1,357 research outputs found

    Locality of not-so-weak coloring

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    Many graph problems are locally checkable: a solution is globally feasible if it looks valid in all constant-radius neighborhoods. This idea is formalized in the concept of locally checkable labelings (LCLs), introduced by Naor and Stockmeyer (1995). Recently, Chang et al. (2016) showed that in bounded-degree graphs, every LCL problem belongs to one of the following classes: - "Easy": solvable in O(logn)O(\log^* n) rounds with both deterministic and randomized distributed algorithms. - "Hard": requires at least Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) rounds with deterministic and Ω(loglogn)\Omega(\log \log n) rounds with randomized distributed algorithms. Hence for any parameterized LCL problem, when we move from local problems towards global problems, there is some point at which complexity suddenly jumps from easy to hard. For example, for vertex coloring in dd-regular graphs it is now known that this jump is at precisely dd colors: coloring with d+1d+1 colors is easy, while coloring with dd colors is hard. However, it is currently poorly understood where this jump takes place when one looks at defective colorings. To study this question, we define kk-partial cc-coloring as follows: nodes are labeled with numbers between 11 and cc, and every node is incident to at least kk properly colored edges. It is known that 11-partial 22-coloring (a.k.a. weak 22-coloring) is easy for any d1d \ge 1. As our main result, we show that kk-partial 22-coloring becomes hard as soon as k2k \ge 2, no matter how large a dd we have. We also show that this is fundamentally different from kk-partial 33-coloring: no matter which k3k \ge 3 we choose, the problem is always hard for d=kd = k but it becomes easy when dkd \gg k. The same was known previously for partial cc-coloring with c4c \ge 4, but the case of c<4c < 4 was open

    Graphs that are not pairwise compatible: A new proof technique (extended abstract)

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    A graph G = (V,E) is a pairwise compatibility graph (PCG) if there exists an edge-weighted tree T and two non-negative real numbers dminand dmax, dmin≤ dmax, such that each node u∈V is uniquely associated to a leaf of T and there is an edge (u, v) ∈ E if and only if dmin≤ dT(u, v) ≤ dmax, where dT(u, v) is the sum of the weights of the edges on the unique path PT(u, v) from u to v in T. Understanding which graph classes lie inside and which ones outside the PCG class is an important issue. Despite numerous efforts, a complete characterization of the PCG class is not known yet. In this paper we propose a new proof technique that allows us to show that some interesting classes of graphs have empty intersection with PCG. We demonstrate our technique by showing many graph classes that do not lie in PCG. As a side effect, we show a not pairwise compatibility planar graph with 8 nodes (i.e. C28), so improving the previously known result concerning the smallest planar graph known not to be PCG

    Reconciling taxonomy and phylogenetic inference: formalism and algorithms for describing discord and inferring taxonomic roots

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    Although taxonomy is often used informally to evaluate the results of phylogenetic inference and find the root of phylogenetic trees, algorithmic methods to do so are lacking. In this paper we formalize these procedures and develop algorithms to solve the relevant problems. In particular, we introduce a new algorithm that solves a "subcoloring" problem for expressing the difference between the taxonomy and phylogeny at a given rank. This algorithm improves upon the current best algorithm in terms of asymptotic complexity for the parameter regime of interest; we also describe a branch-and-bound algorithm that saves orders of magnitude in computation on real data sets. We also develop a formalism and an algorithm for rooting phylogenetic trees according to a taxonomy. All of these algorithms are implemented in freely-available software.Comment: Version submitted to Algorithms for Molecular Biology. A number of fixes from previous versio

    Algorithms for the minimum sum coloring problem: a review

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    The Minimum Sum Coloring Problem (MSCP) is a variant of the well-known vertex coloring problem which has a number of AI related applications. Due to its theoretical and practical relevance, MSCP attracts increasing attention. The only existing review on the problem dates back to 2004 and mainly covers the history of MSCP and theoretical developments on specific graphs. In recent years, the field has witnessed significant progresses on approximation algorithms and practical solution algorithms. The purpose of this review is to provide a comprehensive inspection of the most recent and representative MSCP algorithms. To be informative, we identify the general framework followed by practical solution algorithms and the key ingredients that make them successful. By classifying the main search strategies and putting forward the critical elements of the reviewed methods, we wish to encourage future development of more powerful methods and motivate new applications

    Algorithmic and enumerative aspects of the Moser-Tardos distribution

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    Moser & Tardos have developed a powerful algorithmic approach (henceforth "MT") to the Lovasz Local Lemma (LLL); the basic operation done in MT and its variants is a search for "bad" events in a current configuration. In the initial stage of MT, the variables are set independently. We examine the distributions on these variables which arise during intermediate stages of MT. We show that these configurations have a more or less "random" form, building further on the "MT-distribution" concept of Haeupler et al. in understanding the (intermediate and) output distribution of MT. This has a variety of algorithmic applications; the most important is that bad events can be found relatively quickly, improving upon MT across the complexity spectrum: it makes some polynomial-time algorithms sub-linear (e.g., for Latin transversals, which are of basic combinatorial interest), gives lower-degree polynomial run-times in some settings, transforms certain super-polynomial-time algorithms into polynomial-time ones, and leads to Las Vegas algorithms for some coloring problems for which only Monte Carlo algorithms were known. We show that in certain conditions when the LLL condition is violated, a variant of the MT algorithm can still produce a distribution which avoids most of the bad events. We show in some cases this MT variant can run faster than the original MT algorithm itself, and develop the first-known criterion for the case of the asymmetric LLL. This can be used to find partial Latin transversals -- improving upon earlier bounds of Stein (1975) -- among other applications. We furthermore give applications in enumeration, showing that most applications (where we aim for all or most of the bad events to be avoided) have many more solutions than known before by proving that the MT-distribution has "large" min-entropy and hence that its support-size is large

    Acyclic edge-coloring using entropy compression

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    An edge-coloring of a graph G is acyclic if it is a proper edge-coloring of G and every cycle contains at least three colors. We prove that every graph with maximum degree Delta has an acyclic edge-coloring with at most 4 Delta - 4 colors, improving the previous bound of 9.62 (Delta - 1). Our bound results from the analysis of a very simple randomised procedure using the so-called entropy compression method. We show that the expected running time of the procedure is O(mn Delta^2 log Delta), where n and m are the number of vertices and edges of G. Such a randomised procedure running in expected polynomial time was only known to exist in the case where at least 16 Delta colors were available. Our aim here is to make a pedagogic tutorial on how to use these ideas to analyse a broad range of graph coloring problems. As an application, also show that every graph with maximum degree Delta has a star coloring with 2 sqrt(2) Delta^{3/2} + Delta colors.Comment: 13 pages, revised versio