20 research outputs found

    Faster Graph Coloring in Polynomial Space

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    We present a polynomial-space algorithm that computes the number independent sets of any input graph in time O(1.1387n)O(1.1387^n) for graphs with maximum degree 3 and in time O(1.2355n)O(1.2355^n) for general graphs, where n is the number of vertices. Together with the inclusion-exclusion approach of Bj\"orklund, Husfeldt, and Koivisto [SIAM J. Comput. 2009], this leads to a faster polynomial-space algorithm for the graph coloring problem with running time O(2.2355n)O(2.2355^n). As a byproduct, we also obtain an exponential-space O(1.2330n)O(1.2330^n) time algorithm for counting independent sets. Our main algorithm counts independent sets in graphs with maximum degree 3 and no vertex with three neighbors of degree 3. This polynomial-space algorithm is analyzed using the recently introduced Separate, Measure and Conquer approach [Gaspers & Sorkin, ICALP 2015]. Using Wahlstr\"om's compound measure approach, this improvement in running time for small degree graphs is then bootstrapped to larger degrees, giving the improvement for general graphs. Combining both approaches leads to some inflexibility in choosing vertices to branch on for the small-degree cases, which we counter by structural graph properties

    Self-similar scaling of density in complex real-world networks

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    Despite their diverse origin, networks of large real-world systems reveal a number of common properties including small-world phenomena, scale-free degree distributions and modularity. Recently, network self-similarity as a natural outcome of the evolution of real-world systems has also attracted much attention within the physics literature. Here we investigate the scaling of density in complex networks under two classical box-covering renormalizations-network coarse-graining-and also different community-based renormalizations. The analysis on over 50 real-world networks reveals a power-law scaling of network density and size under adequate renormalization technique, yet irrespective of network type and origin. The results thus advance a recent discovery of a universal scaling of density among different real-world networks [Laurienti et al., Physica A 390 (20) (2011) 3608-3613.] and imply an existence of a scale-free density also within-among different self-similar scales of-complex real-world networks. The latter further improves the comprehension of self-similar structure in large real-world networks with several possible applications

    Two genetic algorithms for the bandwidth multicoloring problem

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    In this paper the Bandwidth Multicoloring Problem (BMCP) and the Bandwidth Coloring Problem (BCP) are considered. The problems are solved by two genetic algorithms (GAs) which use the integer encoding and standard genetic operators adapted to the problems. In both proposed implementations, all individuals are feasible by default, so search is directed into the promising regions. The first proposed method named GA1 is a constructive metaheuristic that construct solution, while the second named GA2 is an improving metaheuristic used to improve an existing solution. Genetic algorithms are tested on the publicly-available GEOM instances from the literature. Proposed GA1 has achieved a much better solution than the calculated upper bound for a given problem, and GA2 has significantly improved the solutions obtained by GA1. The obtained results are also compared with the results of the existing methods for solving BCP and BMCP

    Exact Algorithms for the Graph Coloring Problem

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    The graph coloring problem is the problem of partitioning the vertices of a graph into the smallest possible set of independent sets. Since it is a well-known NP-Hard problem, it is of great interest of the computer science finding results over exact algorithms that solve it. The main algorithms of this kind, though, are scattered through the literature. In this paper, we group and contextualize some of these algorithms, which are based in Dynamic Programming, Branch-and-Bound and Integer Linear Programming. The algorithms for the first group are based in the work of Lawler, which searches maximal independent sets on each subset of vertices of a graph as the base of his algorithm. In the second group, the algorithms are based in the work of Brelaz, which adapted the DSATUR procedure to an exact version, and in the work of Zykov, which introduced the definition of Zykov trees. The third group contains the algorithms based in the work of Mehrotra and Trick, which uses the Column Generation method

    Determination of a Graph\u27s Chromatic Number for Part Consolidation in Axiomatic Design

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    Mechanical engineering design practices are increasingly moving towards a framework called axiomatic design (AD). A key tenet of AD is to decrease the information content of a design in order to increase the chance of manufacturing success. An important way to decrease information content is to fulfill multiple functional requirements (FRs) by a single part: a process known as part consolidation. One possible method for determining the minimum number of required parts is to represent a design by a graph, where the vertices are the FRs and the edges represent the need to separate their endpoint FRs into separate parts. The answer is then the chromatic number of such a graph. This research investigates the suitability of using two existing algorithms and a new algorithm for finding the chromatic number of a graph in a part consolidation tool that can be used by designers. The runtime complexities and durations of the algorithms are compared empirically using the results from a random graph analysis with binomial edge probability. It was found that even though the algorithms are quite different, they all execute in the same amount of time and are suitable for use in the desired design tool

    Applications of dynamic programming tp problems of routing pipework and cables

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    Set partitioning via inclusion-exclusion

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    Το παρόν έργο αποτελεί μελέτη του paper των Andreas Bjorklund, Thore Husfeldt και Mikko Koivisto, ”Set partitioning via inclusion-exclusion”. Κύριος στόχος κατά τη συγγραφή ήταν να καταστούν οι έννοιες που παρουσιάζονται όσο το δυνατόν περισσότερο εύληπτες από προπτυχιακούς φοιτητές. Αποδεικνύουμε την αρχή εγκλεισμού-αποκλεισμού και ορίζουμε το z-μετασχηματισμό ενώ δίνουμε και έναν αλγόριθμο που τον υπολογίζει. Δεδομένου ενός συνόλου N, n στοιχείων και μιας οικογένειας F υποσυνόλων του N καθώς και ενός ακεραίου k, παρέχουμε έναν ακριβή αλγόριθμο που υπολογίζει το πλήθος των k-κατατμήσεων σε εκθετικό χρόνο. Επίσης παρέχουμε και άλλους οι οποίοι λύνουν παρόμοια προβλήματα όπως η καταμέτρηση των k-καλυμμάτων, η άθροιση κατατμήσεων με βάρη και η εύρεση της πιο βαριάς κατάτμησης. Στη συνέχεια παρέχουμε παραδείγματα προβλημάτων τα οποία ανάγονται σε αυτά που λύσαμε παραπάνω και για τα οποία οι αναγωγές δεν απαιτούν πολύ χρόνο. Οι προαναφερθέντες αλγόριθμοι στοχεύουν στον ελάχιστο χρόνο, με τη χωρική πολυ- πλοκότητα να είναι εκθετική. Δεδομένου ότι την ευθύνη για αυτό φέρουν αποκλειστικά οι υπολογισμοί του z-μετασχηματισμού, δίνουμε εναλλακτικούς τρόπους επίλυσης των παραπάνω χωρίς τη χρήση του z-μετασχηματισμού σε πολυωνιμικό χώρο. Το μειονέκτημα αυτών είναι ότι χρειάζονται περισσότερο χρόνο. Κλείνουμε με έναν προσεγγιστικό αλγόριθμο πολυωνυμικού χώρου ο οποίος λύνει το Πρόβλημα Χρωματικού Αριθμού Γραφήματος.The present work is a study of the paper by Andreas Bjorklund, Thore Husfeldt and Mikko Koivisto, ”Set partitioning via inclusion-exclusion”. The main aim of the writer was for the ideas presented to be as accessible as possible to undergraduate students. We prove the principle of inclusion-exclusion and define the zeta transform while also giving an algorithm that computes it. Given a n element set N and a family F of subsets of N we provide an exact algorithm that computes the number of k-partitions in time exponential. We also provide others that solve similar problems like k-covers, sum of weighted partitions and max-weighted partition. We then provide examples of problems which are reducible to the ones solved above and for which the reduction does not dominate the time complexity. The aforementioned algorithms are optimized for time with the space complexity being also exponential. Considering that the responsibility for this falls squarely on the calculations for the z-transform, we provide alternate ways of solving the previous problems where we substitute the z-transform by polynomial space tools with the drawback of them being more costly on time. We conclude with an approximation algorithm for the Chromatic Number Problem in polynomial space

    Calculo del clique-width en graficas simples de acuerdo a su estructura

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    El cálculo del cliquewidth, un número entero que es un invariante para gráficas, ha sido estudiado de manera activa, ya que existen problemas catalogados como NP-Completos que tienen complejidad baja si su representación en gráficas tiene cliquewidth acotado. De cierta manera este parametro mide la dificultad de descomponer una gráfica en una estructura llamada árbol (por su topología). La importancia de este invariante radica en que si un problema de gráficas puede ser acotado por ella entonces puede ser resuelto en tiempo polinomial según el teorema principal de Courcelle. Por otra parte el cliquewidth tiene una relación directa con el invariante tree-width con la distinción de que el primero es más general que el segundo. Para calcular este tipo de invariantes se han propuesto en la literatura diferentes procedimientos que dividen la gráfica original en subgráficas las cuales determinan la complejidad, por lo que en la investigación aquí reportada se ha utilizado una descomposición particular de una gráfica simple, la cual consiste en descomponer la gráfica en ciclos simples y árboles. Las gráficas que consisten de ciclos simples y árboles se denominan cactus, sobre las cuales hemos demostrado que el clique-width es menor o igual a 4 lo que mejora la cota establecida por la relación entre el clique-width y el invariante treewidth la cual establece que el cwd(G) ≤ 3·2twd(G)−1. De igual manera se han estudiado otro tipo de gráficas denominadas poligonales, formadas por polígonos con mismo número de lados los cuales comparten entre si una única arista; sobre este tipo de gráficas en esta investigación se ha demostrado que el cliquewidth es igual a 5, de igual manera mejorando la cota conocida por la relación de las invariantes mencionadas anteriormente. Finalmente, estudiando el comportamiento de operaciones de union de estas subgráficas se ha propuesto un método de aproximación para el cálculo del cliquewidth de una gráfica simple de manera general. El algoritmo esta basado en el clásico algoritmo de Disjktra que encuentra el camino mas corto entre dos vértices de una gráfica. Del planteamiento de los algoritmos mencionados anteriormente se obtuvo la publicación de tres artículos, en los que se incluye el desarrollo de las demostraciones para el cálculo del clique-width en los diferentes escenarios de estudio.CONACy