15 research outputs found

    Detecting semantic groups in MIP models

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    ANWB automates and improves repair men dispatching

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    ANWB, the Dutch automobile association, provides assistance, car repair andreplacement services to its nearly 4 million members. ANWB services around 1.3 millionrequests per year in The Netherlands. Historically, the operational planning process ofassigning requests to service men was regionally organized, and human planners solvedthe sometimes large and hectic planning situations in real time. At a national level, some50 planners were required to do the job, and the quality of the planning and operationswere largely unknown. In a large business process reengineering project, ANWBredesigned the planning processes, leveraging state of the art IT and operations researchtechniques. As a result, the 24/7 planning processes are smoothened, can be executed byas few as 14 planners who work at a national level, and the operational planning andperformance have improved. As new competitors entered the market, ANWB has beenable to sustain its extraordinary high customer ratings and market share, while adaptingits proposition to the competitive prices dictated by the market.Economics (Jel: A)

    Optimal Hashing in External Memory

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    Hash tables are a ubiquitous class of dictionary data structures. However, standard hash table implementations do not translate well into the external memory model, because they do not incorporate locality for insertions. Iacono and Patrasu established an update/query tradeoff curve for external-hash tables: a hash table that performs insertions in O(lambda/B) amortized IOs requires Omega(log_lambda N) expected IOs for queries, where N is the number of items that can be stored in the data structure, B is the size of a memory transfer, M is the size of memory, and lambda is a tuning parameter. They provide a complicated hashing data structure, which we call the IP hash table, that meets this curve for lambda that is Omega(log log M + log_M N). In this paper, we present a simpler external-memory hash table, the Bundle of Arrays Hash Table (BOA), that is optimal for a narrower range of lambda. The simplicity of BOAs allows them to be readily modified to achieve the following results: - A new external-memory data structure, the Bundle of Trees Hash Table (BOT), that matches the performance of the IP hash table, while retaining some of the simplicity of the BOAs. - The Cache-Oblivious Bundle of Trees Hash Table (COBOT), the first cache-oblivious hash table. This data structure matches the optimality of BOTs and IP hash tables over the same range of lambda

    Kernelization of Whitney Switches

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    A fundamental theorem of Whitney from 1933 asserts that 2-connected graphs G and H are 2-isomorphic, or equivalently, their cycle matroids are isomorphic, if and only if G can be transformed into H by a series of operations called Whitney switches. In this paper we consider the quantitative question arising from Whitney's theorem: Given two 2-isomorphic graphs, can we transform one into another by applying at most k Whitney switches? This problem is already NP-complete for cycles, and we investigate its parameterized complexity. We show that the problem admits a kernel of size O(k), and thus, is fixed-parameter tractable when parameterized by k.Comment: To appear at ESA 202

    Fuzzy-stochastic FEM-based homogenization framework for materials with polymorphic uncertainties in the microstructure

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    Uncertainties in the macroscopic response of heterogeneous materials result from two sources: the natural variability in the microstructure's geometry and the lack of sufficient knowledge regarding the microstructure. The first type of uncertainty is denoted aleatoric uncertainty and may be characterized by a known probability density function. The second type of uncertainty is denoted epistemic uncertainty. This kind of uncertainty cannot be described using probabilistic methods. Models considering both sources of uncertainties are called polymorphic. In the case of polymorphic uncertainties, some combination of stochastic methods and fuzzy arithmetic should be used. Thus, in the current work, we examine a fuzzy‐stochastic finite element method–based homogenization framework for materials with random inclusion sizes. We analyze an experimental radii distribution of inclusions and develop a stochastic representative volume element. The stochastic finite element method is used to obtain the material response in the case of random inclusion radii. Due to unavoidable noise in experimental data, an insufficient number of samples, and limited accuracy of the fitting procedure, the radii distribution density cannot be obtained exactly; thus, it is described in terms of fuzzy location and scale parameters. The influence of fuzzy input on the homogenized stress measures is analyzed

    An exact column-generation approach for the lot-type design problem

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    We consider a fashion discounter distributing its many branches with integral multiples from a set of available lot-types. For the problem of approximating the branch and size dependent demand using those lots we propose a tailored exact column generation approach assisted by fast algorithms for intrinsic subproblems, which turns out to be very efficient on our real-world instances as well as on random instances.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figures, 1 tabl

    The Hidden Geometry of Particle Collisions

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    We establish that many fundamental concepts and techniques in quantum field theory and collider physics can be naturally understood and unified through a simple new geometric language. The idea is to equip the space of collider events with a metric, from which other geometric objects can be rigorously defined. Our analysis is based on the energy mover's distance, which quantifies the "work" required to rearrange one event into another. This metric, which operates purely at the level of observable energy flow information, allows for a clarified definition of infrared and collinear safety and related concepts. A number of well-known collider observables can be exactly cast as the minimum distance between an event and various manifolds in this space. Jet definitions, such as exclusive cone and sequential recombination algorithms, can be directly derived by finding the closest few-particle approximation to the event. Several area- and constituent-based pileup mitigation strategies are naturally expressed in this formalism as well. Finally, we lift our reasoning to develop a precise distance between theories, which are treated as collections of events weighted by cross sections. In all of these various cases, a better understanding of existing methods in our geometric language suggests interesting new ideas and generalizations.Comment: 56 pages, 11 figures, 5 tables; v2: minor changes and updated references; v3: updated to match JHEP versio