4,541 research outputs found

    Algorithmic design of self-assembling structures

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    We study inverse statistical mechanics: how can one design a potential function so as to produce a specified ground state? In this paper, we show that unexpectedly simple potential functions suffice for certain symmetrical configurations, and we apply techniques from coding and information theory to provide mathematical proof that the ground state has been achieved. These potential functions are required to be decreasing and convex, which rules out the use of potential wells. Furthermore, we give an algorithm for constructing a potential function with a desired ground state.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Context-Oriented Algorithmic Design

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    Currently, algorithmic approaches are being introduced in several areas of expertise, namely Architecture. Algorithmic Design (AD) is an approach for architecture that takes advantage of algorithms to produce complex designs, to simplify the exploration of variations, or to mechanize tasks, including those related to analysis and optimization of designs. However, architects might need different models of the same design for different kinds of analysis, which tempts them to extend the same code base for different purposes, typically making the code brittle and hard to understand. In this paper, we propose to extend AD with Context-Oriented Programming (COP), a programming paradigm based on context that dynamically changes the behavior of the code. To this end, we propose a COP library and we explore its combination with an AD tool. Finally, we implement two case studies with our context-oriented approach, and discuss their advantages and disadvantages when compared to the traditional AD approach

    Guest editorial: Memetic computing in the presence of uncertainties

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    Copyright @ Springer-Verlag 2010.The Guest Editors acknowledge the research support by the Academy of Finland, Akatemiatutkija 130600, Algorithmic Design Issues in Memetic Computing, and by the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Project: Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Optimisation Problems, under Grant EP/E060722/1

    An Assessment on the Use of Stationary Vehicles as a Support to Cooperative Positioning

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    In this paper, we consider the use of stationary vehicles as tools to enhance the localisation capabilities of moving vehicles in a VANET. We examine the idea in terms of its potential benefits, technical requirements, algorithmic design and experimental evaluation. Simulation results are given to illustrate the efficacy of the technique.Comment: This version of the paper is an updated version of the initial submission, where some initial comments of reviewers have been taken into accoun

    Системи алгоритмічних алгебр. Прикладний аспект

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    Запропоновано підхід до формалізації етапу алгоритмічного проектування мікропроцесорних систем (МПС) на основі математичного апарату модифікованих систем алгоритмічних алгебр В.М. Глушкова. Створено формалізовані специфікації протоколу OSPF та схеми паралельних алгоритмів Флойда - Уоршала і Джонсона. Описано інструментальні засоби підтримки комп’ютерної технології алгоритмічного проектування МПС.An approach for algorithmic design stage formalization of microprocessor’s system (MPS) which is based on use the V.M. Glushkov mathematical apparatus of algorithmic algebras modified systems is proposed. The formalized specifications of the OSPF protocol and Floyd-Warshall’s and Jonson’s algorithms scheme are created. The support instrumental means of Computer technology algorithmic design of MPS are described