205,177 research outputs found

    Computationally efficient recursions for top-order invariant polynomials with applications

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    The top-order zonal polynomials Ck(A),and top-order invariant polynomials Ck1,...,kr(A1,...,Ar)in which each of the partitions of ki,i = 1,..., r,has only one part, occur frequently in multivariate distribution theory, and econometrics - see, for example Phillips (1980, 1984, 1985, 1986), Hillier (1985, 2001), Hillier and Satchell (1986), and Smith (1989, 1993). However, even with the recursive algorithms of Ruben (1962) and Chikuse (1987), numerical evaluation of these invariant polynomials is extremely time consuming. As a result, the value of invariant polynomials has been largely confined to analytic work on distribution theory. In this paper we present new, very much more efficient, algorithms for computing both the top-order zonal and invariant polynomials. These results should make the theoretical results involving these functions much more valuable for direct practical study. We demonstrate the value of our results by providing fast and accurate algorithms for computing the moments of a ratio of quadratic forms in normal random variables.

    A semidiscrete version of the Citti-Petitot-Sarti model as a plausible model for anthropomorphic image reconstruction and pattern recognition

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    In his beautiful book [66], Jean Petitot proposes a sub-Riemannian model for the primary visual cortex of mammals. This model is neurophysiologically justified. Further developments of this theory lead to efficient algorithms for image reconstruction, based upon the consideration of an associated hypoelliptic diffusion. The sub-Riemannian model of Petitot and Citti-Sarti (or certain of its improvements) is a left-invariant structure over the group SE(2)SE(2) of rototranslations of the plane. Here, we propose a semi-discrete version of this theory, leading to a left-invariant structure over the group SE(2,N)SE(2,N), restricting to a finite number of rotations. This apparently very simple group is in fact quite atypical: it is maximally almost periodic, which leads to much simpler harmonic analysis compared to SE(2).SE(2). Based upon this semi-discrete model, we improve on previous image-reconstruction algorithms and we develop a pattern-recognition theory that leads also to very efficient algorithms in practice.Comment: 123 pages, revised versio

    Some minimisation algorithms in arithmetic invariant theory

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    We extend the work of Cremona, Fisher and Stoll on minimising genus one curves of degrees 2,3,4,5, to some of the other representations associated to genus one curves, as studied by Bhargava and Ho. Specifically we describe algorithms for minimising bidegree (2,2)-forms, 3 x 3 x 3 cubes and 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 hypercubes. We also prove a theorem relating the minimal discriminant to that of the Jacobian elliptic curve

    Group theory factors for Feynman diagrams

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    We present algorithms for the group independent reduction of group theory factors of Feynman diagrams. We also give formulas and values for a large number of group invariants in which the group theory factors are expressed. This includes formulas for various contractions of symmetric invariant tensors, formulas and algorithms for the computation of characters and generalized Dynkin indices and trace identities. Tables of all Dynkin indices for all exceptional algebras are presented, as well as all trace identities to order equal to the dual Coxeter number. Further results are available through efficient computer algorithms (see http://norma.nikhef.nl/~t58/ and http://norma.nikhef.nl/~t68/ ).Comment: Latex (using axodraw.sty), 47 page
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