42 research outputs found

    Bi-sigmoid spike-timing dependent plasticity learning rule for magnetic tunnel junction-based SNN

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    In this study, we explore spintronic synapses composed of several Magnetic Tunnel Junctions (MTJs), leveraging their attractive characteristics such as endurance, nonvolatility, stochasticity, and energy efficiency for hardware implementation of unsupervised neuromorphic systems. Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) running on dedicated hardware are suitable for edge computing and IoT devices where continuous online learning and energy efficiency are important characteristics. We focus in this work on synaptic plasticity by conducting comprehensive electrical simulations to optimize the MTJ-based synapse design and find the accurate neuronal pulses that are responsible for the Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity (STDP) behavior. Most proposals in the literature are based on hardware-independent algorithms that require the network to store the spiking history to be able to update the weights accordingly. In this work, we developed a new learning rule, the Bi-Sigmoid STDP (B2STDP), which originates from the physical properties of MTJs. This rule enables immediate synaptic plasticity based on neuronal activity, leveraging in-memory computing. Finally, the integration of this learning approach within an SNN framework leads to a 91.71% accuracy in unsupervised image classification, demonstrating the potential of MTJ-based synapses for effective online learning in hardware-implemented SNNs

    Leveraging the Intrinsic Switching Behaviors of Spintronic Devices for Digital and Neuromorphic Circuits

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    With semiconductor technology scaling approaching atomic limits, novel approaches utilizing new memory and computation elements are sought in order to realize increased density, enhanced functionality, and new computational paradigms. Spintronic devices offer intriguing avenues to improve digital circuits by leveraging non-volatility to reduce static power dissipation and vertical integration for increased density. Novel hybrid spintronic-CMOS digital circuits are developed herein that illustrate enhanced functionality at reduced static power consumption and area cost. The developed spin-CMOS D Flip-Flop offers improved power-gating strategies by achieving instant store/restore capabilities while using 10 fewer transistors than typical CMOS-only implementations. The spin-CMOS Muller C-Element developed herein improves asynchronous pipelines by reducing the area overhead while adding enhanced functionality such as instant data store/restore and delay-element-free bundled data asynchronous pipelines. Spintronic devices also provide improved scaling for neuromorphic circuits by enabling compact and low power neuron and non-volatile synapse implementations while enabling new neuromorphic paradigms leveraging the stochastic behavior of spintronic devices to realize stochastic spiking neurons, which are more akin to biological neurons and commensurate with theories from computational neuroscience and probabilistic learning rules. Spintronic-based Probabilistic Activation Function circuits are utilized herein to provide a compact and low-power neuron for Binarized Neural Networks. Two implementations of stochastic spiking neurons with alternative speed, power, and area benefits are realized. Finally, a comprehensive neuromorphic architecture comprising stochastic spiking neurons, low-precision synapses with Probabilistic Hebbian Plasticity, and a novel non-volatile homeostasis mechanism is realized for subthreshold ultra-low-power unsupervised learning with robustness to process variations. Along with several case studies, implications for future spintronic digital and neuromorphic circuits are presented

    Energy-Efficient In-Memory Architectures Leveraging Intrinsic Behaviors of Embedded MRAM Devices

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    For decades, innovations to surmount the processor versus memory gap and move beyond conventional von Neumann architectures continue to be sought and explored. Recent machine learning models still expend orders of magnitude more time and energy to access data in memory in addition to merely performing the computation itself. This phenomenon referred to as a memory-wall bottleneck, is addressed herein via a completely fresh perspective on logic and memory technology design. The specific solutions developed in this dissertation focus on utilizing intrinsic switching behaviors of embedded MRAM devices to design cross-layer and energy-efficient Compute-in-Memory (CiM) architectures, accelerate the computationally-intensive operations in various Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), achieve higher density and reduce the power consumption as crucial requirements in future Internet of Things (IoT) devices. The first cross-layer platform developed herein is an Approximate Generative Adversarial Network (ApGAN) designed to accelerate the Generative Adversarial Networks from both algorithm and hardware implementation perspectives. In addition to binarizing the weights, further reduction in storage and computation resources is achieved by leveraging an in-memory addition scheme. Moreover, a memristor-based CiM accelerator for ApGAN is developed. The second design is a biologically-inspired memory architecture. The Short-Term Memory and Long-Term Memory features in biology are realized in hardware via a beyond-CMOS-based learning approach derived from the repeated input information and retrieval of the encoded data. The third cross-layer architecture is a programmable energy-efficient hardware implementation for Recurrent Neural Network with ultra-low power, area-efficient spin-based activation functions. A novel CiM architecture is proposed to leverage data-level parallelism during the evaluation phase. Specifically, we employ an MRAM-based Adjustable Probabilistic Activation Function (APAF) via a low-power tunable activation mechanism, providing adjustable accuracy levels to mimic ideal sigmoid and tanh thresholding along with a matching algorithm to regulate neuronal properties. Finally, the APAF design is utilized in the Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network to evaluate the network performance using binary and non-binary activation functions. The simulation results indicate up to 74.5 x 215; energy-efficiency, 35-fold speedup and ~11x area reduction compared with the similar baseline designs. These can form basis for future post-CMOS based non-Von Neumann architectures suitable for intermittently powered energy harvesting devices capable of pushing intelligence towards the edge of computing network

    Spintronics-based Architectures for non-von Neumann Computing

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    The scaling of transistor technology in the last few decades has significantly impacted our lives. It has given birth to different kinds of computational workloads which are becoming increasingly relevant. Some of the most prominent examples are Machine Learning based tasks such as image classification and pattern recognition which use Deep Neural Networks that are highly computation and memory-intensive. The traditional and general-purpose architectures that we use today typically exhibit high energy and latency on such computations. This, and the apparent end of Moore's law of scaling, has got researchers into looking for devices beyond CMOS and for computational paradigms that are non-conventional. In this dissertation, we focus on a spintronic device, the Magnetic Tunnel Junction (MTJ), which has demonstrated potential as cache and embedded memory. We look into how the MTJ can be used beyond memory and deployed in various non-conventional and non-von Neumann architectures for accelerating computations or making them energy efficient. First, we investigate into Stochastic Computing (SC) and show how MTJs can be used to build energy-efficient Neural Network (NN) hardware in this domain. SC is primarily bit-serial computing which requires simple logic gates for arithmetic operations. We explore the use of MTJs as Stochastic Number Generators (SNG) by exploiting their probabilistic switching characteristics and propose an energy-efficient MTJ-SNG. It is deployed as part of an NN hardware implemented in the SC domain. Its characteristics allow for achieving further energy efficiency through NN weight approximation, towards which we develop an optimization problem. Next, we turn our attention to analog computing and propose a method for training of analog Neural Network hardware. We consider a resistive MTJ crossbar architecture for representing an NN layer since it is capable of in-memory computing and performs matrix-vector multiplications with O(1) time complexity. We propose the on-chip training of the NN crossbar since, first, it can leverage the parallelism in the crossbar to perform weight update, second, it allows to take into account the device variations, and third, it enables avoiding large sneak currents in transistor-less crossbars which can cause undesired weight changes. Lastly, we propose an MTJ-based non-von Neumann hardware platform for solving combinatorial optimization problems since they are NP-hard. We adopt the Ising model for encoding such problems and solving them with simulated annealing. We let MTJs represent Ising units, design a scalable circuit capable of performing Ising computations and develop a reconfigurable architecture to which any NP-hard problem can be mapped. We also suggest methods to take into account the non-idealities present in the proposed hardware