6,517 research outputs found

    Algorithms and Hardness for Diameter in Dynamic Graphs

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    The diameter, radius and eccentricities are natural graph parameters. While these problems have been studied extensively, there are no known dynamic algorithms for them beyond the ones that follow from trivial recomputation after each update or from solving dynamic All-Pairs Shortest Paths (APSP), which is very computationally intensive. This is the situation for dynamic approximation algorithms as well, and even if only edge insertions or edge deletions need to be supported. This paper provides a comprehensive study of the dynamic approximation of Diameter, Radius and Eccentricities, providing both conditional lower bounds, and new algorithms whose bounds are optimal under popular hypotheses in fine-grained complexity. Some of the highlights include: - Under popular hardness hypotheses, there can be no significantly better fully dynamic approximation algorithms than recomputing the answer after each update, or maintaining full APSP. - Nearly optimal partially dynamic (incremental/decremental) algorithms can be achieved via efficient reductions to (incremental/decremental) maintenance of Single-Source Shortest Paths. For instance, a nearly (3/2+epsilon)-approximation to Diameter in directed or undirected n-vertex, m-edge graphs can be maintained decrementally in total time m^{1+o(1)}sqrt{n}/epsilon^2. This nearly matches the static 3/2-approximation algorithm for the problem that is known to be conditionally optimal

    On the Hardness of Partially Dynamic Graph Problems and Connections to Diameter

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    Conditional lower bounds for dynamic graph problems has received a great deal of attention in recent years. While many results are now known for the fully-dynamic case and such bounds often imply worst-case bounds for the partially dynamic setting, it seems much more difficult to prove amortized bounds for incremental and decremental algorithms. In this paper we consider partially dynamic versions of three classic problems in graph theory. Based on popular conjectures we show that: -- No algorithm with amortized update time O(n1ε)O(n^{1-\varepsilon}) exists for incremental or decremental maximum cardinality bipartite matching. This significantly improves on the O(m1/2ε)O(m^{1/2-\varepsilon}) bound for sparse graphs of Henzinger et al. [STOC'15] and O(n1/3ε)O(n^{1/3-\varepsilon}) bound of Kopelowitz, Pettie and Porat. Our linear bound also appears more natural. In addition, the result we present separates the node-addition model from the edge insertion model, as an algorithm with total update time O(mn)O(m\sqrt{n}) exists for the former by Bosek et al. [FOCS'14]. -- No algorithm with amortized update time O(m1ε)O(m^{1-\varepsilon}) exists for incremental or decremental maximum flow in directed and weighted sparse graphs. No such lower bound was known for partially dynamic maximum flow previously. Furthermore no algorithm with amortized update time O(n1ε)O(n^{1-\varepsilon}) exists for directed and unweighted graphs or undirected and weighted graphs. -- No algorithm with amortized update time O(n1/2ε)O(n^{1/2 - \varepsilon}) exists for incremental or decremental (4/3ε)(4/3-\varepsilon')-approximating the diameter of an unweighted graph. We also show a slightly stronger bound if node additions are allowed. [...]Comment: To appear at ICALP'16. Abstract truncated to fit arXiv limit

    Fully polynomial FPT algorithms for some classes of bounded clique-width graphs

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    Parameterized complexity theory has enabled a refined classification of the difficulty of NP-hard optimization problems on graphs with respect to key structural properties, and so to a better understanding of their true difficulties. More recently, hardness results for problems in P were achieved using reasonable complexity theoretic assumptions such as: Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH), 3SUM and All-Pairs Shortest-Paths (APSP). According to these assumptions, many graph theoretic problems do not admit truly subquadratic algorithms, nor even truly subcubic algorithms (Williams and Williams, FOCS 2010 and Abboud, Grandoni, Williams, SODA 2015). A central technique used to tackle the difficulty of the above mentioned problems is fixed-parameter algorithms for polynomial-time problems with polynomial dependency in the fixed parameter (P-FPT). This technique was introduced by Abboud, Williams and Wang in SODA 2016 and continued by Husfeldt (IPEC 2016) and Fomin et al. (SODA 2017), using the treewidth as a parameter. Applying this technique to clique-width, another important graph parameter, remained to be done. In this paper we study several graph theoretic problems for which hardness results exist such as cycle problems (triangle detection, triangle counting, girth, diameter), distance problems (diameter, eccentricities, Gromov hyperbolicity, betweenness centrality) and maximum matching. We provide hardness results and fully polynomial FPT algorithms, using clique-width and some of its upper-bounds as parameters (split-width, modular-width and P_4P\_4-sparseness). We believe that our most important result is an O(k4n+m){\cal O}(k^4 \cdot n + m)-time algorithm for computing a maximum matching where kk is either the modular-width or the P_4P\_4-sparseness. The latter generalizes many algorithms that have been introduced so far for specific subclasses such as cographs, P_4P\_4-lite graphs, P_4P\_4-extendible graphs and P_4P\_4-tidy graphs. Our algorithms are based on preprocessing methods using modular decomposition, split decomposition and primeval decomposition. Thus they can also be generalized to some graph classes with unbounded clique-width

    Distributed PCP Theorems for Hardness of Approximation in P

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    We present a new distributed model of probabilistically checkable proofs (PCP). A satisfying assignment x{0,1}nx \in \{0,1\}^n to a CNF formula φ\varphi is shared between two parties, where Alice knows x1,,xn/2x_1, \dots, x_{n/2}, Bob knows xn/2+1,,xnx_{n/2+1},\dots,x_n, and both parties know φ\varphi. The goal is to have Alice and Bob jointly write a PCP that xx satisfies φ\varphi, while exchanging little or no information. Unfortunately, this model as-is does not allow for nontrivial query complexity. Instead, we focus on a non-deterministic variant, where the players are helped by Merlin, a third party who knows all of xx. Using our framework, we obtain, for the first time, PCP-like reductions from the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis (SETH) to approximation problems in P. In particular, under SETH we show that there are no truly-subquadratic approximation algorithms for Bichromatic Maximum Inner Product over {0,1}-vectors, Bichromatic LCS Closest Pair over permutations, Approximate Regular Expression Matching, and Diameter in Product Metric. All our inapproximability factors are nearly-tight. In particular, for the first two problems we obtain nearly-polynomial factors of 2(logn)1o(1)2^{(\log n)^{1-o(1)}}; only (1+o(1))(1+o(1))-factor lower bounds (under SETH) were known before

    Variants of Plane Diameter Completion

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    The {\sc Plane Diameter Completion} problem asks, given a plane graph GG and a positive integer dd, if it is a spanning subgraph of a plane graph HH that has diameter at most dd. We examine two variants of this problem where the input comes with another parameter kk. In the first variant, called BPDC, kk upper bounds the total number of edges to be added and in the second, called BFPDC, kk upper bounds the number of additional edges per face. We prove that both problems are {\sf NP}-complete, the first even for 3-connected graphs of face-degree at most 4 and the second even when k=1k=1 on 3-connected graphs of face-degree at most 5. In this paper we give parameterized algorithms for both problems that run in O(n3)+22O((kd)2logd)nO(n^{3})+2^{2^{O((kd)^2\log d)}}\cdot n steps.Comment: Accepted in IPEC 201

    Notes on complexity of packing coloring

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    A packing kk-coloring for some integer kk of a graph G=(V,E)G=(V,E) is a mapping φ:V{1,,k}\varphi:V\to\{1,\ldots,k\} such that any two vertices u,vu, v of color φ(u)=φ(v)\varphi(u)=\varphi(v) are in distance at least φ(u)+1\varphi(u)+1. This concept is motivated by frequency assignment problems. The \emph{packing chromatic number} of GG is the smallest kk such that there exists a packing kk-coloring of GG. Fiala and Golovach showed that determining the packing chromatic number for chordal graphs is \NP-complete for diameter exactly 5. While the problem is easy to solve for diameter 2, we show \NP-completeness for any diameter at least 3. Our reduction also shows that the packing chromatic number is hard to approximate within n1/2εn^{{1/2}-\varepsilon} for any ε>0\varepsilon > 0. In addition, we design an \FPT algorithm for interval graphs of bounded diameter. This leads us to exploring the problem of finding a partial coloring that maximizes the number of colored vertices.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure

    Spanning trees short or small

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    We study the problem of finding small trees. Classical network design problems are considered with the additional constraint that only a specified number kk of nodes are required to be connected in the solution. A prototypical example is the kkMST problem in which we require a tree of minimum weight spanning at least kk nodes in an edge-weighted graph. We show that the kkMST problem is NP-hard even for points in the Euclidean plane. We provide approximation algorithms with performance ratio 2k2\sqrt{k} for the general edge-weighted case and O(k1/4)O(k^{1/4}) for the case of points in the plane. Polynomial-time exact solutions are also presented for the class of decomposable graphs which includes trees, series-parallel graphs, and bounded bandwidth graphs, and for points on the boundary of a convex region in the Euclidean plane. We also investigate the problem of finding short trees, and more generally, that of finding networks with minimum diameter. A simple technique is used to provide a polynomial-time solution for finding kk-trees of minimum diameter. We identify easy and hard problems arising in finding short networks using a framework due to T. C. Hu.Comment: 27 page