3,039 research outputs found

    Delivery of Personalized and Adaptive Content to Mobile Devices:A Framework and Enabling Technology

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    Many innovative wireless applications that aim to provide mobile information access are emerging. Since people have different information needs and preferences, one of the challenges for mobile information systems is to take advantage of the convenience of handheld devices and provide personalized information to the right person in a preferred format. However, the unique features of wireless networks and mobile devices pose challenges to personalized mobile content delivery. This paper proposes a generic framework for delivering personalized and adaptive content to mobile users. It introduces a variety of enabling technologies and highlights important issues in this area. The framework can be applied to many applications such as mobile commerce and context-aware mobile services

    Generic adaptation framework for unifying adaptive web-based systems

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    The Generic Adaptation Framework (GAF) research project first and foremost creates a common formal framework for describing current and future adaptive hypermedia (AHS) and adaptive webbased systems in general. It provides a commonly agreed upon taxonomy and a reference model that encompasses the most general architectures of the present and future, including conventional AHS, and different types of personalization-enabling systems and applications such as recommender systems (RS) personalized web search, semantic web enabled applications used in personalized information delivery, adaptive e-Learning applications and many more. At the same time GAF is trying to bring together two (seemingly not intersecting) views on the adaptation: a classical pre-authored type, with conventional domain and overlay user models and data-driven adaptation which includes a set of data mining, machine learning and information retrieval tools. To bring these research fields together we conducted a number GAF compliance studies including RS, AHS, and other applications combining adaptation, recommendation and search. We also performed a number of real systems’ case-studies to prove the point and perform a detailed analysis and evaluation of the framework. Secondly it introduces a number of new ideas in the field of AH, such as the Generic Adaptation Process (GAP) which aligns with a layered (data-oriented) architecture and serves as a reference adaptation process. This also helps to understand the compliance features mentioned earlier. Besides that GAF deals with important and novel aspects of adaptation enabling and leveraging technologies such as provenance and versioning. The existence of such a reference basis should stimulate AHS research and enable researchers to demonstrate ideas for new adaptation methods much more quickly than if they had to start from scratch. GAF will thus help bootstrap any adaptive web-based system research, design, analysis and evaluation

    Share and reuse of context metadata resulting from interactions between users and heterogeneous web-based learning environments

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    L'intérêt pour l'observation, l'instrumentation et l'évaluation des systèmes éducatifs en ligne est devenu de plus en plus important ces dernières années au sein de la communauté des Environnements Informatique pour l'Apprentissage Humain (EIAH). La conception et le développement d'environnements d'apprentissage en ligne adaptatifs (AdWLE - Adaptive Web-based Learning Environments) représentent une préoccupation majeure aujourd'hui, et visent divers objectifs tels que l'aide au processus de réingénierie, la compréhension du comportement des utilisateurs, ou le soutient à la création de systèmes tutoriels intelligents. Ces systèmes gèrent leur processus d'adaptation sur la base d'informations détaillées reflétant le contexte dans lequel les étudiants évoluent pendant l'apprentissage : les ressour-ces consultées, les clics de souris, les messages postés dans les logiciels de messagerie instantanée ou les forums de discussion, les réponses aux questionnaires, etc. Les travaux présentés dans ce document sont destinés à surmonter certaines lacunes des systèmes actuels en fournissant un cadre dédié à la collecte, au partage et à la réutilisation du contexte représenté selon deux niveaux d'abstraction : le contexte brut (résultant des interactions directes entre utilisateurs et applications) et le contexte inféré (calculé à partir des données du contexte brut). Ce cadre de travail qui respecte la vie privée des usagers est fondé sur un standard ouvert dédié à la gestion des systèmes, réseaux et applications. Le contexte spécifique aux outils hétérogènes constituant les EIAHs est représenté par une structure unifiée et extensible, et stocké dans un référentiel central. Pour faciliter l'accès à ce référentiel, nous avons introduit une couche intermédiaire composée d'un ensemble d'outils. Certains d'entre eux permettent aux utilisateurs et applications de définir, collecter, partager et rechercher les données de contexte qui les intéressent, tandis que d'autres sont dédiés à la conception, au calcul et à la délivrance des données de contexte inférées. Pour valider notre approche, une mise en œuvre du cadre de travail proposé intègre des données contextuelles issues de trois systèmes différents : deux plates-formes d'apprentissage Moodle (celle de l'Université Paul Sabatier de Toulouse, et une autre déployée dans le cadre du projet CONTINT financé par l'Agence Nationale de la Recherche) et une instanciation locale du moteur de recherche de la fondation Ariadne. A partir des contextes collectés, des indicateurs pertinents ont été calculés pour chacun de ces environnements. En outre, deux applications qui exploitent cet ensemble de données ont été développées : un système de recommandation personnalisé d'objets pédagogiques ainsi qu'une application de visualisation fondée sur les technologies tactiles pour faciliter la navigation au sein de ces données de contexte.An interest for the observation, instrumentation, and evaluation of online educational systems has become more and more important within the Technology Enhanced Learning community in the last few years. Conception and development of Adaptive Web-based Learning Environments (AdWLE) in order to facilitate the process of re-engineering, to help understand users' behavior, or to support the creation of Intelligent Tutoring Systems represent a major concern today. These systems handle their adaptation process on the basis of detailed information reflecting the context in which students evolve while learning: consulted resources, mouse clicks, chat messages, forum discussions, visited URLs, quizzes selections, and so on. The works presented in this document are intended to overcome some issues of the actual systems by providing a privacy-enabled framework dedicated to the collect, share and reuse of context represented at two abstraction levels: raw context (resulting from direct interactions between users and applications) and inferred context (calculated on the basis of raw context). The framework is based on an open standard dedicated to system, network and application management, where the context specific to heterogeneous tools is represented as a unified and extensible structure and stored into a central repository. To facilitate access to this context repository, we introduced a middleware layer composed of a set of tools. Some of them allow users and applications to define, collect, share and search for the context data they are interested in, while others are dedicated to the design, calculation and delivery of inferred context. To validate our approach, an implementation of the suggested framework manages context data provided by three systems: two Moodle servers (one running at the Paul Sabatier University of Toulouse, and the other one hosting the CONTINT project funded by the French National Research Agency) and a local instantiation of the Ariadne Finder. Based on the collected context, relevant indicators have been calculated for each one of these environments. Furthermore, two applications which reuse the encapsulated context have been developed on top of the framework: a personalized system for recommending learning objects to students, and a visualization application which uses multi-touch technologies to facilitate the navigation among collected context entities

    Evolutionary Service Composition and Personalization Ecosystem for Elderly Care

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    Current demographic trends suggest that people are living longer, while the ageing process entails many necessities, calling for care services tailored to the individual senior’s needs and life style. Personalized provision of care services usually involves a number of stakeholders, including relatives, friends, caregivers, professional assistance organizations, enterprises, and other support entities. Traditional Information and Communication Technology based care and assistance services for the elderly have been mainly focused on the development of isolated and generic services, considering a single service provider, and excessively featuring a techno-centric approach. In contrast, advances on collaborative networks for elderly care suggest the integration of services from multiple providers, encouraging collaboration as a way to provide better personalized services. This approach requires a support system to manage the personalization process and allow ranking the {service, provider} pairs. An additional issue is the problem of service evolution, as individual’s care needs are not static over time. Consequently, the care services need to evolve accordingly to keep the elderly’s requirements satisfied. In accordance with these requirements, an Elderly Care Ecosystem (ECE) framework, a Service Composition and Personalization Environment (SCoPE), and a Service Evolution Environment (SEvol) are proposed. The ECE framework provides the context for the personalization and evolution methods. The SCoPE method is based on the match between the customer´s profile and the available {service, provider} pairs to identify suitable services and corresponding providers to attend the needs. SEvol is a method to build an adaptive and evolutionary system based on the MAPE-K methodology supporting the solution evolution to cope with the elderly's new life stages. To demonstrate the feasibility, utility and applicability of SCoPE and SEvol, a number of methods and algorithms are presented, and illustrative scenarios are introduced in which {service, provider} pairs are ranked based on a multidimensional assessment method. Composition strategies are based on customer’s profile and requirements, and the evolutionary solution is determined considering customer’s inputs and evolution plans. For the ECE evaluation process the following steps are adopted: (i) feature selection and software prototype development; (ii) detailing the ECE framework validation based on applicability and utility parameters; (iii) development of a case study illustrating a typical scenario involving an elderly and her care needs; and (iv) performing a survey based on a modified version of the technology acceptance model (TAM), considering three contexts: Technological, Organizational and Collaborative environment

    User Interface Adaptation Using Web Augmentation Techniques: Towards a Negotiated Approach

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    The use of Web augmentation techniques has an impact on tasks of owners of Web sites, developers of scripts and end-users. Because the Web sites can be modified by external scripts, their owners might lose control about how Web site contents are delivered. To prevent this, they might be tempted to modify the structure of Web pages thus making harder to execute external scripts. However, communities of Web augmentation scripters are increasing since end-users still have needs not yet covered by Web sites. In this paper we analyze the trade-offs of the introduction of Web augmentation scripts. In order to mitigate some negative effects, such as the loss of control, we propose an approach based on negotiation and coordination between actors involved in the process. We present a set of tools to facilitate the integration of scripts and to foster their dissemination for the benefit of all actors involved

    Ubiquitous Computing

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    The aim of this book is to give a treatment of the actively developed domain of Ubiquitous computing. Originally proposed by Mark D. Weiser, the concept of Ubiquitous computing enables a real-time global sensing, context-aware informational retrieval, multi-modal interaction with the user and enhanced visualization capabilities. In effect, Ubiquitous computing environments give extremely new and futuristic abilities to look at and interact with our habitat at any time and from anywhere. In that domain, researchers are confronted with many foundational, technological and engineering issues which were not known before. Detailed cross-disciplinary coverage of these issues is really needed today for further progress and widening of application range. This book collects twelve original works of researchers from eleven countries, which are clustered into four sections: Foundations, Security and Privacy, Integration and Middleware, Practical Applications
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