with respect to the modified preferences and as close as possible to the initial one. For Stable Marriage/Roommates, this problem was formally defined as Incremental Stable Marriage/Roommates by Bredereck et al. [AAAI '20]. As they showed that Incremental Stable Roommates and Incremental Stable Marriage with Ties are NP-hard, we focus on the parameterized complexity of these problems. We answer two open questions of Bredereck et al. [AAAI '20]: We show that Incremental Stable Roommates is W[1]-hard parameterized by the number of changes in the preferences, yet admits an intricate XP-algorithm, and we show that Incremental Stable Marriage with Ties is W[1]-hard parameterized by the number of ties. Furthermore, we analyze the influence of the degree of "similarity" between the agents' preference lists, identifying several polynomial-time solvable and fixed-parameter tractable cases, but also proving that Incremental Stable Roommates and Incremental Stable Marriage with Ties parameterized by the number of different preference lists are W[1]-hard.Comment: Accepted to MFCS'2

    29th International Symposium on Algorithms and Computation: ISAAC 2018, December 16-19, 2018, Jiaoxi, Yilan, Taiwan

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