82 research outputs found

    Ontology Localization

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    Nuestra meta principal en esta tesis es proponer una solución para construir una ontología multilingüe, a través de la localización automática de una ontología. La noción de localización viene del área de Desarrollo de Software que hace referencia a la adaptación de un producto de software a un ambiente no nativo. En la Ingeniería Ontológica, la localización de ontologías podría ser considerada como un subtipo de la localización de software en el cual el producto es un modelo compartido de un dominio particular, por ejemplo, una ontología, a ser usada por una cierta aplicación. En concreto, nuestro trabajo introduce una nueva propuesta para el problema de multilingüismo, describiendo los métodos, técnicas y herramientas para la localización de recursos ontológicos y cómo el multilingüismo puede ser representado en las ontologías. No es la meta de este trabajo apoyar una única propuesta para la localización de ontologías, sino más bien mostrar la variedad de métodos y técnicas que pueden ser readaptadas de otras áreas de conocimiento para reducir el costo y esfuerzo que significa enriquecer una ontología con información multilingüe. Estamos convencidos de que no hay un único método para la localización de ontologías. Sin embargo, nos concentramos en soluciones automáticas para la localización de estos recursos. La propuesta presentada en esta tesis provee una cobertura global de la actividad de localización para los profesionales ontológicos. En particular, este trabajo ofrece una explicación formal de nuestro proceso general de localización, definiendo las entradas, salidas, y los principales pasos identificados. Además, en la propuesta consideramos algunas dimensiones para localizar una ontología. Estas dimensiones nos permiten establecer una clasificación de técnicas de traducción basadas en métodos tomados de la disciplina de traducción por máquina. Para facilitar el análisis de estas técnicas de traducción, introducimos una estructura de evaluación que cubre sus aspectos principales. Finalmente, ofrecemos una vista intuitiva de todo el ciclo de vida de la localización de ontologías y esbozamos nuestro acercamiento para la definición de una arquitectura de sistema que soporte esta actividad. El modelo propuesto comprende los componentes del sistema, las propiedades visibles de esos componentes, las relaciones entre ellos, y provee además, una base desde la cual sistemas de localización de ontologías pueden ser desarrollados. Las principales contribuciones de este trabajo se resumen como sigue: - Una caracterización y definición de los problemas de localización de ontologías, basado en problemas encontrados en áreas relacionadas. La caracterización propuesta tiene en cuenta tres problemas diferentes de la localización: traducción, gestión de la información, y representación de la información multilingüe. - Una metodología prescriptiva para soportar la actividad de localización de ontologías, basada en las metodologías de localización usadas en Ingeniería del Software e Ingeniería del Conocimiento, tan general como es posible, tal que ésta pueda cubrir un amplio rango de escenarios. - Una clasificación de las técnicas de localización de ontologías, que puede servir para comparar (analíticamente) diferentes sistemas de localización de ontologías, así como también para diseñar nuevos sistemas, tomando ventaja de las soluciones del estado del arte. - Un método integrado para construir sistemas de localización de ontologías en un entorno distribuido y colaborativo, que tenga en cuenta los métodos y técnicas más apropiadas, dependiendo de: i) el dominio de la ontología a ser localizada, y ii) la cantidad de información lingüística requerida para la ontología final. - Un componente modular para soportar el almacenamiento de la información multilingüe asociada a cada término de la ontología. Nuestra propuesta sigue la tendencia actual en la integración de la información multilingüe en las ontologías que sugiere que el conocimiento de la ontología y la información lingüística (multilingüe) estén separados y sean independientes. - Un modelo basado en flujos de trabajo colaborativos para la representación del proceso normalmente seguido en diferentes organizaciones, para coordinar la actividad de localización en diferentes lenguajes naturales. - Una infraestructura integrada implementada dentro del NeOn Toolkit por medio de un conjunto de plug-ins y extensiones que soporten el proceso colaborativo de localización de ontologías

    The Impact of Procedural Meaning on Second Language Processing: A Study on Connectives

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    Utterances are minimal ostensive stimuli produced by a speaker for an interlocutor, who interprets them by decoding linguistic input and by carrying out inferential processes (Sperber & Wilson 1995[1986]). Inferencing implies performing computations to obtain and connect mental representations with each other and with the context and obtain cognitive effects from the processed utterances (idem). These inferential processes are often guided by linguistic expressions with procedural meaning, among which are discourse markers. Discourse markers act as instructions during discourse processing by constraining contextual access (Blakemore 1987, 2002; Portolés 2001[1998]; Loureda & Acín 2010). As procedural-meaning expressions, their semantics is rigid and asymmetric as to concepts: instructions encoded in the meaning of a discourse marker must necessarily be executed (Leonetti & Escandell Vidal 2004; Escandell Vidal et al. 2011). In this dissertation, we investigate experimentally how concepts and instructions interact in discourse processing, and how such interaction is managed by speakers with different degrees of competence in an L2, as compared to native speakers. Processing data were gathered in an eye-tracking reading experiment for four discourse-related phenomena and three groups of readers. The two participant groups consisted of speakers an intermediate level (B1 CEFR, n = 58) and with a proficiency level (C1 CEFR, n = 49) in Spanish as an L2; the control group consisted of native speakers of Spanish (n = 102). At the discourse level, we compared processing of different argumentative discourse relations (causality versus counter-argumentation signaled by the Spanish connectives por tanto ‘therefore’ and sin embargo ‘however’, study 1); how the presence of a procedural interpretive guide influences processing of causal relations (implicit versus explicit causality marked by por tanto, study 2); and how congruency between procedural meaning and mind-stored assumptions impacts discourse processing (plausible versus implausible causality marked by por tanto, study 3, and plausible versus implausible causality marked by sin embargo, study 4). In general, results show that discourse relations are approached differently in cognitive terms depending on an individual’s degree of linguistic and pragmatic competence. Most frequently, the patterns obtained point to a direct correlation between proficiency and degree of nativelikeness in L2 performance, both in the strategies deployed, and in the effort allocated in processing of causality and counter-argumentation and in the resolution of pragmatic mismatches. Specifically, feasibility and relevance in discourse overrides discursive differences (the type of discourse relation at issue) from a certain degree of communicative competence on. By contrast, when pragmatic and linguistic competence are not sufficiently developed, relevance and discourse feasibility do not seem to offset the higher cognitive complexity of a certain discourse relation (study 1) and the absence of processing instructions (study 2). Communicative competence is also determinant of whether and how the accommodation strategies needed to process utterances in which procedural meaning leads toward recovering of a communicated assumption that clashes with mind-stored assumptions are performed. Accommodation is cognitively demanding and, therefore, effortful, but only given a certain degree of communicative competence to perform a certain task (studies 3 and 4). In complex and highly complex tasks processing by less proficient language users is shallow (cf. Clahsen & Felser 2006a, 2006b, 2006c) compared to more proficient and native readers. As a result, when the cognitive constraints imposed by the task are very high (study 4), readers fail to carry out the accommodation processes needed to recover the assumption communicated in the utterance. From a theoretical perspective, this study may contribute to the refinement of theories on L2 discourse processing, particularly in respect to how non-native language users cognitively manage discourse marking; from an applied perspective, the experimental evidence provided may serve as a basis for future studies to determine if empirically observed processing strategies in an L2 correlate with the thresholds and the content-sequencing established in frameworks of reference for the teaching and learning of second languages in relation to discourse marking and, in general, to contents at the discourse level for any language skill

    Attention Restraint, Working Memory Capacity, and Mind Wandering: Do Emotional Valence or Intentionality Matter?

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    Attention restraint appears to mediate the relationship between working memory capacity (WMC) and mind wandering (Kane et al., 2016). Prior work has identifed two dimensions of mind wandering—emotional valence and intentionality. However, less is known about how WMC and attention restraint correlate with these dimensions. Te current study examined the relationship between WMC, attention restraint, and mind wandering by emotional valence and intentionality. A confrmatory factor analysis demonstrated that WMC and attention restraint were strongly correlated, but only attention restraint was related to overall mind wandering, consistent with prior fndings. However, when examining the emotional valence of mind wandering, attention restraint and WMC were related to negatively and positively valenced, but not neutral, mind wandering. Attention restraint was also related to intentional but not unintentional mind wandering. Tese results suggest that WMC and attention restraint predict some, but not all, types of mind wandering

    A Sound Approach to Language Matters: In Honor of Ocke-Schwen Bohn

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    The contributions in this Festschrift were written by Ocke’s current and former PhD-students, colleagues and research collaborators. The Festschrift is divided into six sections, moving from the smallest building blocks of language, through gradually expanding objects of linguistic inquiry to the highest levels of description - all of which have formed a part of Ocke’s career, in connection with his teaching and/or his academic productions: “Segments”, “Perception of Accent”, “Between Sounds and Graphemes”, “Prosody”, “Morphology and Syntax” and “Second Language Acquisition”. Each one of these illustrates a sound approach to language matters

    Towards a machine-learning architecture for lexical functional grammar parsing

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    Data-driven grammar induction aims at producing wide-coverage grammars of human languages. Initial efforts in this field produced relatively shallow linguistic representations such as phrase-structure trees, which only encode constituent structure. Recent work on inducing deep grammars from treebanks addresses this shortcoming by also recovering non-local dependencies and grammatical relations. My aim is to investigate the issues arising when adapting an existing Lexical Functional Grammar (LFG) induction method to a new language and treebank, and find solutions which will generalize robustly across multiple languages. The research hypothesis is that by exploiting machine-learning algorithms to learn morphological features, lemmatization classes and grammatical functions from treebanks we can reduce the amount of manual specification and improve robustness, accuracy and domain- and language -independence for LFG parsing systems. Function labels can often be relatively straightforwardly mapped to LFG grammatical functions. Learning them reliably permits grammar induction to depend less on language-specific LFG annotation rules. I therefore propose ways to improve acquisition of function labels from treebanks and translate those improvements into better-quality f-structure parsing. In a lexicalized grammatical formalism such as LFG a large amount of syntactically relevant information comes from lexical entries. It is, therefore, important to be able to perform morphological analysis in an accurate and robust way for morphologically rich languages. I propose a fully data-driven supervised method to simultaneously lemmatize and morphologically analyze text and obtain competitive or improved results on a range of typologically diverse languages

    The future of dialects: Selected papers from Methods in Dialectology XV

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    Traditional dialects have been encroached upon by the increasing mobility of their speakers and by the onslaught of national languages in education and mass media. Typically, older dialects are “leveling” to become more like national languages. This is regrettable when the last articulate traces of a culture are lost, but it also promotes a complex dynamics of interaction as speakers shift from dialect to standard and to intermediate compromises between the two in their forms of speech. Varieties of speech thus live on in modern communities, where they still function to mark provenance, but increasingly cultural and social provenance as opposed to pure geography. They arise at times from the need to function throughout the different groups in society, but they also may have roots in immigrants’ speech, and just as certainly from the ineluctable dynamics of groups wishing to express their identity to themselves and to the world. The future of dialects is a selection of the papers presented at Methods in Dialectology XV, held in Groningen, the Netherlands, 11-15 August 2014. While the focus is on methodology, the volume also includes specialized studies on varieties of Catalan, Breton, Croatian, (Belgian) Dutch, English (in the US, the UK and in Japan), German (including Swiss German), Italian (including Tyrolean Italian), Japanese, and Spanish as well as on heritage languages in Canada

    The future of dialects: Selected papers from Methods in Dialectology XV

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    Traditional dialects have been encroached upon by the increasing mobility of their speakers and by the onslaught of national languages in education and mass media. Typically, older dialects are “leveling” to become more like national languages. This is regrettable when the last articulate traces of a culture are lost, but it also promotes a complex dynamics of interaction as speakers shift from dialect to standard and to intermediate compromises between the two in their forms of speech. Varieties of speech thus live on in modern communities, where they still function to mark provenance, but increasingly cultural and social provenance as opposed to pure geography. They arise at times from the need to function throughout the different groups in society, but they also may have roots in immigrants’ speech, and just as certainly from the ineluctable dynamics of groups wishing to express their identity to themselves and to the world. The future of dialects is a selection of the papers presented at Methods in Dialectology XV, held in Groningen, the Netherlands, 11-15 August 2014. While the focus is on methodology, the volume also includes specialized studies on varieties of Catalan, Breton, Croatian, (Belgian) Dutch, English (in the US, the UK and in Japan), German (including Swiss German), Italian (including Tyrolean Italian), Japanese, and Spanish as well as on heritage languages in Canada