357 research outputs found

    Accurate detection of moving targets via random sensor arrays and Kerdock codes

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    The detection and parameter estimation of moving targets is one of the most important tasks in radar. Arrays of randomly distributed antennas have been popular for this purpose for about half a century. Yet, surprisingly little rigorous mathematical theory exists for random arrays that addresses fundamental question such as how many targets can be recovered, at what resolution, at which noise level, and with which algorithm. In a different line of research in radar, mathematicians and engineers have invested significant effort into the design of radar transmission waveforms which satisfy various desirable properties. In this paper we bring these two seemingly unrelated areas together. Using tools from compressive sensing we derive a theoretical framework for the recovery of targets in the azimuth-range-Doppler domain via random antennas arrays. In one manifestation of our theory we use Kerdock codes as transmission waveforms and exploit some of their peculiar properties in our analysis. Our paper provides two main contributions: (i) We derive the first rigorous mathematical theory for the detection of moving targets using random sensor arrays. (ii) The transmitted waveforms satisfy a variety of properties that are very desirable and important from a practical viewpoint. Thus our approach does not just lead to useful theoretical insights, but is also of practical importance. Various extensions of our results are derived and numerical simulations confirming our theory are presented

    Efficient active SLAM based on submap joining

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    This paper considers the active SLAM problem where a robot is required to cover a given area while at the same time performing simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM) for understanding the environment and localizing the robot itself. We propose a model predictive control (MPC) framework, and the minimization of uncertainty in SLAM and coverage problems are solved respectively by the Sequential Quadratic Programming (SQP) method. Then, a decision making process is used to control the switching of two control inputs. In order to reduce the estimation and planning time, we use Linear SLAM, which is a submap joining approach. Simulation results are presented to validate the effectiveness of the proposed active SLAM strategy

    Dual Quaternions as Constraints in 4D-DPM Models for Pose Estimation

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    This work was partially financed by Plan Nacional de Investigacion y Desarrollo (I+D), Comision Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (FEDER-CICYT) under the project DPI2013-44227-R.Martínez Bertí, E.; Sánchez Salmerón, AJ.; Ricolfe Viala, C. (2017). Dual Quaternions as Constraints in 4D-DPM Models for Pose Estimation. Sensors. 17 (8)(1913):1-16. https://doi.org/10.3390/s17081913S11617 (8)191

    Digital Twin Technology Enabled Proactive Safety Application for Vulnerable Road Users: A Real-World Case Study

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    While measures, such as traffic calming and advance driver assistance systems, can improve safety for Vulnerable Road Users (VRUs), their effectiveness ultimately relies on the responsible behavior of drivers and pedestrians who must adhere to traffic rules or take appropriate actions. However, these measures offer no solution in scenarios where a collision becomes imminent, leaving no time for warning or corrective actions. Recently, connected vehicle technology has introduced warning services that can alert drivers and VRUs about potential collisions. Nevertheless, there is still a significant gap in the system's ability to predict collisions in advance. The objective of this study is to utilize Digital Twin (DT) technology to enable a proactive safety alert system for VRUs. A pedestrian-vehicle trajectory prediction model has been developed using the Encoder-Decoder Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) architecture to predict future trajectories of pedestrians and vehicles. Subsequently, parallel evaluation of all potential future safety-critical scenarios is carried out. Three Encoder-Decoder LSTM models, namely pedestrian-LSTM, vehicle-through-LSTM, and vehicle-left-turn-LSTM, are trained and validated using field-collected data, achieving corresponding root mean square errors (RMSE) of 0.049, 1.175, and 0.355 meters, respectively. A real-world case study has been conducted where a pedestrian crosses a road, and vehicles have the option to proceed through or left-turn, to evaluate the efficacy of DT-enabled proactive safety alert systems. Experimental results confirm that DT-enabled safety alert systems were succesfully able to detect potential crashes and proactively generate safety alerts to reduce potential crash risk.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, submitted to the Transportation Research Board 2024 TRB Annual Meetin
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