6 research outputs found

    A novel load shedding methodology to mitigate voltage instability in power system

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    Aim. A novel technique for detecting imminent voltage instability is proposed in this paper, accompanied by a novel load shedding approach to protect the system from voltage instability. Methodology. The proposed methodology utilizes the computation of nodal reactive power loss to voltage sensitivities with load increments in the system. Originality. The nodal reactive power loss to voltage sensitivity is a novel computation and is explored to detect the likelihood of voltage instability in this work. Results. If the system is experiencing an unprecedented load growth and if all the measures reach their limits, then load shedding is the last resort to safeguard the system against instability. The sudden change in nodal reactive power loss to voltage sensitivities is utilized to devise the quantity of load to be cut in the system. Practical value. The time-based simulations performed in New England 39 bus test system (NE-39 bus), the simulated results show that nodal reactive power loss to voltage sensitivities can be used as a trusted indicator for early diagnosing of menacing voltage instability and the timely implementation of load shedding developed from nodal reactive power loss to voltage sensitivities on the system ensures voltage stability.Мета. У статті пропонується новий метод виявлення навислої нестабільності напруги, що супроводжується новим підходом до скидання навантаження для захисту системи від нестабільності напруги. Методологія. У запропонованій методиці використовується розрахунок вузлових втрат реактивної потужності залежно від чутливості до напруги при збільшенні навантаження у системі. Оригінальність. У цій роботі вузлові втрати реактивної потужності залежно від чутливості до напруги являють собою новий розрахунок і досліджуються визначення ймовірності нестабільності напруги. Результати. Якщо система відчуває безпрецедентне зростання навантаження і всі заходи досягають меж своїх можливостей, скидання навантаження є останнім засобом захисту від нестабільності. Раптова зміна вузлових втрат реактивної потужності, залежно від чутливості до напруги, використовується для визначення величини навантаження, яка повинна бути відсічена в системі. Практична цінність. Моделювання, засноване на часі, виконане в тестовій системі шини New England 39 (шина NE-39), та результати моделювання показують, що залежність вузлових втрат реактивної потужності від чутливості до напруги може використовуватися як надійний індикатор для ранньої діагностики загрозливої нестабільності напруги та своєчасного впровадження скидання навантаження, що виникає внаслідок втрати реактивної потужності у вузлах, до чутливості системи до напруги,а забезпечує стабільність напруги

    Analisis Pelepasan Beban Sistem Jaringan Bengkulu dengan Penambahan PLTU Teluk Sepang 2x100 MW

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    Load shedding is one way to overcome the rapid decrease in frequency due to transient disturbances. With load shedding the rate of decrease in system frequency can be slowed down so as to avoid total blackouts in the power system. Currently, the Bengkulu network system has added a new power plant, namely PLTU 2 x 100 MW in Teluk Sepang. This paper analyzes load shedding on the Bengkulu network system after the inclusion of PLTU Teluk Sepang. The proposed method is load shedding taking into account the Rate Of Change Of Frequency (ROCOF) and critical fault  clearing time (CCT) after a transient fault occurs and then analyzing the stability of the system transient before and after the load shedding occurs with three phase short circuit disturbance. The analysis found that the proposed method succeeded in returning the dropped frequency to the permitted frequency value and the system showed a stable response after a transient disturbance occurred

    Applying Different Wide-Area Response-Based Controls to Different Contingencies in Power Systems

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    Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI)The electrical disturbances in the power system have threatened the stability of the system. In the first step, it is necessary to detect these electrical disturbances or events. In the next step, a proper control should apply to the system to decrease the consequences of the disturbances. One-shot control is one of the effective methods for stabilizing the events. In this method, a proper amount of loads are increased or decreased to the electrical system. Determining the amounts of loads, and the location for shedding is crucial. Moreover, some control combinations are more effective for some events and less effective for some others. Therefore, this project is completed in two different sections. First, finding the effective control combinations, second, finding an algorithm for applying different control combinations to different contingencies in real-time. To find effective control combinations, sensitivity analysis is employed to locate the most effective loads in the system. Then to find the control combination commands, gradient descent, and PSO algorithm are used in this project. In the next step, a pattern recognition method is used to apply the appropriate control combination for every event. The decision tree is selected as the pattern recognition method. The three most effective control combinations found by sensitivity analysis and the PSO method are used in the remainder of this study. A decision tree is trained for each of the three control combinations, and their outputs are combined into an algorithm for selecting the best control in real-time. Finally, the algorithm is evaluated using a test set of contingencies. The final results reveal a 30\% improvement in comparison to the previous studies

    Mitigation of cascade failures in complex networks: theory and application

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    Complex networks such as transportation networks, the Internet, and electrical power grids are fundamental parts of modern life, and their robustness under any attack or fault has always been a concern. Failure and intentional removal of components in complex networks might affect the flow of information and change balance of flows in the network. This phenomenon may require load redistribution all over the network. Component overloaded can act as a trigger for a chain of overload failures. This overload, could, for example, increase the amount of information a router must transmit and ultimately make internet congestion. One of the major applications of complex network theory is to study power systems. Power systems are the most complex human-made infrastructures, and almost every individual's life is dependent on electrical energy and resilient functioning of power systems. Recently, there have been many reports about massive power outages leaving vast areas without power that sometimes takes a few days to have the power back. One of the most critical areas in the power system is the root cause analysis of such catastrophes and trying to resolve them. From an electrical engineering point of view, these power outages occur following an initial failure due to problems, such as generators tripping, transformers overheating, faulty power generation units, damage to the transmission system, substations or distribution systems, or overloading of the power system. A faulty protection relay or malicious attack to control centres can also trigger it. In any of these cases, the failed component will be out of service immediately and to keep the robust power delivery to all customers, their loads should be redistributed across the power system, and henceforth some of them might become overloaded as well, and accordingly get out of service. This chain of failures can be propagated all over the system and lead to a catastrophic blackout. This thesis conducts a full study on how to mitigate cascade failures in complex networks. First, cascade depth is applied to quantify nodes criticality for cascade failures. Then, a wide range of node centrality parameters is considered to find out the relationship between the node vitality and these centralities. To discover the structure of cascade propagation in complex networks, the edge geodesic distance is considered for computing the structural distance between two arbitrary edges in the network. Then, starting with the single edge removal events, the route that cascade tends to spread is studied. In the next step, the impact of two or three concurrent edge removals on the way the cascade spreads are examined. Besides, the power system vulnerability is studied using the maximum flow algorithm based on Ford-Fulkerson method and critical capacity parameters are identified. A synthetic model with the same properties as a real power system is generated and examined. For a power line, to be overloaded, a new method is developed to overpass across the network and shortlist the busbars for load reduction. Next, a novel sensitivity method is formulated based on AC load flow analysis to rank the loads according to their effect on the lines power flow

    Stability, control, and optimization of nonlinear dynamical systems with applications in electric power networks

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    Electric power systems in recent years have witnessed an increasing adoption of renewable energy sources as well as restructuring of distribution systems into multiple microgrids. These trends, together with an ever-growing electricity demand, are making power networks operate closer to their stability margins, thereby raising numerous challenges for power system operators. In this thesis, we focus on two major challenges: How to efficiently assess and certify the stability of power systems; and how to optimize the operation of multiple microgrids while maintaining their stability. In the first part of the thesis, we focus on the first question, and study one of the most fundamental models of power systems, namely the swing equation model. We develop sufficient conditions under which the equilibrium points of swing equations are asymptotically stable. We also discuss the connection between the stability of equilibrium points and the network structure. This for example reveals an analog of Braess’s Paradox in power system stability, showing that adding power lines to the system may decrease the stability margin. Based on the developed theories, we also introduce several distributed control schemes for maintaining the stability of the system. Since swing equations belong to a more general class of second-order ordinary differential equations (ODEs) which are the cornerstone of studying many other physical and engineering systems, a considerable part of this thesis is devoted to the study of this general class of ODEs, where we investigate the impact of damping as a system parameter on the stability, hyperbolicity, and bifurcation in such systems. In the second part of the thesis, we address the second question and provide a computationally efficient method for optimizing multi-microgrid operation while ensuring its stability. Our goal is to maintain the frequency stability of multi-microgrid networks under an islanding event and to achieve optimal load shedding and network topology control with AC power flow constraints. Attaining this goal requires solving a challenging optimization problem with stability constraints. To cope with this challenge, we develop a strong mixed-integer second-order cone programming (MISOCP)-based reformulation and a cutting plane algorithm for scalable computation of the problem. The optimization frameworks and stability certificates developed in this thesis can be used as powerful decision support tools for power system operators.Ph.D