7 research outputs found

    Dynamical Analysis of a Navigation Algorithm

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    There is presently a need for more robust navigation algorithms for autonomous industrial vehicles. These have reasonably guaranteed the adequate reliability of the navigation. In the current work, the stability of a modified algorithm for collision-free guiding of this type of vehicle is ensured. A lateral control and a longitudinal control are implemented. To demonstrate their viability, a stability analysis employing the Lyapunov method is carried out. In addition, this mathematical analysis enables the constants of the designed algorithm to be determined. In conjunction with the navigation algorithm, the present work satisfactorily solves the localization problem, also known as simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM). Simultaneously, a convolutional neural network is managed, which is used to calculate the trajectory to be followed by the AGV, by implementing the artificial vision. The use of neural networks for image processing is considered to constitute the most robust and flexible method for realising a navigation algorithm. In this way, the autonomous vehicle is provided with considerable autonomy. It can be regarded that the designed algorithm is adequate, being able to trace any type of path.The current study has been sponsored by the Government of the Basque Country-ELKARTEK21/10 KK-2021/00014 (“Estudio de nuevas técnicas de inteligencia artificial basadas en Deep Learning dirigidas a la optimización de procesos industriales”) research program

    3D Indoor Positioning in 5G networks

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    Over the past two decades, the challenge of accurately positioning objects or users indoors, especially in areas where Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) are not available, has been a significant focus for the research community. With the rise of 5G IoT networks, the quest for precise 3D positioning in various industries has driven researchers to explore various machine learning-based positioning techniques. Within this context, researchers are leveraging a mix of existing and emerging wireless communication technologies such as cellular, Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, Zigbee, Visible Light Communication (VLC), etc., as well as integrating any available useful data to enhance the speed and accuracy of indoor positioning. Methods for indoor positioning involve combining various parameters such as received signal strength (RSS), time of flight (TOF), time of arrival (TOA), time difference of arrival (TDOA), direction of arrival (DOA) and more. Among these, fingerprint-based positioning stands out as a popular technique in Real Time Localisation Systems (RTLS) due to its simplicity and cost-effectiveness. Positioning systems based on fingerprint maps or other relevant methods find applications in diverse scenarios, including malls for indoor navigation and geo-marketing, hospitals for monitoring patients, doctors, and critical equipment, logistics for asset tracking and optimising storage spaces, and homes for providing Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) services. A significant challenge facing all indoor positioning systems is the objective evaluation of their performance. This challenge is compounded by the coexistence of heterogeneous technologies and the rapid advancement of computation. There is a vast potential for information fusion to be explored. These observations have led to the motivation behind our work. As a result, two novel algorithms and a framework are introduced in this thesis

    Indoor Positioning and Navigation

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    In recent years, rapid development in robotics, mobile, and communication technologies has encouraged many studies in the field of localization and navigation in indoor environments. An accurate localization system that can operate in an indoor environment has considerable practical value, because it can be built into autonomous mobile systems or a personal navigation system on a smartphone for guiding people through airports, shopping malls, museums and other public institutions, etc. Such a system would be particularly useful for blind people. Modern smartphones are equipped with numerous sensors (such as inertial sensors, cameras, and barometers) and communication modules (such as WiFi, Bluetooth, NFC, LTE/5G, and UWB capabilities), which enable the implementation of various localization algorithms, namely, visual localization, inertial navigation system, and radio localization. For the mapping of indoor environments and localization of autonomous mobile sysems, LIDAR sensors are also frequently used in addition to smartphone sensors. Visual localization and inertial navigation systems are sensitive to external disturbances; therefore, sensor fusion approaches can be used for the implementation of robust localization algorithms. These have to be optimized in order to be computationally efficient, which is essential for real-time processing and low energy consumption on a smartphone or robot

    Projeto de distribuição automática de artigos do armazém PHF para as naves fabris, na Renault Cacia

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    Nos dias de hoje é, cada vez mais comum, em unidades fabris, a utilização de robôs de distribuição, em ambientes logísticos, de determinadas peças essenciais para a fabricação de outras, constituindo assim, todo o processo de produção da empresa. O contributo humano, na realização destas tarefas é cada vez menos vantajoso, na medida em que as tarefas que não podem ser realizadas por máquinas começaram a ficar atrasadas ou adiadas para o dia seguinte, provocadas por uma excessiva carga de trabalho sentida pelos conferentes do armazém PHF. Juntando a este facto, o da necessidade de determinados artigos ou materiais ser urgente e de os colaboradores da Renault Cacia poderem adquiri-los sem terem de se deslocar ao armazém e, simultaneamente, sem que os responsáveis do mesmo tenham de os ir distribuir aos diferentes setores e ateliers, contribuiu para que surgisse, desta forma, um projeto de distribuição automática de artigos, para substituir a manual, auxiliada por um carro Bull. Assim, ao longo deste documento, é estudada a hipótese de desenvolvimento de um meio de distribuição automática do armazém PHF, localizado fora das naves fabris, para toda a fábrica, culminando com a decisão de alugar um AGV, Automated Guided Vehicle, para concretização da mesma. Através da aplicação de diversas ações e resolução de várias tarefas que vão de encontro à concretização dos objetivos esperados, foram encontrados entraves e contratempos, diariamente, que puseram em causa o funcionamento do novo método adotado, mas que, no final, deram sentido ao novo procedimento e o enriqueceram, proporcionando oportunidade para que este vingasse e alcançasse os resultados pretendidos, tendo margem de manobra para possíveis melhorias. A distribuição, passou a ser realizada de uma forma mais automática, apesar de ainda não ser a 100%, o rendimento de trabalho dos colaboradores da Renault Cacia aumentou, assim como os ganhos consequentes, verificados na produção da mesma. A taxa de serviço ao cliente aumentou, assim como o funcionamento do armazém PHF, ganhou outra desenvoltura e, neste momento, os seus conferentes estão mais libertos para poderem desempenhar as suas funçõesNowadays, it is increasingly common in production units to use robots for the distribution of certain pieces, that are essential for the manufacture of others, in a logistic environment, and thus constitute the entire production process of the company. The human contribution in the case of on-going is less advantageous, once that the tasks, which can’t be carried out by a machine, started to be deferred to the next day, caused by excessive workload felt by the warehouse PHF. Furthermore, the urgent need of certain articles or materials felt by the workers, the fact that they can have them without having to go to the warehouse to pick them, and the responsibles of the PHF don’t have to make the distribution of the same articles through the sectors and ateliers, contributed to the creation of the project of the automatic distribution of the articles, to substitute the manual one, that has been done with the Bull car. Thus, throughout this document, a simulation of the development of a PHF distribution made from the outside of the ship factories to the inside, is studied for an entire factory, with the participation of an AGV, Automated Guided Vehicle, for the realization of the job and performance. Through the application of various actions and resolution of various tasks that meet the expected objectives, obstacles and setbacks were found, on a daily basis, that reorganized the functioning of the new method adopted, but which, in the end, gave meaning to the new procedure and enriched it by giving it an opportunity to achieve the desired results, with room for possible improvements and achievements. The distribution started to be executed in a more automatic way. Although not at 100%, the work income of the employees of the Renault Cacia increased, as well as the consequent gains obtained in the production cicle. The customer service increased, as well as the operation of the PHF warehouse, has gained a new edge and at this time, once that its workers are more freed up to be able to perform their duties.Mestrado em Engenharia e Gestão Industria

    Indoor collaborative positioning based on a multi-sensor and multi-user system

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    With recent developments in the Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS), the applications and services of positioning and navigation have developed rapidly worldwide. Location-based services (LBS) have become a big application which provide position related services to the mass market. As LBS applications become more popular, positioning services and capacity are demanded to cover all types of environment with improved accuracy and reliability. While GNSS can provide promising positioning and navigation solutions in open outdoor environments, it does not work well when inside buildings, in tunnels or under canopy. Positioning in such difficult environments have been known as the indoor positioning problem. Although the problem has been looked into for more than a decade, there currently no solution that can compare to the performance of GNSS in outdoor environments. This thesis introduces a collaborative indoor positioning solution based on particle filtering which integrates multiple sensors, e.g. inertial sensors, Wi-Fi signals, map information etc., and multiple local users which provide peer-to-peer (P2P) relative ranging measurements. This solution addresses three current problems of indoor positioning. First of all is the positioning accuracy, which is limited by the availability of sensors and the quality of their signals in the environment. The collaborative positioning solution integrates a number of sensors and users to provide better measurements and restrict measurement error from growing. Secondly, the reliability of the positioning solutions, which is also affected by the signal quality. The unpredictable behaviour of positioning signals and data could lead to many uncertainties in the final positioning result. A successful positioning system should be able to deal with changes in the signal and provide reliable positioning results using different data processing strategies. Thirdly, the continuity and robustness of positioning solutions. While the indoor environment can be very different from one another, hence applicable signals are also different, the positioning solution should take into account the uniqueness of different situations and provide continuous positioning result regardless of the changing datWith recent developments in the Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS), the applications and services of positioning and navigation have developed rapidly worldwide. Location based services (LBS) have become a big application which provide position related services to the mass market. As LBS applications become more popular, positioning services and capacity are demanded to cover all types of environment with improved accuracy and reliability. While GNSS can provide promising positioning and navigation solutions in open outdoor environments, it does not work well when inside buildings, in tunnels or under canopy. Positioning in such difficult environments have been known as the indoor positioning problem. Although the problem has been looked into for more than a decade, there currently no solution that can compare to the performance of GNSS in outdoor environments. This thesis introduces a collaborative indoor positioning solution based on particle filtering which integrates multiple sensors, e.g. inertial sensors, Wi-Fi signals, map information etc., and multiple local users which provide peer-to-peer (P2P) relative ranging measurements. This solution addresses three current problems of indoor positioning. First of all is the positioning accuracy, which is limited by the availability of sensors and the quality of their signals in the environment. The collaborative positioning solution integrates a number of sensors and users to provide better measurements and restrict measurement error from growing. Secondly, the reliability of the positioning solutions, which is also affected by the signal quality. The unpredictable behaviour of positioning signals and data could lead to many uncertainties in the final positioning result. A successful positioning system should be able to deal with changes in the signal and provide reliable positioning results using different data processing strategies. Thirdly, the continuity and robustness of positioning solutions. While the indoor environment can be very different from one another, hence applicable signals are also different, the positioning solution should take into account the uniqueness of different situations and provide continuous positioning result regardless of the changing data. The collaborative positioning aspect is examined from three aspects, the network geometry, the network size and the P2P ranging measurement accuracy. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that a collaborative network with a low dilution of precision (DOP) value could achieve better positioning accuracy. While increasing sensors and users will reduce DOP, it will also increase computation load which is already a disadvantage of particle filters. The most effective collaborative positioning network size is thus identified and applied. While the positioning system measurement error is constrained by the accuracy of the P2P ranging constraint, the work in this thesis shows that even low accuracy measurements can provide effective constraint as long as the system is able to identify the different qualities of the measurements. The proposed collaborative positioning algorithm constrains both inertial measurements and Wi-Fi fingerprinting to enhance the stability and accuracy of positioning result, achieving metre-level accuracy. The application of collaborative constraints also eliminate the requirement for indoor map matching which had been a very useful tool in particle filters for indoor positioning purposes. The wall constraint can be replaced flexibly and easily with relative constraint. Simulations and indoor trials are carried out to evaluate the algorithms. Results indicate that metre-level positioning accuracy could be achieved and collaborative positioning also gives the system more flexibility to adapt to different situations when Wi-Fi or collaborative ranging is unavailable. The collaborative positioning aspect is examined from three aspects, the network geometry, the network size and the P2P ranging measurement accuracy. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that a collaborative network with a low dilution of precision (DOP) value could achieve better positioning accuracy. While increasing sensors and users will reduce DOP, it will also increase computation load which is already a disadvantage of particle filters. The most effective collaborative positioning network size is thus identified and applied. While the positioning system measurement error is constrained by the accuracy of the P2P ranging constraint, the work in this thesis shows that even low accuracy measurements can provide effective constraint as long as the system is able to identify the different qualities of the measurements. The proposed collaborative positioning algorithm constrains both inertial measurements and Wi-Fi fingerprinting to enhance the stability and accuracy of positioning result, achieving metre-level accuracy. The application of collaborative constraints also eliminate the requirement for indoor map matching which had been a very useful tool in particle filters for indoor positioning purposes. The wall constraint can be replaced flexibly and easily with relative constraint. Simulations and indoor trials are carried out to evaluate the algorithms. Results indicate that metre-level positioning accuracy could be achieved and collaborative positioning also gives the system more flexibility to adapt to different situations when Wi-Fi or collaborative ranging is unavailable

    Indoor collaborative positioning based on a multi-sensor and multi-user system

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    With recent developments in the Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS), the applications and services of positioning and navigation have developed rapidly worldwide. Location-based services (LBS) have become a big application which provide position related services to the mass market. As LBS applications become more popular, positioning services and capacity are demanded to cover all types of environment with improved accuracy and reliability. While GNSS can provide promising positioning and navigation solutions in open outdoor environments, it does not work well when inside buildings, in tunnels or under canopy. Positioning in such difficult environments have been known as the indoor positioning problem. Although the problem has been looked into for more than a decade, there currently no solution that can compare to the performance of GNSS in outdoor environments. This thesis introduces a collaborative indoor positioning solution based on particle filtering which integrates multiple sensors, e.g. inertial sensors, Wi-Fi signals, map information etc., and multiple local users which provide peer-to-peer (P2P) relative ranging measurements. This solution addresses three current problems of indoor positioning. First of all is the positioning accuracy, which is limited by the availability of sensors and the quality of their signals in the environment. The collaborative positioning solution integrates a number of sensors and users to provide better measurements and restrict measurement error from growing. Secondly, the reliability of the positioning solutions, which is also affected by the signal quality. The unpredictable behaviour of positioning signals and data could lead to many uncertainties in the final positioning result. A successful positioning system should be able to deal with changes in the signal and provide reliable positioning results using different data processing strategies. Thirdly, the continuity and robustness of positioning solutions. While the indoor environment can be very different from one another, hence applicable signals are also different, the positioning solution should take into account the uniqueness of different situations and provide continuous positioning result regardless of the changing datWith recent developments in the Global Satellite Navigation Systems (GNSS), the applications and services of positioning and navigation have developed rapidly worldwide. Location based services (LBS) have become a big application which provide position related services to the mass market. As LBS applications become more popular, positioning services and capacity are demanded to cover all types of environment with improved accuracy and reliability. While GNSS can provide promising positioning and navigation solutions in open outdoor environments, it does not work well when inside buildings, in tunnels or under canopy. Positioning in such difficult environments have been known as the indoor positioning problem. Although the problem has been looked into for more than a decade, there currently no solution that can compare to the performance of GNSS in outdoor environments. This thesis introduces a collaborative indoor positioning solution based on particle filtering which integrates multiple sensors, e.g. inertial sensors, Wi-Fi signals, map information etc., and multiple local users which provide peer-to-peer (P2P) relative ranging measurements. This solution addresses three current problems of indoor positioning. First of all is the positioning accuracy, which is limited by the availability of sensors and the quality of their signals in the environment. The collaborative positioning solution integrates a number of sensors and users to provide better measurements and restrict measurement error from growing. Secondly, the reliability of the positioning solutions, which is also affected by the signal quality. The unpredictable behaviour of positioning signals and data could lead to many uncertainties in the final positioning result. A successful positioning system should be able to deal with changes in the signal and provide reliable positioning results using different data processing strategies. Thirdly, the continuity and robustness of positioning solutions. While the indoor environment can be very different from one another, hence applicable signals are also different, the positioning solution should take into account the uniqueness of different situations and provide continuous positioning result regardless of the changing data. The collaborative positioning aspect is examined from three aspects, the network geometry, the network size and the P2P ranging measurement accuracy. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that a collaborative network with a low dilution of precision (DOP) value could achieve better positioning accuracy. While increasing sensors and users will reduce DOP, it will also increase computation load which is already a disadvantage of particle filters. The most effective collaborative positioning network size is thus identified and applied. While the positioning system measurement error is constrained by the accuracy of the P2P ranging constraint, the work in this thesis shows that even low accuracy measurements can provide effective constraint as long as the system is able to identify the different qualities of the measurements. The proposed collaborative positioning algorithm constrains both inertial measurements and Wi-Fi fingerprinting to enhance the stability and accuracy of positioning result, achieving metre-level accuracy. The application of collaborative constraints also eliminate the requirement for indoor map matching which had been a very useful tool in particle filters for indoor positioning purposes. The wall constraint can be replaced flexibly and easily with relative constraint. Simulations and indoor trials are carried out to evaluate the algorithms. Results indicate that metre-level positioning accuracy could be achieved and collaborative positioning also gives the system more flexibility to adapt to different situations when Wi-Fi or collaborative ranging is unavailable. The collaborative positioning aspect is examined from three aspects, the network geometry, the network size and the P2P ranging measurement accuracy. Both theoretical and experimental results indicate that a collaborative network with a low dilution of precision (DOP) value could achieve better positioning accuracy. While increasing sensors and users will reduce DOP, it will also increase computation load which is already a disadvantage of particle filters. The most effective collaborative positioning network size is thus identified and applied. While the positioning system measurement error is constrained by the accuracy of the P2P ranging constraint, the work in this thesis shows that even low accuracy measurements can provide effective constraint as long as the system is able to identify the different qualities of the measurements. The proposed collaborative positioning algorithm constrains both inertial measurements and Wi-Fi fingerprinting to enhance the stability and accuracy of positioning result, achieving metre-level accuracy. The application of collaborative constraints also eliminate the requirement for indoor map matching which had been a very useful tool in particle filters for indoor positioning purposes. The wall constraint can be replaced flexibly and easily with relative constraint. Simulations and indoor trials are carried out to evaluate the algorithms. Results indicate that metre-level positioning accuracy could be achieved and collaborative positioning also gives the system more flexibility to adapt to different situations when Wi-Fi or collaborative ranging is unavailable