592 research outputs found

    Advanced Quantization Schemes to Increase Accuracy, Reduce Area, and Lower Power Consumption in FFT Architectures.

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    This paper explores new advanced quantization schemes for fast Fourier transform (FFT) architectures. In previous works, FFT quantization has been treated theoretically or with the sole aim of improving accuracy. In this work, we go one step beyond by considering also the implications that quantization schemes have on the area and power consumption of the architecture. To achieve this, we have analyzed the mathematical operations carried out in FFT architectures and explored the changes that benefit all the figures of merit. By combining or alternating truncation and rounding, and using the half-unit biased (HUB) representation in the different computations of the architecture, we have achieved quantization schemes that increase accuracy, reduce area, and lower power consumption simultaneously. This win-win result improves multiple figures of merit without worsening any other, making it a valuable strategy to optimize FFT architectures.MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ERDF A Way of Making Europe” under Project PID2021-126991NA-I00, European Union NextGeneration EU/PRTR under Project TED2021-131527B-I00, Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional under Grant UMA20-FEDERJA-059, and MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and “ESF Investing in Your Future” under Grant RYC2018-025384-

    Polarization fields: dynamic light field display using multi-layer LCDs

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    We introduce polarization field displays as an optically-efficient design for dynamic light field display using multi-layered LCDs. Such displays consist of a stacked set of liquid crystal panels with a single pair of crossed linear polarizers. Each layer is modeled as a spatially-controllable polarization rotator, as opposed to a conventional spatial light modulator that directly attenuates light. Color display is achieved using field sequential color illumination with monochromatic LCDs, mitigating severe attenuation and moiré occurring with layered color filter arrays. We demonstrate such displays can be controlled, at interactive refresh rates, by adopting the SART algorithm to tomographically solve for the optimal spatially-varying polarization state rotations applied by each layer. We validate our design by constructing a prototype using modified off-the-shelf panels. We demonstrate interactive display using a GPU-based SART implementation supporting both polarization-based and attenuation-based architectures. Experiments characterize the accuracy of our image formation model, verifying polarization field displays achieve increased brightness, higher resolution, and extended depth of field, as compared to existing automultiscopic display methods for dual-layer and multi-layer LCDs.National Science Foundation (U.S.) (Grant IIS-1116452)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Grant HR0011-10-C-0073)Alfred P. Sloan Foundation (Research Fellowship)United States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Young Faculty Award

    Fundamental Parameters of Massive Stars

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    We discuss the determination of fundamental parameters of `normal' hot, massive OB-type stars, namely temperatures, luminosities, masses, gravities and surface abundances. We also present methods used to derive properties of stellar winds -- mass-loss rates and wind velocities from early-type stars.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figures, to appear in "Massive Stars: Formation, Evolution and Environment", eds. Heydari-Malayeri & Zahn (proceedings of 2002 Aussois summer school

    An investigation to determine the producibility of a 3-D braider and bias direction weaving loom

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    The development of prototype machines for the production of generalized braid patterns is described. Mechanical operating principles and control strategies are presented for two prototype machines which were fabricated and evaluated. Both machines represent advances over current techniques for forming composite material preforms by enabling near ideal control of fiber orientation. Furthermore, they overcome both the lack of general control of produced fiber architectures and the complexity of other weaving processes that were produced for the same purpose. One prototype, the modified Farley braider, consists of an array of turntables which can be rotated 90 degrees and returned; hence, they can form tracks in the x and y axis. Yarn ends are transported about the surface formed by the turntables using motorized tractors. These tractors are controlled using an optical link with a control circuit and host computer. The tractors are powered through electrical contact with the turntables. The necessary relative motions are produced by a series of linear tractor moves combined with a sequence of turntable rotations. The movement of the tractors about the surface causes the yarns to produce the desired braiding pattern. The second device, the shuttle plate braider, consists of a braiding surface formed by an array of square elements, each separated from its neighbor by a gap. Beneath this surface lies a shuttle plate, which reciprocates first in one axis and then in the other. As this movement takes place, yarn carrying shuttles engage and disengage the plate by means of solenoid activated pins. By selective engagement and disengagement, the shuttles can move the yarn ends in any desired pattern, forming the desired braid. Control power, and control signals, are transmitted from the electronic interface circuit and host computer, via the braiding surface through electrical contact with the shuttles. Motive power is proved to the shuttles by motion of the shuttle plate, which is passively driven using pneumatic rams. Each shuttle is a simple device that uses only a solenoid to engage the plate and is a simple device that uses only a solenoid to engage the plate and is independently controllable. When compared with each other, the modified Farley braider has the advantage of speed, and the shuttle plate braider the advantage of mechanical control and simplicity

    Magnetic and Gravitational Disk-Star Interactions: An Interdependence of PMS Stellar Rotation Rates and Spin-Orbit Misalignments

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    The presence of giant gaseous planets that reside in close proximity to their host stars may be a consequence of large-scale radial migration through the proto-planetary nebulae. Within the context of this picture, significant orbital obliquities characteristic of a substantial fraction of such planets can be attributed to external torques that perturb the disks out of alignment with the spin axes of their host stars. Therefore, the acquisition of orbital obliquity exhibits sensitive dependence on the physics of disk-star interactions. Here, we analyze the primordial excitation of spin-orbit misalignment of Sun-like stars, in light of disk-star angular momentum transfer. We begin by calculating the stellar pre-main sequence rotational evolution, accounting for spin-up due to gravitational contraction and accretion as well as spin-down due to magnetic star-disk coupling. We devote particular attention to angular momentum transfer by accretion, and show that while generally subdominant to gravitational contraction, this process is largely controlled by the morphology of the stellar magnetic field (i.e. specific angular momentum accreted by stars with octupole-dominated surface fields is smaller than that accreted by dipole-dominated stars by an order of magnitude). Subsequently, we examine the secular spin-axis dynamics of disk-bearing stars, accounting for the time-evolution of stellar and disk properties and demonstrate that misalignments are preferentially excited in systems where stellar rotation is not overwhelmingly rapid. Moreover, we show that the excitation of spin-orbit misalignment occurs impulsively, through an encounter with a resonance between the stellar precession frequency and the disk-torquing frequency. Cumulatively, the model developed herein opens up a previously unexplored avenue towards understanding star-disk evolution and its consequences in a unified manner.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures, accepted to Ap

    Magnetic fields from low mass stars to brown dwarfs

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    Magnetic fields have been detected on stars across the H-R diagram and substellar objects either directly by their effect on the formation of spectral lines, or through the activity phenomena they power which can be observed across a large part of the electromagnetic spectrum. Stars show a very wide variety of magnetic properties in terms of strength, geometry or variability. Cool stars generate their magnetic fields by dynamo effect, and their properties appear to correlate - to some extent - with stellar parameters such as mass, rotation and age. With the improvements of instrumentation and data analysis techniques, magnetic fields can now be detected and studied down to the domain of very-low-mass stars and brown dwarfs, triggering new theoretical works aimed, in particular, at modelling dynamo action in these objects. After a brief discussion on the importance of magnetic field in stellar physics, the basics of dynamo theory and magnetic field measurements are presented. The main results stemming from observational and theoretical studies of magnetism are then detailed in two parts: the fully-convective transition, and the very-low mass stars and brown dwarfs domain.Comment: 30 pages, 9 figures. Notes for lectures presented at the Evry Schatzman school on "Low-mass stars and the transition from stars to brown dwarfs", September 2011, Roscoff, France. To appear in the EAS Conference Series, edited by C. Charbonnel, C. Reyle, M. Schulthei

    Combined Effects of Rotation and Age Spreads on Extended Main-Sequence Turn Offs

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    The extended main-sequence turn offs (eMSTOs) of several young to intermediate age clusters are examined in the Magellanic Clouds and the Milky Way. We explore the effects of extended star formation (eSF) and a range of stellar rotation rates on the behavior of the color–magnitude diagram, paying particular attention to the MSTO. We create synthetic stellar populations based on MESA stellar models to simulate observed Hubble Space Telescope and Gaia star cluster data. We model the effect of rotation as a nonparametric distribution, allowing for maximum flexibility. In our models the slow rotators comprise the blueward, and fast rotators the redward portion of the eMSTO. We simulate data under three scenarios: nonrotating eSF, a range of rotation rates with a single age, and a combination of age and rotation effects. We find that two of the five clusters (the youngest and oldest) favor an age spread, but these also achieve the overall worst fits of all clusters. The other three clusters show comparable statistical evidence between rotation and an age spread. In all five cases, a rotation-rate distribution alone is capable of qualitatively matching the observed eMSTO structure. In future work, we aim to compare our predicted Vsin⁡iV\sin i with observations in order to better constrain the physics related to stellar rotation
