3 research outputs found

    Randomized algorithms and upper bounds for multiple domination in graphs and networks

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    We consider four different types of multiple domination and provide new improved upper bounds for the k- and k-tuple domination numbers. They generalize two classical bounds for the domination number and are better than a number of known upper bounds for these two multiple domination parameters. Also, we explicitly present and systematize randomized algorithms for finding multiple dominating sets, whose expected orders satisfy new and recent upper bounds. The algorithms for k- and k-tuple dominating sets are of linear time in terms of the number of edges of the input graph, and they can be implemented as local distributed algorithms. Note that the corresponding multiple domination problems are known to be NP-complete. © 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Algorithms for minimum m-connected k-tuple dominating set problem

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    AbstractIn wireless sensor networks, a virtual backbone has been proposed as the routing infrastructure to alleviate the broadcasting storm problem and perform some other tasks such as area monitoring. Previous work in this area has mainly focused on how to set up a small virtual backbone for high efficiency, which is modelled as the minimum Connected Dominating Set (CDS) problem. In this paper we consider how to establish a small virtual backbone to balance efficiency and fault tolerance. This problem can be formalized as the minimum m-connected k-tuple dominating set problem, which is a general version of minimum CDS problem with m=1 and k=1. We propose three centralized algorithms with small approximation ratios for small m and improve the current best results for small k

    Study on a strong and weak n-connected total perfect k-dominating set in fuzzy graphs

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    In this paper, the concept of a strong n-Connected Total Perfect k-connected total perfect k-dominating set and a weak n-connected total perfect k-dominating set in fuzzy graphs is introduced. In the current work, the triple-connected total perfect dominating set is modified to an n-connected total perfect k-dominating set n(ctpkD)(G) and number gamma n(ctpkD)(G). New definitions are compared with old ones. Strong and weak n-connected total perfect k-dominating set and number of fuzzy graphs are obtained. The results of those fuzzy sets are discussed with the definitions of spanning fuzzy graphs, strong and weak arcs, dominating sets, perfect dominating sets, generalization of triple-connected total perfect dominating sets of fuzzy graphs, complete, connected, bipartite, cut node, tree, bridge and some other new notions of fuzzy graphs which are analyzed with a strong and weak n(ctpkD)(G) set of fuzzy graphs. The order and size of the strong and weak n(ctpkD)(G) fuzzy set are studied. Additionally, a few related theorems and statements are analyzed.Web of Science1017art. no. 317