7 research outputs found

    Monotone TT-convex TT-differential fields

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    Let TT be a complete, model complete o-minimal theory extending the theory of real closed ordered fields and assume that TT is power bounded. Let KK be a model of TT equipped with a TT-convex valuation ring O\mathcal{O} and a TT-derivation ∂\partial such that ∂\partial is monotone, i.e., weakly contractive with respect to the valuation induced by O\mathcal{O}. We show that the theory of monotone TT-convex TT-differential fields, i.e., the common theory of such KK, has a model completion, which is complete and distal. Among the axioms of this model completion, we isolate an analogue of henselianity that we call T∂T^{\partial}-henselianity. We establish an Ax--Kochen/Ershov theorem and further results for monotone TT-convex TT-differential fields that are T∂T^{\partial}-henselian.Comment: 26 page

    Panorama of p-adic model theory

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    ABSTRACT. We survey the literature in the model theory of p-adic numbers since\ud Denef’s work on the rationality of PoincarĂ© series. / RÉSUMÉ. Nous donnons un aperçu des dĂ©veloppements de la thĂ©orie des modĂšles\ud des nombres p-adiques depuis les travaux de Denef sur la rationalitĂ© de sĂ©ries de PoincarĂ©,\ud par une revue de la bibliographie

    Algebraically closed fields with characters; differential-henselian monotone valued differential fields

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    This thesis consists of two unrelated research projects. In the first project we study the model theory of the 2-sorted structure (F, C; χ), where F is an algebraic closure of a finite field of characteristic p, C is the field of complex numbers and χ ∶ F → C is an injective, multiplication preserving map. In the second project we study the model theory of the differential-henselian monotone valued differential fields. We also consider definability in differential-henselian monotone fields with c-map and angular component map

    TT-convex TT-differential fields and their immediate extensions

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    Let TT be a polynomially bounded o-minimal theory extending the theory of real closed ordered fields. Let KK be a model of TT equipped with a TT-convex valuation ring and a TT-derivation. If this derivation is continuous with respect to the valuation topology, then we call KK a TT-convex TT-differential field. We show that every TT-convex TT-differential field has an immediate strict TT-convex TT-differential field extension which is spherically complete. In some important cases, the assumption of polynomial boundedness can be relaxed to power boundedness.Comment: 26 page


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    Derivations on o-minimal fields

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    Let KK be an o-minimal expansion of a real closed ordered field and let TT be the theory of KK. In this thesis, we study derivations \der on KK. We require that these derivations be compatible with the C1\mathcal{C}^1-functions definable in KK. For example, if KK defines an exponential function, then we require that \der\exp(a) = \exp(a)\der a for all a∈Ka \in K. We capture this compatibility with the notion of a TT-derivation. Let T^\der be the theory of structures (K,\der), where K⊹TK\models T and \der is a TT-derivation on KK. We show that T^\der has a model completion T^\der_{\mathcal{G}}, in which derivation behaves "generically." The theory T^\der_{\mathcal{G}} is model theoretically quite tame; it is distal, it has o-minimal open core, and it eliminates imaginaries. Following our investigation of T^\der_{\mathcal{G}}, we turn our attention to TT-convex TT-differential fields. These are models K⊹TK\models T equipped with a TT-derivation which is continuous with respect to a TT-convex valuation ring of KK, as defined by van den Dries and Lewenberg. We show that if KK is a TT-convex TT-differential field, then under certain conditions (including the necessary condition of power boundedness), KK has an immediate TT-convex TT-differential field extension which is spherically complete. In the penultimate chapter, we consider TT-convex TT-differential fields which are also HH-fields, as defined by Aschenbrenner and van den Dries. We call these structures HTH_T-fields, and we show that if TT is power bounded, then every HTH_T-field KK has either exactly one or exactly two minimal Liouville closed HTH_T-field extensions up to KK-isomorphism. We end with two theorems when T=Tre⁡T= T_{\operatorname{re}}, the theory of the real field expanded by restricted elementary functions. First, we prove a model completeness result for the expansion of the ordered valued differential field T\mathbb{T} of logarithmic-exponential transseries by its natural restricted elementary functions. We then use this result to prove that the theory of HTre⁡H_{T_{\operatorname{re}}}-fields has a model companion