1,066 research outputs found

    Self-Supervised and Controlled Multi-Document Opinion Summarization

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    We address the problem of unsupervised abstractive summarization of collections of user generated reviews with self-supervision and control. We propose a self-supervised setup that considers an individual document as a target summary for a set of similar documents. This setting makes training simpler than previous approaches by relying only on standard log-likelihood loss. We address the problem of hallucinations through the use of control codes, to steer the generation towards more coherent and relevant summaries.Finally, we extend the Transformer architecture to allow for multiple reviews as input. Our benchmarks on two datasets against graph-based and recent neural abstractive unsupervised models show that our proposed method generates summaries with a superior quality and relevance.This is confirmed in our human evaluation which focuses explicitly on the faithfulness of generated summaries We also provide an ablation study, which shows the importance of the control setup in controlling hallucinations and achieve high sentiment and topic alignment of the summaries with the input reviews.Comment: 18 pages including 5 pages appendi

    Automatic Summarization

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    It has now been 50 years since the publication of Luhn’s seminal paper on automatic summarization. During these years the practical need for automatic summarization has become increasingly urgent and numerous papers have been published on the topic. As a result, it has become harder to find a single reference that gives an overview of past efforts or a complete view of summarization tasks and necessary system components. This article attempts to fill this void by providing a comprehensive overview of research in summarization, including the more traditional efforts in sentence extraction as well as the most novel recent approaches for determining important content, for domain and genre specific summarization and for evaluation of summarization. We also discuss the challenges that remain open, in particular the need for language generation and deeper semantic understanding of language that would be necessary for future advances in the field

    Is sentence compression an NLG task?

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    Discourse oriented summarization

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    The meaning of text appears to be tightly related to intentions and circumstances. Context sensitivity of meaning is addressed by theories of discourse structure. Few attempts have been made to exploit text organization in summarization. This thesis is an exploration of what knowledge of discourse structure can do for content selection as a subtask of automatic summarization, and query-based summarization in particular. Query-based summarization is the task of answering an arbitrary user query or question by using content from potentially relevant sources. This thesis presents a general framework for discourse oriented summarization, relying on graphs to represent semantic relations in discourse, and redundancy as a special type of semantic relation. Semantic relations occur on several levels of text analysis (query-relevance, coherence, layout, etc.), and a broad range of textual features may be required to detect them. The graph-based framework facilitates combining multiple features into an integrated semantic model of the documents to summarize. Recognizing redundancy and entailment relations between text passages is particularly important when a summary is generated of multiple documents, e.g. to avoid including redundant content in a summary. For this reason, I pay particular attention to recognizing textual entailment. Within this framework, a three-fold evaluation is performed to evaluate different aspects of discourse oriented summarization. The first is a user study, measuring the effect on user appreciation of using a particular type of knowledge for query-based summarization. In this study, three presentation strategies are compared: summarization using the rhetorical structure of the source, a baseline summarization method which uses the layout of the source, and a baseline presentation method which uses no summarization but just a concise answer to the query. Results show that knowledge of the rhetorical structure not only helps to provide the necessary context for the user to verify that the summary addresses the query adequately, but also to increase the amount of relevant content. The second evaluation is a comparison of implementations of the graph-based framework which are capable of fully automatic summarization. The two variables in the experiment are the set of textual features used to model the source and the algorithm used to search a graph for relevant content. The features are based on cosine similarity, and are realized as graph representations of the source. The graph search algorithms are inspired by existing algorithms in summarization. The quality of summaries is measured using the Rouge evaluation toolkit. The best performer would have ranked first (Rouge-2) or second (Rouge-SU4) if it had participated in the DUC 2005 query-based summarization challenge. The third study is an evaluation in the context of the DUC 2006 summarization challenge, which includes readability measurements as well as various content-based evaluation metrics. The evaluated automatic discourse oriented summarization system is similar to the one described above, but uses additional features, i.e. layout and textual entailment. The system performed well on readability at the cost of content-based scores which were well below the scores of the highest ranking DUC 2006 participant. This indicates a trade-off between readable, coherent content and useful content, an issue yet to be explored. Previous research implies that theories of text organization generalize well to multimedia. This suggests that the discourse oriented summarization framework applies to summarizing multimedia as well, provided sufficient knowledge of the organization of the (multimedia) source documents is available. The last study in this thesis is an investigation of the applicability of structural relations in multimedia for generating picture-illustrated summaries, by relating summary content to picture-associated text (i.e. captions or surrounding paragraphs). Results suggest that captions are the more suitable annotation for selecting appropriate pictures. Compared to manual illustration, results of automatic pictures are similar if the manual picture is mainly decorative

    Bringing order into the realm of Transformer-based language models for artificial intelligence and law

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    Transformer-based language models (TLMs) have widely been recognized to be a cutting-edge technology for the successful development of deep-learning-based solutions to problems and applications that require natural language processing and understanding. Like for other textual domains, TLMs have indeed pushed the state-of-the-art of AI approaches for many tasks of interest in the legal domain. Despite the first Transformer model being proposed about six years ago, there has been a rapid progress of this technology at an unprecedented rate, whereby BERT and related models represent a major reference, also in the legal domain. This article provides the first systematic overview of TLM-based methods for AI-driven problems and tasks in the legal sphere. A major goal is to highlight research advances in this field so as to understand, on the one hand, how the Transformers have contributed to the success of AI in supporting legal processes, and on the other hand, what are the current limitations and opportunities for further research development.Comment: Please refer to the published version: Greco, C.M., Tagarelli, A. (2023) Bringing order into the realm of Transformer-based language models for artificial intelligence and law. Artif Intell Law, Springer Nature. November 2023. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10506-023-09374-

    Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computing News Storylines (CNewsStory 2015)

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    This volume contains the proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Computing News Storylines (CNewsStory 2015) held in conjunction with the 53rd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and the 7th International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing (ACL-IJCNLP 2015) at the China National Convention Center in Beijing, on July 31st 2015. Narratives are at the heart of information sharing. Ever since people began to share their experiences, they have connected them to form narratives. The study od storytelling and the field of literary theory called narratology have developed complex frameworks and models related to various aspects of narrative such as plots structures, narrative embeddings, characters’ perspectives, reader response, point of view, narrative voice, narrative goals, and many others. These notions from narratology have been applied mainly in Artificial Intelligence and to model formal semantic approaches to narratives (e.g. Plot Units developed by Lehnert (1981)). In recent years, computational narratology has qualified as an autonomous field of study and research. Narrative has been the focus of a number of workshops and conferences (AAAI Symposia, Interactive Storytelling Conference (ICIDS), Computational Models of Narrative). Furthermore, reference annotation schemes for narratives have been proposed (NarrativeML by Mani (2013)). The workshop aimed at bringing together researchers from different communities working on representing and extracting narrative structures in news, a text genre which is highly used in NLP but which has received little attention with respect to narrative structure, representation and analysis. Currently, advances in NLP technology have made it feasible to look beyond scenario-driven, atomic extraction of events from single documents and work towards extracting story structures from multiple documents, while these documents are published over time as news streams. Policy makers, NGOs, information specialists (such as journalists and librarians) and others are increasingly in need of tools that support them in finding salient stories in large amounts of information to more effectively implement policies, monitor actions of “big players” in the society and check facts. Their tasks often revolve around reconstructing cases either with respect to specific entities (e.g. person or organizations) or events (e.g. hurricane Katrina). Storylines represent explanatory schemas that enable us to make better selections of relevant information but also projections to the future. They form a valuable potential for exploiting news data in an innovative way.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen

    Preferences versus adaption during referring expression generation

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    Survey of the State of the Art in Natural Language Generation: Core tasks, applications and evaluation

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    This paper surveys the current state of the art in Natural Language Generation (NLG), defined as the task of generating text or speech from non-linguistic input. A survey of NLG is timely in view of the changes that the field has undergone over the past decade or so, especially in relation to new (usually data-driven) methods, as well as new applications of NLG technology. This survey therefore aims to (a) give an up-to-date synthesis of research on the core tasks in NLG and the architectures adopted in which such tasks are organised; (b) highlight a number of relatively recent research topics that have arisen partly as a result of growing synergies between NLG and other areas of artificial intelligence; (c) draw attention to the challenges in NLG evaluation, relating them to similar challenges faced in other areas of Natural Language Processing, with an emphasis on different evaluation methods and the relationships between them.Comment: Published in Journal of AI Research (JAIR), volume 61, pp 75-170. 118 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl
