1,760 research outputs found

    Quality of service routing on wide area networks.

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    Moore [20] introduced the quickest path problem and it has been studied extensively in recent times. The quickest path problem is to determine a routing path to minimize end-to-end delay from the source to the destination node taking into account message size, and propagation delay and bandwidth on the links of the network. Thus the quickest path is a path with minimum end-to-end delay time required to send sigma units of message from a source node to the destination node.The main theme of this dissertation is to investigate unicast and multicast routing algorithms in wide area networks. Towards this end, first we present a unifying quickest path algorithm for different message transfer modes at intermediate nodes. The source to destination path varies with message sizes. Quickest path algorithms build a table called the Path-Table that when searched with message size gives the minimum end-to-end delay path for that message size. Our second result deals with efficient construction of the Path-Table when a link or path bandwidth changes, where path bandwidth is defined as the minimum of the bandwidths on the links of the path. Third, we present efficient algorithms for all-to-all quickest path problems in the presence of unreliable links in the network. By assigning probability of link failure to each link we can cast two problems namely, quickest most reliable path and most reliable quickest path.Routing is the process of sending a message from a source node to the destination node and the routing algorithm is a method to determine links that a message should be transmitted in order to reach the destination. The routing algorithm can be classified into the following three categories: unicast, multicast, and broadcast. Unicast involves sending a message from a given source to a destination; multicasting is a mechanism to send a message from a given source to a chosen set of destinations; broadcasting is sending a message from a given source to all the nodes in the network. Clearly, unicast and broadcast are special cases of multicast. The path selected by a routing algorithm depends on the application's Quality-of-Service (QoS) demands such as, end-to-end delay time, cost, delay jitter, and other factors.Our fourth result deals with multicast routing in wide area networks. We have developed several heuristics for the construction of a multicast tree that minimizes end-to-end delay time taking into account message size, and propagation delay and bandwidths on links. We consider different modes of message transfers at intermediate nodes and for each type of intermediate node architecture we present heuristics for the multicast tree construction. The heuristics are simulated on large networks that are generated using different network generation models including Waxman I and II, Locality, and Transit-Stub. Our heuristics are shown to outperform existing heuristics that are based on shortest path and minimum spanning tree for multicast tree construction. Finally, we introduce a novel heuristic for the construction of a multicast tree with minimum cost in Internet like topologies. Our algorithm on directed asymmetric networks is shown to have a performance gain in terms of tree costs over existing algorithms

    Quickest Paths for Different Network Router Mechanisms

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    Optimization of time-dependent routing problems considering dynamic paths and fuel consumption

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    Ces dernières années, le transport de marchandises est devenu un défi logistique à multiples facettes. L’immense volume de fret a considérablement augmenté le flux de marchandises dans tous les modes de transport. Malgré le rôle vital du transport de marchandises dans le développement économique, il a également des répercussions négatives sur l’environnement et la santé humaine. Dans les zones locales et régionales, une partie importante des livraisons de marchandises est transportée par camions, qui émettent une grande quantité de polluants. Le Transport routier de marchandises est un contributeur majeur aux émissions de gaz à effet de serre (GES) et à la consommation de carburant. Au Canada, les principaux réseaux routiers continuent de faire face à des problèmes de congestion. Pour réduire significativement l’impact des émissions de GES reliées au transport de marchandises sur l’environnement, de nouvelles stratégies de planification directement liées aux opérations de routage sont nécessaires aux niveaux opérationnel, environnemental et temporel. Dans les grandes zones urbaines, les camions doivent voyager à la vitesse imposée par la circulation. Les embouteillages ont des conséquences défavorables sur la vitesse, le temps de déplacement et les émissions de GES, notamment à certaines périodes de la journée. Cette variabilité de la vitesse dans le temps a un impact significatif sur le routage et la planification du transport. Dans une perspective plus large, notre recherche aborde les Problèmes de distribution temporels (Time-Dependent Distribution Problems – TDDP) en considérant des chemins dynamiques dans le temps et les émissions de GES. Considérant que la vitesse d’un véhicule varie en fonction de la congestion dans le temps, l’objectif est de minimiser la fonction de coût de transport total intégrant les coûts des conducteurs et des émissions de GES tout en respectant les contraintes de capacité et les restrictions de temps de service. En outre, les informations géographiques et de trafic peuvent être utilisées pour construire des multigraphes modélisant la flexibilité des chemins sur les grands réseaux routiers, en tant qu’extension du réseau classique des clients. Le réseau physique sous-jacent entre chaque paire de clients pour chaque expédition est explicitement considéré pour trouver des chemins de connexion. Les décisions de sélection de chemins complètent celles de routage, affectant le coût global, les émissions de GES, et le temps de parcours entre les nœuds. Alors que l’espace de recherche augmente, la résolution des Problèmes de distribution temporels prenant en compte les chemins dynamiques et les vitesses variables dans le temps offre une nouvelle possibilité d’améliorer l’efficacité des plans de transport... Mots clés : Routage dépendant du temps; chemins les plus rapides dépendant du temps; congestion; réseau routier; heuristique; émissions de gaz à effet de serre; modèles d’émission; apprentissage superviséIn recent years, freight transportation has evolved into a multi-faceted logistics challenge. The immense volume of freight has considerably increased the flow of commodities in all transport modes. Despite the vital role of freight transportation in the economic development, it also negatively impacts both the environment and human health. At the local and regional areas, a significant portion of goods delivery is transported by trucks, which emit a large amount of pollutants. Road freight transportation is a major contributor to greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to fuel consumption. To reduce the significant impact of freight transportation emissions on environment, new alternative planning and coordination strategies directly related to routing and scheduling operations are required at the operational, environmental and temporal dimensions. In large urban areas, trucks must travel at the speed imposed by traffic, and congestion events have major adverse consequences on speed level, travel time and GHG emissions particularly at certain periods of day. This variability in speed over time has a significant impact on routing and scheduling. From a broader perspective, our research addresses Time-Dependent Distribution Problems (TDDPs) considering dynamic paths and GHG emissions. Considering that vehicle speeds vary according to time-dependent congestion, the goal is to minimize the total travel cost function incorporating driver and GHG emissions costs while respecting capacity constraints and service time restrictions. Further, geographical and traffic information can be used to construct a multigraph modeling path flexibility on large road networks, as an extension to the classical customers network. The underlying physical sub-network between each pair of customers for each shipment is explicitly considered to find connecting road paths. Path selection decisions complement routing ones, impacting the overall cost, GHG emissions, the travel time between nodes, and thus the set of a feasible time-dependent least cost paths. While the search space increases, solving TDDPs considering dynamic paths and time-varying speeds may provide a new scope for enhancing the effectiveness of route plans. One way to reduce emissions is to consider congestion and being able to route traffic around it. Accounting for and avoiding congested paths is possible as the required traffic data is available and, at the same time, has a great potential for both energy and cost savings. Hence, we perform a large empirical analysis of historical traffic and shipping data. Therefore, we introduce the Time-dependent Quickest Path Problem with Emission Minimization, in which the objective function comprises GHG emissions, driver and congestion costs. Travel costs are impacted by traffic due to changing congestion levels depending on the time of the day, vehicle types and carried load. We also develop time-dependent lower and upper bounds, which are both accurate and fast to compute. Computational experiments are performed on real-life instances that incorporate the variation of traffic throughout the day. We then study the quality of obtained paths considering time-varying speeds over the one based only on fixed speeds... Keywords : Time-dependent routing; time-dependent quickest paths; traffic congestion; road network; heuristic; greenhouse gas emissions; emission models; supervised learning

    The Price of Robustness in Timetable Information

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    In timetable information in public transport the goal is to search for a good passenger\u27s path between an origin and a destination. Usually, the travel time and the number of transfers shall be minimized. In this paper, we consider robust timetable information, i.e. we want to identify a path which will bring the passenger to the planned destination even in the case of delays. The classic notion of strict robustness leads to the problem of identifying those changing activities which will never break in any of the expected delay scenarios. We show that this is in general a strongly NP-hard problem. Therefore, we propose a conservative heuristic which identifies a large subset of these robust changing activities in polynomial time by dynamic programming and so allows us to find strictly robust paths efficiently. We also transfer the notion of light robustness, originally introduced for timetabling, to timetable information. In computational experiments we then study the price of strict and light robustness: How much longer is the travel time of a robust path than of a shortest one according to the published schedule? Based on the schedule of high-speed trains within Germany of 2011, we quantitatively explore the trade-off between the level of guaranteed robustness and the increase in travel time. Strict robustness turns out to be too conservative, while light robustness is promising: a modest level of guarantees is achievable at a reasonable price for the majority of passengers

    Route Planning in Transportation Networks

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    We survey recent advances in algorithms for route planning in transportation networks. For road networks, we show that one can compute driving directions in milliseconds or less even at continental scale. A variety of techniques provide different trade-offs between preprocessing effort, space requirements, and query time. Some algorithms can answer queries in a fraction of a microsecond, while others can deal efficiently with real-time traffic. Journey planning on public transportation systems, although conceptually similar, is a significantly harder problem due to its inherent time-dependent and multicriteria nature. Although exact algorithms are fast enough for interactive queries on metropolitan transit systems, dealing with continent-sized instances requires simplifications or heavy preprocessing. The multimodal route planning problem, which seeks journeys combining schedule-based transportation (buses, trains) with unrestricted modes (walking, driving), is even harder, relying on approximate solutions even for metropolitan inputs.Comment: This is an updated version of the technical report MSR-TR-2014-4, previously published by Microsoft Research. This work was mostly done while the authors Daniel Delling, Andrew Goldberg, and Renato F. Werneck were at Microsoft Research Silicon Valle

    Manage with care: the frailty of self-connections in the European airport network

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    AbstractThis study evaluates the attractiveness of self-hubbing in terms of the (a) symmetry of itineraries and the consequences for passengers in the case of missed flights. We compute the most attractive European origin-destination (O-D) pairs through self-connection and evaluate their robustness by estimating the expected delays relative to connecting times and the travel options available when a connection is missed.Results show that the potential of self-connecting markets is reduced when accounting for asymmetrical travel options and the consequences for travelers in the case of missed flights. In terms of frequencies, self-connecting passengers are, on average, found to have fewer alternatives to complete a given O-D pair than in the case of alliance-based connections (− 33%). Our findings moderate the confidence of past evidence on self-hubbing in light of the concrete reliability of self-connections for passengers. The itinerary choice made by passengers inevitably depends on the evaluation of travel quality attributes related to the (a) symmetry of the itineraries and the costs incurred through missed connections
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