140 research outputs found

    Digital Color Imaging

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    This paper surveys current technology and research in the area of digital color imaging. In order to establish the background and lay down terminology, fundamental concepts of color perception and measurement are first presented us-ing vector-space notation and terminology. Present-day color recording and reproduction systems are reviewed along with the common mathematical models used for representing these devices. Algorithms for processing color images for display and communication are surveyed, and a forecast of research trends is attempted. An extensive bibliography is provided

    Efficient use of bit planes in the generation of motion stimuli

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    The production of animated motion sequences on computer-controlled display systems presents a technical problem because large images cannot be transferred from disk storage to image memory at conventional frame rates. A technique is described in which a single base image can be used to generate a broad class of motion stimuli without the need for such memory transfers. This technique was applied to the generation of drifting sine-wave gratings (and by extension, sine wave plaids). For each drifting grating, sine and cosine spatial phase components are first reduced to 1 bit/pixel using a digital halftoning technique. The resulting pairs of 1-bit images are then loaded into pairs of bit planes of the display memory. To animate the patterns, the display hardware's color lookup table is modified on a frame-by-frame basis; for each frame the lookup table is set to display a weighted sum of the spatial sine and cosine phase components. Because the contrasts and temporal frequencies of the various components are mutually independent in each frame, the sine and cosine components can be counterphase modulated in temporal quadrature, yielding a single drifting grating. Using additional bit planes, multiple drifting gratings can be combined to form sine-wave plaid patterns. A large number of resultant plaid motions can be produced from a single image file because the temporal frequencies of all the components can be varied independently. For a graphics device having 8 bits/pixel, up to four drifting gratings may be combined, each having independently variable contrast and speed

    Pushing the Limits of 3D Color Printing: Error Diffusion with Translucent Materials

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    Accurate color reproduction is important in many applications of 3D printing, from design prototypes to 3D color copies or portraits. Although full color is available via other technologies, multi-jet printers have greater potential for graphical 3D printing, in terms of reproducing complex appearance properties. However, to date these printers cannot produce full color, and doing so poses substantial technical challenges, from the shear amount of data to the translucency of the available color materials. In this paper, we propose an error diffusion halftoning approach to achieve full color with multi-jet printers, which operates on multiple isosurfaces or layers within the object. We propose a novel traversal algorithm for voxel surfaces, which allows the transfer of existing error diffusion algorithms from 2D printing. The resulting prints faithfully reproduce colors, color gradients and fine-scale details.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figures; includes supplemental figure

    The development of the toner density sensor for closed-loop feedback laser printer calibration

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    A new infrared (IR) sensor was developed for application in closed-loop feedback printer calibration as it relates to monochrome (black toner only) laser printers. The toner density IR sensor (TDS) was introduced in the early 1980’s; however, due to cost and limitation of technologies at the time, implementation was not accomplished until within the past decade. Existing IR sensor designs do not discuss/address: • EMI (electromagnetic interference) effects on the sensor due to EP (electrophotography) components • Design considerations for environmental conditions • Sensor response time as it affects printer process speed The toner density sensor (TDS) implemented in the Lexmark E series printer reduces these problems and eliminates the use of the current traditional “open-loop” (meaning feedback are parameters not directly affecting print darkness such as page count, toner level, etc.) calibration process where print darkness is adjusted using previously calculated and stored EP process parameters. The historical process does not have the ability to capture cartridge component variation and environmental changes which affect print darkness variation. The TDS captures real time data which is used to calculate EP process parameters for the adjustment of print darkness; as a result, greatly reducing variations uncontrolled by historical printer calibration. Specifically, the first and primary purpose of this research is to reduce print darkness variation using the TDS. The second goal is to mitigate the TDS EMI implementation issue for reliable data accuracy

    Laser scanner jitter characterization, page content analysis for optimal rendering, and understanding image graininess

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    In Chapter 1, the electrophotographic (EP) process is widely used in imaging systems such as laser printers and office copiers. In the EP process, laser scanner jitter is a common artifact that mainly appears along the scan direction due to the condition of polygon facets. Prior studies have not focused on the periodic characteristic of laser scanner jitter in terms of the modeling and analysis. This chapter addresses the periodic characteristic of laser scanner jitter in the mathematical model. In the Fourier domain, we derive an analytic expression for laser scanner jitter in general, and extend the expression assuming a sinusoidal displacement. This leads to a simple closed-form expression in terms of Bessel functions of the first kind. We further examine the relationship between the continuous-space halftone image and the periodic laser scanner jitter. The simulation results show that our proposed mathematical model predicts the phenomenon of laser scanner jitter effectively, when compared to the characterization using a test pattern, which consists of a flat field with 25% dot coverage However, there is some mismatches between the analytical spectrum and spectrum of the processed scanned test target. We improve experimental results by directly estimating the displacement instead of assuming a sinusoidal displacement. This gives a better prediction of the phenomenon of laser scanner jitter. ^ In Chapter 2, we describe a segmentation-based object map correction algorithm, which can be integrated in a new imaging pipeline for laser electrophotographic (EP) printers. This new imaging pipeline incorporates the idea of object-oriented halftoning, which applies different halftone screens to different regions of the page, to improve the overall print quality. In particular, smooth areas are halftoned with a low-frequency screen to provide more stable printing; whereas detail areas are halftoned with a high-frequency screen, since this will better reproduce the object detail. In this case, the object detail also serves to mask any print defects that arise from the use of a high frequency screen. These regions are defined by the initial object map, which is translated from the page description language (PDL). However, the information of object type obtained from the PDL may be incorrect. Some smooth areas may be labeled as raster causing them to be halftoned with a high frequency screen, rather than being labeled as vector, which would result in them being rendered with a low frequency screen. To correct the misclassification, we propose an object map correction algorithm that combines information from the incorrect object map with information obtained by segmentation of the continuous-tone RGB rasterized page image. Finally, the rendered image can be halftoned by the object-oriented halftoning approach, based on the corrected object map. Preliminary experimental results indicate the benefits of our algorithm combined with the new imaging pipeline, in terms of correction of misclassification errors. ^ In Chapter 3, we describe a study to understand image graininess. With the emergence of the high-end digital printing technologies, it is of interest to analyze the nature and causes of image graininess in order to understand the factors that prevent high-end digital presses from achieving the same print quality as commercial offset presses. We want to understand how image graininess relates to the halftoning technology and marking technology. This chapter provides three different approaches to understand image graininess. First, we perform a Fourier-based analysis of regular and irregular periodic, clustered-dot halftone textures. With high-end digital printing technology, irregular screens can be considered since they can achieve a better approximation to the screen sets used for commercial offset presses. This is due to the fact that the elements of the periodicity matrix of an irregular screen are rational numbers, rather than integers, which would be the case for a regular screen. From the analytical results, we show that irregular halftone textures generate new frequency components near the spectrum origin; and these frequency components are low enough to be visible to the human viewer. However, regular halftone textures do not have these frequency components. In addition, we provide a metric to measure the nonuniformity of a given halftone texture. The metric indicates that the nonuniformity of irregular halftone textures is higher than the nonuniformity of regular halftone textures. Furthermore, a method to visualize the nonuniformity of given halftone textures is described. The analysis shows that irregular halftone textures are grainier than regular halftone textures. Second, we analyze the regular and irregular periodic, clustered-dot halftone textures by calculating three spatial statistics. First, the disparity between lattice points generated by the periodicity matrix, and centroids of dot clusters are considered. Next, the area of dot clusters in regular and irregular halftone textures is considered. Third, the compactness of dot clusters in the regular and irregular halftone textures is calculated. The disparity of between centroids of irregular dot clusters and lattices points generated by the irregular screen is larger than the disparity of between centroids of regular dot clusters and lattices points generated by the regular screen. Irregular halftone textures have higher variance in the histogram of dot-cluster area. In addition, the compactness measurement shows that irregular dot clusters are less compact than regular dot clusters. But, a clustered-dot halftone algorithm wants to produce clustered-dot as compact as possible. Lastly, we exam the current marking technology by printing the same halftone pattern on different substrates, glossy and polyester media. The experimental results show that the current marking technology provides better print quality on glossy media than on polyester media. With above three different approaches, we conclude that the current halftoning technology introduces image graininess in the spatial domain because of the non-integer elements in the periodicity matrix of the irregular screen and the finite addressability of the marking engine. In addition, the geometric characteristics of irregular dot clusters is more irregular than the geometric characteristics of regular dot clusters. Finally, the marking technology provides inconsistency of print quality between substrates

    Degree of quantization and spatial addressability tradeoffs in perceived quality of color images

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    The objective of this thesis research was to investigate the tradeoffs between the number of quantization levels and spatial addressability of printed color images. Image quantization was done by employing the error-diffusion algorithm. The diffusion of error was performed in CMYK color space. The resulting images were printed on a color output device simulating different spatial addressabilities. To evaluate the perceived image quality, a psychophysical experiment was conducted followed by a statistical analysis of the experimental data. Based on the results of this analysis, the conclusions on the tradeoffs between the number of quantization levels and spatial addressability were drawn. It was determined that the tradeoffs were scene dependent with photographic scenes being able to sustain greater reduction in addressability without perceived image quality being decreased than graphics. The experiment showed that photographic scenes were sufficient to be printed with 5 bits per pixel per color at 100 dots per inch, and graphics with 3 bits per pixel per color at 300 dots per inch. If a single bits per color / dots per inch combination is to be named as the optimum combination equivalent to the best possible image for the given system (8bpc/300dpi), it would have to be 3bpc/300dpi. This combination was found to be equivalent to the quality of the best possible image at the normal viewing distance for all scenes in the experiment

    A New framework for an electrophotographic printer model

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    Digital halftoning is a printing technology that creates the illusion of continuous tone images for printing devices such as electrophotographic printers that can only produce a limited number of tone levels. Digital halftoning works because the human visual system has limited spatial resolution which blurs the printed dots of the halftone image, creating the gray sensation of a continuous tone image. Because the printing process is imperfect it introduces distortions to the halftone image. The quality of the printed image depends, among other factors, on the complex interactions between the halftone image, the printer characteristics, the colorant, and the printing substrate. Printer models are used to assist in the development of new types of halftone algorithms that are designed to withstand the effects of printer distortions. For example, model-based halftone algorithms optimize the halftone image through an iterative process that integrates a printer model within the algorithm. The two main goals of a printer model are to provide accurate estimates of the tone and of the spatial characteristics of the printed halftone pattern. Various classes of printer models, from simple tone calibrations, to complex mechanistic models, have been reported in the literature. Existing models have one or more of the following limiting factors: they only predict tone reproduction, they depend on the halftone pattern, they require complex calibrations or complex calculations, they are printer specific, they reproduce unrealistic dot structures, and they are unable to adapt responses to new data. The two research objectives of this dissertation are (1) to introduce a new framework for printer modeling and (2) to demonstrate the feasibility of such a framework in building an electrophotographic printer model. The proposed framework introduces the concept of modeling a printer as a texture transformation machine. The basic premise is that modeling the texture differences between the output printed images and the input images encompasses all printing distortions. The feasibility of the framework was tested with a case study modeling a monotone electrophotographic printer. The printer model was implemented as a bank of feed-forward neural networks, each one specialized in modeling a group of textural features of the printed halftone pattern. The textural features were obtained using a parametric representation of texture developed from a multiresolution decomposition proposed by other researchers. The textural properties of halftone patterns were analyzed and the key texture parameters to be modeled by the bank were identified. Guidelines for the multiresolution texture decomposition and the model operational parameters and operational limits were established. A method for the selection of training sets based on the morphological properties of the halftone patterns was also developed. The model is fast and has the capability to continue to learn with additional training. The model can be easily implemented because it only requires a calibrated scanner. The model was tested with halftone patterns representing a range of spatial characteristics found in halftoning. Results show that the model provides accurate predictions for the tone and the spatial characteristics when modeling halftone patterns individually and it provides close approximations when modeling multiple halftone patterns simultaneously. The success of the model justifies continued research of this new printer model framework

    Visual-Based error diffusion for printers

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    An approach for halftoning is presented that incorporates a printer model and also explicitly uses the human visual model. Conventional methods, such as clustered-dot screening or dispersed-dot screening, do not solve the gray-level distortion of printers and just implicitly use the eye as a lowpass filter. Error diffusion accounts for errors when processing subsequent pixels to minimize the overall mean-square errors. Recently developed model-based halftoning technique eliminates the effect of printer luminance distortion, but this method does not consider the filtering action of the eye, that is, some artifacts of standard error diffusion still exist when the printing resolution and view distance change. Another visual error diffusion method incorporates the human visual filter into error diffusion and results in improved noise characteristics and better resolution for structured image regions, but gray levels are still distorted. Experiments prove that human viewers judge the quality of a halftoning image based mainly on the region which exhibits the worst local error, and low-frequency distortions introduced by the halftoning process are responsible for more visually annoying artifacts in the halftone image than high-frequency distortion. Consequently, we adjust the correction factors of the feedback filter by local characteristics and adjust the dot patterns for some gray levels to minimize the visual blurred local error. Based on the human visual model, we obtain the visual-based error diffusion algorithm, and further we will also incorporate the printer model to correct the printing distortion. The artifacts connected with standard error diffusion are expected to be eliminated or decreased and therefore better print quality should be achieved. In addition to qualitative analysis, we also introduce a subjective evaluation of algorithms. The tests show that the algorithms developed here have improved the performance of error diffusion for printers

    Reducing the number of calibration patterns for the two-by-two dot centering model

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    The two-by-two dot centering model enables predicting the spectral reflectance of color halftones and does not depend on a specific halftoning algorithm. It requires measuring the reflectances of a large number of two-by-two calibration tile patterns. Spectral measurement of hundreds or thousands of tile patterns is cumbersome and time consuming. In order to limit the number of measurements, we estimate the reflectances of a large majority of twoby- two calibration tile patterns from a small subset comprising less than 10% of all tile patterns. Using this subset of measured two-by-two calibration tile patterns, we perform a linear regression in the absorptance space and derive a transformation matrix converting tile pattern colorant surface coverages to absorptances. This transformation matrix enables calculating the absorptance of all remaining two-by-two tile patterns. For a cyan, magenta and yellow print, with 72 two-by-two measured calibration tile patterns, we are able to create a two-bytwo dot centering model having an accuracy only slightly below the accuracy of the model with the fully measured set of 1072 two-by-two tile patterns

    Spectral Prediction of Juxtaposed Halftones Relying on the Two-by-two Dot Centering Model

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    In a color reproduction workflow, spectral prediction models are useful for establishing the correspondence between colorant sur- face coverages and resulting printed halftone color. Spectral predic- tion models enable calculation of the color gamut and establishment of the color separation tables. Discrete line juxtaposed halftoning, a recently proposed algorithm, is characterized by the fact that colorants formed by inks and ink superpositions are placed side by side. Juxtaposed halftoning is necessary when printing with special inks such as opaque or metallic inks. In order to predict the color of classical halftones, the Yule–Nielsen modified spectral Neugebauer model is generally used. However, this model may not predict the color of juxtaposed halftones, since the effective surface coverages of colorants and of possible colorant overlaps are unknown. In contrast, the two-by-two dot centering spectral prediction model developed by S. G. Wang enables the reflectance of slightly overlapping colorants to be captured and is therefore appropriate for predicting the color of juxtaposed halftones. Since this model requires a large calibration set, the authors use an estimation technique which predicts more than 90% of the two-by-two calibration pattern reflectances by measuring less than 10% of them. For juxtaposed halftoning, the two-by-two dot centering model offers high prediction accuracies and outperforms the different variants of the Yule–Nielsen spectral Neugebauer model for comparable setups
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