8 research outputs found

    A genetic approach to Markovian characterisation of H.264 scalable video

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    We propose an algorithm for multivariate Markovian characterisation of H.264/SVC scalable video traces at the sub-GoP (Group of Pictures) level. A genetic algorithm yields Markov models with limited state space that accurately capture temporal and inter-layer correlation. Key to our approach is the covariance-based fitness function. In comparison with the classical Expectation Maximisation algorithm, ours is capable of matching the second order statistics more accurately at the cost of less accuracy in matching the histograms of the trace. Moreover, a simulation study shows that our approach outperforms Expectation Maximisation in predicting performance of video streaming in various networking scenarios

    Quantifying the impact of daily and seasonal variation in sap pH on xylem dissolved inorganic carbon estimates in plum trees

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    In studies on internal CO2 transport, average xylem sap pH (pH(x)) is one of the factors used for calculation of the concentration of dissolved inorganic carbon in the xylem sap ([CO2*]). Lack of detailed pH(x) measurements at high temporal resolution could be a potential source of error when evaluating [CO2*] dynamics. In this experiment, we performed continuous measurements of CO2 concentration ([CO2]) and stem temperature (T-stem), complemented with pH(x) measurements at 30-min intervals during the day at various stages of the growing season (Day of the Year (DOY): 86 (late winter), 128 (mid-spring) and 155 (early summer)) on a plum tree (Prunus domestica L. cv. Reine Claude d'Oullins). We used the recorded pH(x) to calculate [CO2*] based on T-stem and the corresponding measured [CO2]. No statistically significant difference was found between mean [CO2*] calculated with instantaneous pH(x) and daily average pH(x). However, using an average pH(x) value from a different part of the growing season than the measurements of [CO2] and T-stem to estimate [CO2*] led to a statistically significant error. The error varied between 3.25 +/- 0.01% under-estimation and 3.97 * 0.01% over-estimation, relative to the true [CO2*] data. Measured pH(x) did not show a significant daily variation, unlike [CO2], which increased during the day and declined at night. As the growing season progressed, daily average [CO2] (3.4%, 5.3%, 7.4%) increased and average pH(x) (5.43, 5.29, 5.20) decreased. Increase in [CO2] will increase its solubility in xylem sap according to Henry's law, and the dissociation of [CO2*] will negatively affect pH(x). Our results are the first quantifying the error in [CO2*] due to the interaction between [CO2] and pH(x) on a seasonal time scale. We found significant changes in pH(x) across the growing season, but overall the effect on the calculation of [CO2*] remained within an error range of 4%. However, it is possible that the error could be more substantial for other tree species, particularly if pH(x) is in the more sensitive range (pHx > 6.5)

    Cross-layer performance control of wireless channels using active local profiles

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    To optimize performance of applications running over wireless channels state-of-the-art wireless access technologies incorporate a number of channel adaptation mechanisms. While these mechanisms are expected to operate jointly providing the best possible performance for current wireless channel and traffic conditions, their joint effect is often difficult to predict. To control functionality of various channel adaptation mechanisms a new cross-layer performance optimization system is sought. This system should be responsible for exchange of control information between different layers and further optimization of wireless channel performance. In this paper design of the cross-layer performance control system for wireless access technologies with dynamic adaptation of protocol parameters at different layers of the protocol stack is proposed. Functionalities of components of the system are isolated and described in detail. To determine the range of protocol parameters providing the best possible performance for a wide range of channel and arrival statistics the proposed system is analytically analyzed. Particularly, probability distribution functions of the number of lost frames and delay of a frame as functions of first- and second-order wireless channel and arrival statistics, automatic repeat request, forward error correction functionality, protocol data unit size at different layers are derived. Numerical examples illustrating performance of the whole system and its elements are provided. Obtained results demonstrate that the proposed system provide significant performance gains compared to static configuration of protocols

    Exploring resource/performance trade-offs for streaming applications on embedded multiprocessors

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    Embedded system design is challenged by the gap between the ever-increasing customer demands and the limited resource budgets. The tough competition demands ever-shortening time-to-market and product lifecycles. To solve or, at least to alleviate, the aforementioned issues, designers and manufacturers need model-based quantitative analysis techniques for early design-space exploration to study trade-offs of different implementation candidates. Moreover, modern embedded applications, especially the streaming applications addressed in this thesis, face more and more dynamic input contents, and the platforms that they are running on are more flexible and allow runtime configuration. Quantitative analysis techniques for embedded system design have to be able to handle such dynamic adaptable systems. This thesis has the following contributions: - A resource-aware extension to the Synchronous Dataflow (SDF) model of computation. - Trade-off analysis techniques, both in the time-domain and in the iterationdomain (i.e., on an SDF iteration basis), with support for resource sharing. - Bottleneck-driven design-space exploration techniques for resource-aware SDF. - A game-theoretic approach to controller synthesis, guaranteeing performance under dynamic input. As a first contribution, we propose a new model, as an extension of static synchronous dataflow graphs (SDF) that allows the explicit modeling of resources with consistency checking. The model is called resource-aware SDF (RASDF). The extension enables us to investigate resource sharing and to explore different scheduling options (ways to allocate the resources to the different tasks) using state-space exploration techniques. Consistent SDF and RASDF graphs have the property that an execution occurs in so-called iterations. An iteration typically corresponds to the processing of a meaningful piece of data, and it returns the graph to its initial state. On multiprocessor platforms, iterations may be executed in a pipelined fashion, which makes performance analysis challenging. As the second contribution, this thesis develops trade-off analysis techniques for RASDF, both in the time-domain and in the iteration-domain (i.e., on an SDF iteration basis), to dimension resources on platforms. The time-domain analysis allows interleaving of different iterations, but the size of the explored state space grows quickly. The iteration-based technique trades the potential of interleaving of iterations for a compact size of the iteration state space. An efficient bottleneck-driven designspace exploration technique for streaming applications, the third main contribution in this thesis, is derived from analysis of the critical cycle of the state space, to reveal bottleneck resources that are limiting the throughput. All techniques are based on state-based exploration. They enable system designers to tailor their platform to the required applications, based on their own specific performance requirements. Pruning techniques for efficient exploration of the state space have been developed. Pareto dominance in terms of performance and resource usage is used for exact pruning, and approximation techniques are used for heuristic pruning. Finally, the thesis investigates dynamic scheduling techniques to respond to dynamic changes in input streams. The fourth contribution in this thesis is a game-theoretic approach to tackle controller synthesis to select the appropriate schedules in response to dynamic inputs from the environment. The approach transforms the explored iteration state space of a scenario- and resource-aware SDF (SARA SDF) graph to a bipartite game graph, and maps the controller synthesis problem to the problem of finding a winning positional strategy in a classical mean payoff game. A winning strategy of the game can be used to synthesize the controller of schedules for the system that is guaranteed to satisfy the throughput requirement given by the designer

    Evaluation des performances temps réel de réseaux embarqués avioniques

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    Les nouvelles générations d'aéronefs embarquent de plus en plus de systèmes avioniques, pour augmenter à la fois la sécurité et le confort des passagers. Ces nouvelles fonctions entraînent une forte hausse des échanges de données, ce qui nécessite plus de débit et de possibilités d'interconnexion. Les bus classiques de communications avioniques ne peuvent répondre à cette nouvelle demande, ce qui a poussé les constructeurs (Airbus et Boeing) à installer à bord un réseau de communication utilisant la technologie Ethernet commuté. Le principal apport de cette thèse est le développement d'une méthode d'évaluation de performances de ce type de réseaux basée sur une modélisation en file d'attente et simulation. Nous proposons également des approches pour la classification du trafic qui réduisent l'espace de la simulation afin de permettre une analyse plus fine du comportement moyen du réseau. Les résultats de ces simplifications nous ont permis ainsi d'établir un modèle de simulation générique et d'acquérir des répartitions des délais de bout en bout pour la majorité des chemins, devant être étudiés sur la configuration avionique réelle retenue. ABSTRACT : The recent aircrafts need to accommodate more passengers or freight, with increasing safety and comfort conditions. The new embedded systems imply a large burst in the number and the volume of exchanged data. The avionic data buses cannot cope anymore with these new communications needs. Both Airbus and Boeing made the choice to replace these buses with a network using the Switched Ethernet technology. The main contribution of this thesis is a method, based on a simulation model, which evaluates the performances of this type of networks. We also propose approaches for the traffic classification allowing the reduction of the simulation space, in order to lead to a more refined analysis of the network behaviour. The results of these simplifications enabled us to establish a generic simulation model and to acquire distributions of the end to end delay for the majority of the virtual links, having to be studied on the selected real avionic configuratio

    Rate-distortion analysis and traffic modeling of scalable video coders

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    In this work, we focus on two important goals of the transmission of scalable video over the Internet. The first goal is to provide high quality video to end users and the second one is to properly design networks and predict network performance for video transmission based on the characteristics of existing video traffic. Rate-distortion (R-D) based schemes are often applied to improve and stabilize video quality; however, the lack of R-D modeling of scalable coders limits their applications in scalable streaming. Thus, in the first part of this work, we analyze R-D curves of scalable video coders and propose a novel operational R-D model. We evaluate and demonstrate the accuracy of our R-D function in various scalable coders, such as Fine Granular Scalable (FGS) and Progressive FGS coders. Furthermore, due to the time-constraint nature of Internet streaming, we propose another operational R-D model, which is accurate yet with low computational cost, and apply it to streaming applications for quality control purposes. The Internet is a changing environment; however, most quality control approaches only consider constant bit rate (CBR) channels and no specific studies have been conducted for quality control in variable bit rate (VBR) channels. To fill this void, we examine an asymptotically stable congestion control mechanism and combine it with our R-D model to present smooth visual quality to end users under various network conditions. Our second focus in this work concerns the modeling and analysis of video traffic, which is crucial to protocol design and efficient network utilization for video transmission. Although scalable video traffic is expected to be an important source for the Internet, we find that little work has been done on analyzing or modeling it. In this regard, we develop a frame-level hybrid framework for modeling multi-layer VBR video traffic. In the proposed framework, the base layer is modeled using a combination of wavelet and time-domain methods and the enhancement layer is linearly predicted from the base layer using the cross-layer correlation

    Analyse et évaluation de techniques de commutation Ethernet pour l'interconnexion des systèmes avioniques

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    Les nouvelles générations d'aéronefs embarquent de plus en plus de systèmes avioniques, pour augmenter à la fois la sécurité et le confort des passagers, tout en maintenant une haute rentabilité pour les compagnies aériennes. Ces nouvelles fonctions entraînent une forte hausse des échanges de données, ce qui nécessite plus de débit et de possibilités d'interconnexion. Les bus classiques de communications avioniques ne peuvent répondre à cette nouvelle demande, ce qui a poussé les constructeurs Airbus et Boeing à installer à bord un réseau de communication utilisant la technologie Ethernet commuté. Le principal apport de cette thèse est le développement d'une méthode de preuve du déterminisme de ce type de réseaux, démonstration fondamentale pour permettre leur certification aéronautique. Cette méthode, utilisant la théorie du Network Calculus, a été retenue par Airbus pour la certification du réseau AFDX de l'A380. Nous proposons également des optimisations de ce réseau (politiques de service des commutateurs, interconnexion des éléments réseau) en vue d'améliorer les résultats de son analyse de déterminisme par la méthode précédente. Enfin, nous proposons une extension de nature stochastique à notre méthode déterministe, qui pourrait dans le cadre d'un futur programme permettre de dimensionner au plus juste les ressources physiques du réseau