10 research outputs found

    High-Level Technology Mapping for Memories

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    In this paper, we consider memory-mapping problems in High-Level Synthesis. We focus on the port mapping, bit-width mapping and word mapping, respectively. A 0-1 Integer Linear Programming (ILP) technique is used to solve the mapping problems, which synthesizes the source memory using one or more memory modules from a target memory library at a higher level. This method can not only perform bit-width mapping and word mapping, but it can also perform port mapping at the same time. Experimental results indicate that ILP approach is an effective method for memory reuse in high-level synthesis

    Library Free Technology Mapping

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    This paper presents an efficient method for mapping a set of Boolean equations onto a set of Static CMOS Complex Gates (SCCGs) under a constraint in the number of serial transistors. This Library Free Technology Mapping (LFTM) approach uses a virtuallibrary of SCCGs available through a layout generator, instead of using a limited set of pre characterized cells. Our goal is to use a virtuallibrary of SCCGs to perform the mapping at the transistor leveI, in order to fit the topological constraints imposed by the CMOS technology. Limitations of previously proposed techniques to perform Library Free Technology Mapping are discussed. The proposed method, based on an one-to-one association of CMOS transistors with Binary Decision Diagram ares, is not dependent on the initial ordering of Boolean equations. Experimental results comparing this technique to previously published ones indicate that it generates good-quality solutions

    Логическая минимизация булевых сетей с использованием разложения Шеннона

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    A synthesis of logical circuits, comprising functional combination blocks of very large scale integration circuits, is one of the most important tasks of computer-aided design. As the data size of design tasks increases, the execution time of synthesis of logic circuits also increases. The global technological independent optimization as the first stage of synthesis of logical circuit is especially labor-consuming. The second stage is technological mapping of optimized logical representations of functions to the logical elements of technological library. The main features of logical circuit, such as area, performance, power consumption, depend on the efficiency of the first stage – global logical optimization. The evolution of methods of global logical optimization has revealed the efficiency of Shannon expansion in case of optimization of multi-level representations of the systems of fully defined Boolean function. A number of methods and programs were developed using graphical representations of Shannon expansions – BDD representations. Most of the developed methods of optimization of BDD-representations use the initial representations of functions systems in the form of disjunctive normal form (DNF).In the article an algorithm of minimization of nodes number of Boolean net, which is a multi-level representation of the system of fully defined Boolean function, is proposed. Minimization is based on Shannon expansion and a search of equal (with accuracy up to inversion) nodes in Boolean net. Such algorithm of logical optimization was implemented as application. The experiments have shown that this algorithm and the application is reasonable to use in cases when the initial multi-level representation of functions is impossible to define as DNF system, or when DNF system contains a large number of elementary conjunctions.Синтез логических схем, реализующих комбинационные блоки сверхбольших интегральных схем, – одна из важнейших задач компьютерного проектирования, так как размерность задач проектирования увеличивается, возрастает также время выполнения этапов синтеза логических схем. Особенно трудоемкой является глобальная технологическая независимая оптимизация – первый этап синтеза логической схемы. Суть второго этапа заключается в технологическом отображении оптимизированных логических представлений функций на логические элементы технологической библиотеки. Основные характеристики логической схемы, такие как площадь, быстродействие, энергопотребление, зависят от эффективности первого этапа. Эволюция методов глобальной логической оптимизации показала эффективность разложения Шеннона при оптимизации многоуровневых представлений систем полностью определенных булевых функций. Разработано множество методов и программ, использующих графические представления разложений Шеннона – BDD-представления. Большинство разработанных методов оптимизации BDD-представлений используют задания исходных систем булевых функций в виде дизъюнктивных нормальных форм (ДНФ).Предлагается алгоритм минимизации числа вершин булевой сети, являющейся многоуровневым представлением системы полностью определенных булевых функций. Минимизация осуществляется на основе разложения Шеннона и поиска вершин сети, реализующих одинаковые и взаимно инверсные функции. Предложенный алгоритм логической оптимизации реализован в виде программы. Эксперименты показали, что данный алгоритм и полученную программу целесообразно использовать в случае, когда исходное многоуровневое представление функций невозможно представить (за приемлемое время работы компьютерной программы) в виде системы ДНФ либо когда система ДНФ, полученная из многоуровневого представления, содержит большое число (десятки и сотни тысяч) элементарных конъюнкций

    Minimize Logic Synthesis FPGA – Extraction And Substitution Problems

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    The objective of multi-level logic synthesis of FPGA is to find the “best” multi-level structure, where “best” in this case means an equivalent presentation that is optimal with respect to various parameters such as size, speed or power consumption... Five basic operations are used in order to reach this goal: decomposition, extraction, factoring, substitution and collapsing. In this paper we propose a novel application of Walsh spectral transformation to the evaluation of Boolean function correlation. In particular, we present an algorithm with approach to solve the problems of extraction and substitution based on the use of Walsh spectral presentation. The method, operating in the transform domain, has appeared to be more advantageous than traditional approaches, using operations in the Boolean domain, concerning both memory occupation and execution time on some classes of functions

    Fast Hierarchical NPN Classification

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    Classifying functions according to some common properties into libraries of functions is an important step in many logic synthesis and technology mapping algorithms used in FPGA design flows. NPN classification is one of the frequently used classifications. Existing algorithms for NPN classification perform a sequence of steps to derive the resulting NPN class, but discard the intermediate results produced at the end of each step. The hierarchical method introduced in this paper uses the same sequence of steps, but it saves the intermediate results at each step and reuses them when classifying other functions. It is, on average, 3.7 times faster compared to a state-of-the-art non- hierarchical method, at the cost of a modest increase in memory needed to save the class hierarchy. The hierarchical approach enables a rapid exact NPN classification for functions up to 10 inputs—it exactly classifies one million 6-input functions in the same time as the heuristic state-of-the-art algorithm

    Boolean matching of sequential elements

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    Heuristic NPN classification for large functions using AIGs and LEXSAT

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    Two Boolean functions are NPN equivalent if one can be ob- tained from the other by negating inputs, permuting inputs, or negating the output. NPN equivalence is an equivalence relation and the number of equivalence classes is significantly smaller than the number of all Boolean functions. This property has been exploited successfully to in- crease the efficiency of various logic synthesis algorithms. Since computing the NPN representative of a Boolean function is not scalable, heuristics have been proposed that are not guaranteed to find the representative for all functions. So far, these heuristics have been implemented using the function’s truth table representation, and therefore do not scale for functions exceeding 16 variables. In this paper, we present a symbolic heuristic NPN classification using And-Inverter Graphs and Boolean satisfiability techniques. This allows us to heuristically compute NPN representatives for functions with much larger number of variables; our experiments contain benchmarks with up to 194 variables. A key technique of the symbolic implementation is SAT-based procedure LEXSAT, which finds the lexicographically smallest satisfiable assignment. To our knowledge, LEXSAT has never been used before in logic synthesis algorithms

    Fun??es de assinatura para correspond?ncia booleana

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    Signature Functions are intended to compute compact representations that characterize some properties of Boolean functions, called signatures. Each Boolean function has a unique signature, but a signature can be related to one or more functions. Canonical forms can be used to verify that two functions are equivalent, but they are very costly, so the use of signature functions can help shorten the search space for equivalence by quickly disqualifying designs that are not equivalent.Fun??es de Assinatura visam calcular representa??es compactas que caracterizam algumas propriedades de fun??es booleanas, chamadas de assinaturas. Cada fun??o booleana possui uma assinatura ?nica, mas uma assinatura pode estar relacionada a uma ou mais fun??es. Formas can?nicas podem ser usadas para veri?car se duas fun??es, s?o equivalentes, por?m s?o muito custosas, assim o uso de fun??es de assinatura pode ajudar a reduzir o espa?o de busca para a equival?ncia, desclassi?cando rapidamente designs que n?o s?o equivalentes

    Logic Synthesis for Established and Emerging Computing

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    Logic synthesis is an enabling technology to realize integrated computing systems, and it entails solving computationally intractable problems through a plurality of heuristic techniques. A recent push toward further formalization of synthesis problems has shown to be very useful toward both attempting to solve some logic problems exactly--which is computationally possible for instances of limited size today--as well as creating new and more powerful heuristics based on problem decomposition. Moreover, technological advances including nanodevices, optical computing, and quantum and quantum cellular computing require new and specific synthesis flows to assess feasibility and scalability. This review highlights recent progress in logic synthesis and optimization, describing models, data structures, and algorithms, with specific emphasis on both design quality and emerging technologies. Example applications and results of novel techniques to established and emerging technologies are reported

    A survey of DA techniques for PLD and FPGA based systems

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    Programmable logic devices (PLDs) are gaining in acceptance, of late, for designing systems of all complexities ranging from glue logic to special purpose parallel machines. Higher densities and integration levels are made possible by the new breed of complex PLDs and FPGAs. The added complexities of these devices make automatic computer aided tools indispensable for achieving good performance and a high usable gate-count. In this article, we attempt to present in an unified manner, the different tools and their underlying algorithms using an example of a vending machine controller as an illustrative example. Topics covered include logic synthesis for PLDs and FPGAs along with an in-depth survey of important technology mapping, partitioning and place and route algorithms for different FPGA architectures.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/31206/1/0000108.pd