1,366 research outputs found

    Cone-beam CT reconstruction with gravity-induced motion.

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    Fixed-gantry cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), where the imaging hardware is fixed while the subject is continuously rotated 360° in the horizontal position, has implications for building compact and affordable fixed-gantry linear accelerators (linacs). Fixed-gantry imaging with a rotating subject presents a challenging image reconstruction problem where the gravity-induced motion is coupled to the subject's rotation angle. This study is the first to investigate the feasibility of fixed-gantry CBCT using imaging data of three live rabbits in an ethics-approved study. A novel data-driven motion correction method that combines partial-view reconstruction and motion compensation was developed to overcome this challenge. Fixed-gantry CBCT scans of three live rabbits were acquired on a standard radiotherapy system with the imaging beam fixed and the rabbits continuously rotated using an in-house programmable rotation cradle. The reconstructed images of the thoracic region were validated against conventional CBCT scans acquired at different cradle rotation angles. Results showed that gravity-induced motion caused severe motion blur in all of the cases if unaccounted for. The proposed motion correction method yielded clinically usable image quality with  <1 mm gravity-induced motion blur for rabbits that were securely immobilized on the rotation cradle. Shapes of the anatomic structures were correctly reconstructed with  <0.5 mm accuracy. Translational motion accounted for the majority of gravity-induced motion. The motion-corrected reconstruction represented the time-averaged location of the thoracic region over a 360° rotation. The feasibility of fixed-gantry CBCT has been demonstrated. Future work involves the validation of imaging accuracy for human subjects, which will be useful for emerging compact fixed-gantry radiotherapy systems

    Spine Surgery

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    We are very excited to introduce this new book on spinal surgery, which follows the curriculum of the EUROSPINE basic and advanced diploma courses. The approach we take is a purely case-based one, in which each case illustrates the concepts surrounding the treatment of a given pathology, including the uncertainties and problems in decision-making. The readers will notice that in many instances a lack of evidence for a given treatment exists. So decisions taken are usually not a clearcut matter of black or white, but merely different shades of gray. Probably in a lot of cases, there is often more than one option to treat the patient. The authors were asked to convey this message to the reader, giving him a guidance as what would be accepted within the mainstream. In addition, the reader is provided with the most updated literature and evidence on the topic. Most of the authors are teachers in the courses of EUROSPINE or other national societies with often vast clinical experience and have given their own perspective and reasoning. We believe that the readers will profit very much from this variety and bandwidth of knowledge provided for them in the individual chapters. We have given the authors extensive liberty as to what they consider the best solution for their case. It is thus a representative picture of what is considered standard of care for spine pathologies in Europe. We hope that this book will be an ideal complement for trainees to the courses they take. Munich, Germany Bernhard Meyer Offenbach, Germany Michael Rauschman

    Imaging of thoracolumbar spine traumas

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    Spine trauma is an ominous event with a high morbidity, frequent mortality, and significant psychological, social, and financial consequences for patients, their relatives and society. On average three out of four spinal fractures involve the thoracolumbar spine and up to one-third are complicated by spinal cord injury. Spinal cord injuries (SCI) are a significant cause of disability in US and in all western countries. Knowledge of the main principles of biomechanics is essential in understanding the patho-morphology of spinal injuries, and the evolution of the various classification systems. Classification systems should be able to create a common language between specialists in order to improve patients' prognosis, guide treatment and compare treatment outcomes. Imaging has always been crucial in the evaluation of the injury type and accompanied the development of different classification systems. Thoracolumbar spine (TLS) trauma has a wide spectrum ranging from minor isolated fractures to highly unstable fracture-dislocations. Early classification systems were based on the analysis of the pattern of bony injuries on radiographs and CT. Traditionally, conventional radiographs are performed to confirm the clinical suspicion and to depict the level and type of bone injury. However, because of their inherent limitations, radiographs are often more helpful in proving the existence of a suspected bony spinal injury rather than excluding it. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) is superior in evaluating bone anatomy and, especially in polytrauma patients, it is the first line imaging modality. Morphological bone damage may be accurately shown and classified on CT. the most recent classifications also incorporate the integrity of soft tissues structures, which is considered equally relevant to spinal stability. Injuries to ligaments and discs can only be suspected on radiographs and conventional CT, although dual-energy CT is offering new insights on collagen mapping of damaged discs. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may directly assess disc and ligamentous injuries, but also subtle osseous injuries, playing a complementary role in defining the whole spinal damage and an eventual instability. MRI is the only valid modality to assess the spinal cord (SC) and is indicated whenever a neurologic injury is suspected. Advanced MRI techniques, such as diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) and tractography, may provide further information regarding the integrity of the white matter which may improve outcome prognostication. Despite challenges in terms of costs, availability, accessibility and specificity, MRI and advanced MRI techniques are increasingly being used in spinal injuries. We present a review on TLS traumas discussing on the development of different classification system used in their evaluation, the role of imaging for their detection and the correlation to the patients' outcomes and treatment options

    Advanced Algorithms for 3D Medical Image Data Fusion in Specific Medical Problems

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    Fúze obrazu je dnes jednou z nejběžnějších avšak stále velmi diskutovanou oblastí v lékařském zobrazování a hraje důležitou roli ve všech oblastech lékařské péče jako je diagnóza, léčba a chirurgie. V této dizertační práci jsou představeny tři projekty, které jsou velmi úzce spojeny s oblastí fúze medicínských dat. První projekt pojednává o 3D CT subtrakční angiografii dolních končetin. V práci je využito kombinace kontrastních a nekontrastních dat pro získání kompletního cévního stromu. Druhý projekt se zabývá fúzí DTI a T1 váhovaných MRI dat mozku. Cílem tohoto projektu je zkombinovat stukturální a funkční informace, které umožňují zlepšit znalosti konektivity v mozkové tkáni. Třetí projekt se zabývá metastázemi v CT časových datech páteře. Tento projekt je zaměřen na studium vývoje metastáz uvnitř obratlů ve fúzované časové řadě snímků. Tato dizertační práce představuje novou metodologii pro klasifikaci těchto metastáz. Všechny projekty zmíněné v této dizertační práci byly řešeny v rámci pracovní skupiny zabývající se analýzou lékařských dat, kterou vedl pan Prof. Jiří Jan. Tato dizertační práce obsahuje registrační část prvního a klasifikační část třetího projektu. Druhý projekt je představen kompletně. Další část prvního a třetího projektu, obsahující specifické předzpracování dat, jsou obsaženy v disertační práci mého kolegy Ing. Romana Petera.Image fusion is one of today´s most common and still challenging tasks in medical imaging and it plays crucial role in all areas of medical care such as diagnosis, treatment and surgery. Three projects crucially dependent on image fusion are introduced in this thesis. The first project deals with the 3D CT subtraction angiography of lower limbs. It combines pre-contrast and contrast enhanced data to extract the blood vessel tree. The second project fuses the DTI and T1-weighted MRI brain data. The aim of this project is to combine the brain structural and functional information that purvey improved knowledge about intrinsic brain connectivity. The third project deals with the time series of CT spine data where the metastases occur. In this project the progression of metastases within the vertebrae is studied based on fusion of the successive elements of the image series. This thesis introduces new methodology of classifying metastatic tissue. All the projects mentioned in this thesis have been solved by the medical image analysis group led by Prof. Jiří Jan. This dissertation concerns primarily the registration part of the first project and the classification part of the third project. The second project is described completely. The other parts of the first and third project, including the specific preprocessing of the data, are introduced in detail in the dissertation thesis of my colleague Roman Peter, M.Sc.

    Improvements in four-dimensional and dual energy computed tomography

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    Dual energy and 4D computed tomography (CT) seek to address some of the limitations in traditional CT imaging. Dual energy CT, among other purposes, allows for the quantification and improved visualization of contrast materials, and 4D CT is often used in radiation therapy applications as it allows for the visualization and quantification of object motion. While much research has been done with these technologies, areas remain for potential improvement, both in preclinical and clinical settings, which will be explored in this dissertation. Preclinical dual energy cone-beam CT (CBCT) can benefit from wider separation between the peak energy of the two energy spectra. Using simulations and an x-ray source with a wide kVp range the contrast to noise ratio and Iodine concentration accuracy and precision were determined from Iodine material images. Improvements of 80% in CNR and 58% in precision were observed in the optimal energy pair of 60kVp/200kVp compared to a standard energy pair of 80kVp/140kVp. In 4D imaging, using projection data to obtain the required respiratory signal (“data driven”) can reduce setup complexity and cost of preclinical respiratory monitoring and reduce clinical 4D CT artifacts. Several clinical data driven 4D CBCT methods were modified for mice. Errors in projection sorting were within 4% of a breathing phase and were statistically less than the previous method for data driven 4D CBCT in mice. In clinical 4D CT, semi-automatically drawn target volumes and artifacts were compared between data driven and standard 4D CT images. Target volumes were shown to be statistically at least as large as standard contours, and artifacts were significantly reduced using the data driven technique. 4D CBCT is promising for use in evaluating tumor motion immediately prior to radiation treatment, but suffers from under sampling artifacts. An iterative volume of interest based reconstruction (I4D VOI) that aims to reduce artifacts without increases in computation time was compared to several other reconstruction techniques using a long scan patient data set. No statistical difference in tumor motion error was observed between I4D VOI and any of the other reconstruction methods. However, potential improvement over non-iterative VOI was demonstrated and computation time was reduced compared to TV minimization

    CT Scanning

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    Since its introduction in 1972, X-ray computed tomography (CT) has evolved into an essential diagnostic imaging tool for a continually increasing variety of clinical applications. The goal of this book was not simply to summarize currently available CT imaging techniques but also to provide clinical perspectives, advances in hybrid technologies, new applications other than medicine and an outlook on future developments. Major experts in this growing field contributed to this book, which is geared to radiologists, orthopedic surgeons, engineers, and clinical and basic researchers. We believe that CT scanning is an effective and essential tools in treatment planning, basic understanding of physiology, and and tackling the ever-increasing challenge of diagnosis in our society

    Functional and radiological outcome of unstable thoracolumbar burst fracture : operative versus conservative treatment

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    Introduction Definitive treatment of unstable thoracolumbar fractures has become controversial in spinal surgery practice. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the short term functional and radiological outcome of unstable thoracolumbar burst fractures treated conservatively and operatively. Materials and Method From January 2011 to December 2015, 529 patients with thoracic and lumbar fractures was admitted to our institution. Only 39 patients completed 6 months follow up with complete medical records and radiographs images. Twenty-two (22) single-level unstable thoracolumbar fractures treated conservatively with thoracolumbar orthosis or body cast with early ambulation for 12 weeks and 17 patients treated operatively with posteriorinstrumentation and decompression. Retrospectively, we have included the patient who were proposed for operative treatment for spinal instability and neurological deficit but opted for conservative treatment. The ASIA grading, Denis Pain Scale and Denis Work Scale were used to assess the functional outcome and kyphotic angle, anterior vertebral body height were used to assess the radiographic outcome after six months follow up. Statistical analysis done using SPSS ver. 23 and STATA ver.14 Results Nineteen out of twenty-two patients in conservative group and nine out of seventeen patients in operative group and had intact neurological status. One patient had deterioration of neurological status in conservative group but none in the operative group developed the same complication. In conservative group, one patient (4.5%) and four patients (23.5%) from operative group had improvement of ASIA grading. There were significant differences in kyphotic angle and anterior column height between both groups. However, both groups showed no significant difference of pain status according to Denis Pain Scale with four (18.1%) patients from conservative group and three (17.6%) patients from operative group had no pain while the rest of the patients had mild pain with none of them experienced severe pain and disability. According to Denis Work Scale, 11 (50%) patients from conservative group and 4 (23.5%) patients from operative group returned to previous employment. Two patients from each group were unable to return to full time work. There was no significance difference in between two groups in term of Work Status. Conclusion Conservative treatment is an acceptable alternative method to treat unstable thoracolumbar fractures without neurological deficit for those who are not keen for surgical intervention. Operative stabilization in combination with decompression offer opportunity for neurological recovery

    Optimizing Magnetic Resonance Imaging for Image-Guided Radiotherapy

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    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is playing an increasingly important role in image-guided radiotherapy. MRI provides excellent soft tissue contrast, and is flexible in characterizing various tissue properties including relaxation, diffusion and perfusion. This thesis aims at developing new image analysis and reconstruction algorithms to optimize MRI in support of treatment planning, target delineation and treatment response assessment for radiotherapy. First, unlike Computed Tomography (CT) images, MRI cannot provide electron density information necessary for radiation dose calculation. To address this, we developed a synthetic CT generation algorithm that generates pseudo CT images from MRI, based on tissue classification results on MRI for female pelvic patients. To improve tissue classification accuracy, we learnt a pelvic bone shape model from a training dataset, and integrated the shape model into an intensity-based fuzzy c-menas classification scheme. The shape-regularized tissue classification algorithm is capable of differentiating tissues that have significant overlap in MRI intensity distributions. Treatment planning dose calculations using synthetic CT image volumes generated from the tissue classification results show acceptably small variations as compared to CT volumes. As MRI artifacts, such as B1 filed inhomogeneity (bias field) may negatively impact the tissue classification accuracy, we also developed an algorithm that integrates the correction of bias field into the tissue classification scheme. We modified the fuzzy c-means classification by modeling the image intensity as the true intensity corrupted by the multiplicative bias field. A regularization term further ensures the smoothness of the bias field. We solved the optimization problem using a linearized alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) method, which is more computational efficient over existing methods. The second part of this thesis looks at a special MR imaging technique, diffusion-weighted MRI (DWI). By acquiring a series of DWI images with a wide range of b-values, high order diffusion analysis can be performed using the DWI image series and new biomarkers for tumor grading, delineation and treatment response evaluation may be extracted. However, DWI suffers from low signal-to-noise ratio at high b-values, and the multi-b-value acquisition makes the total scan time impractical for clinical use. In this thesis, we proposed an accelerated DWI scheme, that sparsely samples k-space and reconstructs images using a model-based algorithm. Specifically, we built a 3D block-Hankel tensor from k-space samples, and modeled both local and global correlations of the high dimensional k-space data as a low-rank property of the tensor. We also added a phase constraint to account for large phase variations across different b-values, and to allow reconstruction from partial Fourier acquisition, which further accelerates the image acquisition. We proposed an ADMM algorithm to solve the constrained image reconstruction problem. Image reconstructions using both simulated and patient data show improved signal-to-noise ratio. As compared to clinically used parallel imaging scheme which achieves a 4-fold acceleration, our method achieves an 8-fold acceleration. Reconstructed images show reduced reconstruction errors as proved on simulated data and similar diffusion parameter mapping results on patient data.PHDElectrical Engineering: SystemsUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/143919/1/llliu_1.pd