3,210 research outputs found

    The Beauty of Symmetry: Common-mode rejection filters for high-speed interconnects and balanced microwave circuits

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    Common-mode rejection filters operating at microwave frequencies have been the subject of intensive research activity in the last decade. These filters are of interest for the suppression of common-mode noise in high-speed digital circuits, where differential signals are widely employed due to the high immunity to noise, electromagnetic interference (EMI) and crosstalk of differential-mode interconnects. These filters can also be used to improve common-mode rejection in microwave filters and circuits dealing with differential signals. Ideally, common-mode stopband filters should be transparent for the differential mode from DC up to very high frequencies (all-pass), should preserve the signal integrity for such mode, and should exhibit the widest and deepest possible rejection band for the common mode in the region of interest. Moreover, these characteristics should be achieved by means of structures with the smallest possible size. In this article, several techniques for the implementation of common-mode suppression filters in planar technology are reviewed. In all the cases, the strategy to simultaneously achieve common-mode suppression and all-pass behavior for the differential mode is based on selective mode-suppression. This selective mode suppression (either the common or the differential mode) in balanced lines is typically (although not exclusively) achieved by symmetrically loading the lines with symmetric resonant elements, opaque for the common-mode and transparent for the differential mode (common-mode suppression), or vice versa (differential-mode suppression).MINECO, Spain-TEC2013-40600-R, TEC2013-41913-PGeneralitat de Catalunya-2014SGR-15

    Microwave sensors based on symmetry properties of resonator-loaded transmission lines

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    This review paper is focused on the design of microwave sensors using symmetry properties of transmission lines loaded with symmetric resonators. The operating principle of these sensors is presented and then several prototype devices are reported, including linear and angular displacement sensors and rotation speed sensors. The main advantage of the proposed sensors is the robustness against changing environmental conditions

    Two-dimensional alignment and displacement sensor based on movable broadside-coupled split ring resonators

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    This paper proposes a two-dimensional alignment and displacement sensor based on movable broadside-coupled split ring resonators (BC-SRRs). As a basis for this sensor, a one-dimensional displacement sensor based on a microstrip line loaded with BC-SRRs is presented firstly. It is shown that compared to previously published displacement sensors, based on SRR-loaded coplanar waveguides, the proposed one-dimensional sensor benefits from a much wider dynamic range. Secondly, it is shown that with modifications in the geometry of the BC-SRRs, the proposed one-dimensional sensor can be modified and extended by adding a second element to create a high-dynamic range two-dimensional displacement sensor. Since the proposed sensors operate based on a split in the resonance frequency, rather than the resonance depth, they benefit from a high immunity to environmental noise. Furthermore, since the sensors' principle of operation is based on the deviation from symmetry, they are more robust to ambient conditions such as changes in the temperature, and thus they can be used as alignment sensors as well. A prototype of the proposed two-dimensional sensor is fabricated and the concept and simulation results are validated through experiment

    Mapping the sensitivity of split ring resonators using a localized analyte

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    Split ring resonator (SRR) based metamaterials have frequently been demonstrated for use as optical sensors of organic materials. This is made possible by matching the wavelength of the SRR plasmonic resonance with a molecular resonance of a specific analyte, which is usually placed on top of the metal structure. However, systematic studies of SRRs that identify the regions that exhibit a high electric field strength are commonly performed using simulations. In this paper we demonstrate that areas of high electric field strength, termed “hot-spots,” can be found by localizing a small quantity of organic analyte at various positions on or near the structure. Furthermore, the sensitivity of the SRR to the localized analyte can be quantified to determine, experimentally, suitable regions for optical sensing

    Symmetry-Related Electromagnetic Properties of Resonator-Loaded Transmission Lines and Applications

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    This paper reviews the recent progress in the analysis and applications of the symmetry-related electromagnetic properties of transmission lines loaded with symmetric configurations of resonant elements. It will be shown that the transmission characteristics of these reactively loaded lines can be controlled by the relative orientation between the line and the resonant elements. Two main types of loaded lines are considered: (i) resonance-based structures; and (ii) frequency-splitting structures. In resonance-based transmission lines, a line is loaded with a single resonant (and symmetric) element. For a perfectly symmetric structure, the line is transparent if the line and resonator exhibit symmetry planes of different electromagnetic nature (electric or magnetic wall), whereas the line exhibits a notch (resonance) in the transmission coefficient if the symmetry planes behave as either electric or magnetic walls (symmetric configuration), or if symmetry is broken. In frequency-splitting lines, paired resonators are typically loaded to the transmission line; the structure exhibits a single notch for the symmetric configuration, whereas generally two split notches appear when symmetry is disrupted. Applications of these structures include microwave sensors (e.g., contactless sensors of spatial variables), selective mode suppressors (of application in common-mode suppressed differential lines, for instance) and spectral signature barcodes, among others

    Mechanically reconfigurable microstrip lines loaded with stepped impedance resonators and potential applications

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    This paper is focused on exploring the possibilities and potential applications of microstrip transmission lines loaded with stepped impedance resonators (SIRs) etched on top of the signal strip, in a separated substrate. It is shown that if the symmetry plane of the line (a magnetic wall) is perfectly aligned with the electric wall of the SIR at the fundamental resonance, the line is transparent. However, if symmetry is somehow ruptured, a notch in the transmission coefficient appears. The notch frequency and depth can thus be mechanically controlled, and this property can be of interest for the implementation of sensors and barcodes, as it is discussed

    Two-dimensional displacement and alignment sensor based on reflection coefficients of open microstrip lines loaded with split ring resonators

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    A two-dimensional displacement and alignment sensor is proposed based on two open-ended transmission lines, each loaded with a split ring resonator (SRR). In this arrangement, the depth of resonance-induced notches in the reflection coefficients can be used to sense a displacement of the loading SRRs in two orthogonal directions. Since the operation principle of the sensor is based on the symmetry properties of SRR-loaded transmission lines, the proposed sensor benefits from immunity to variations in ambient conditions. More importantly, it is shown that in contrast to previously published metamaterial-inspired two-dimensional displacement and alignment sensors, the proposed sensor can be operated at a single fixed frequency. The concept and simulation results are validated through measurement

    Microwave encoders for chipless RFID and angular velocity sensors based on S-shaped split ring resonators

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    In this paper, it is demonstrated that a chain of S-shaped split ring resonators (S-SRRs) etched on a dielectric substrate can modulate the amplitude of a carrier signal injected to a transmission line (a coplanar waveguide (CPW). To this end, the S-SRR chain must be transversally displaced above the CPW, in close proximity to it. By this means, the transmission coefficient of the line is modulated by the time-varying electromagnetic (inductive) coupling between the line and the S-SRRs of the chain, related to their relative motion. Based on this principle, two different applications can be envisaged: 1) angular velocity sensors and 2) near-field chipless radiofrequency identification (chipless-RFID) tags. In the former application, the S-SRR chain is circularly shaped and the S-SRRs are distributed uniformly along the perimeter of the rotor, at equidistant positions. By this means, the amplitude-modulated signal generated by rotor motion exhibits envelope peaks, whose distance is related to the angular velocity of the rotor. In the use of S-SRRs as microwave encoders for chipless RFID tags, not all the S-SRRs of the chain are present. Their presence or absence at the predefined (equidistant) positions is related to the logic state "1" or "0." Tag reading is sequential, and it is achieved through tag motion (at constant velocity) above the reader, a CPW transmission line fed by a carrier signal. The ID code is contained in the envelope function of the resulting amplitude modulated signal, which can be obtained by means of an envelope detector. With the proposed approach, a high number of pulses in angular velocity sensors can be achieved (with direct impact on angle resolution and sensitivity to changes in instantaneous rotation speed). Moreover, chipless-RFID tags with unprecedented number of bits can be obtained. The proposed angular velocity sensors can be useful in space environments, whereas the chipless-RFID systems based on the proposed tags are useful in applications where reading range can be sacrificed in favor of high data capacity (large number of bits), e.g., security and authentication

    Splitter/combiner microstrip sections loaded with pairs of complementary split ring resonators (CSRRs) : modeling and optimization for differential sensing applications

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    This paper focuses on the analysis of splitter/ combiner microstrip sections where each branch is loaded with a complementary split ring resonator (CSRR). The distance between CSRRs is high, and hence, their coupling can be neglected. If the structure exhibits perfect symmetry with regard to the axial plane, a single transmission zero (notch) at the fundamental resonance of the CSRR, arises. Conversely, two notches (i.e., frequency splitting) appear if symmetry is disrupted, and their positions are determined not only by the characteristics of the CSRRs but also by the length of the splitter/combiner sections. A model that includes lumped elements (accounting for the CSRR-loaded line sections) and distributed components (corresponding to the transmission lines) is proposed and used to infer the position of the transmission zeros. Frequency splitting is useful for the implementation of differential sensors and comparators based on symmetry disruption. Using the model, the length of the splitter/combiner sections necessary to optimize the sensitivity of the structures as sensing elements is determined. Parameter extraction and comparison with electromagnetic simulations and measurements in several symmetric and asymmetric structures is used to validate the model. Finally, a prototype device sensor/comparator based on the proposed CSRR-loaded splitter/combiner microstrip sections is presented