7 research outputs found

    FAC-fed: Federated adaptation for fairness and concept drift aware stream classification

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    Federated learning is an emerging collaborative learning paradigm of Machine learning involving distributed and heterogeneous clients. Enormous collections of continuously arriving heterogeneous data residing on distributed clients require federated adaptation of efficient mining algorithms to enable fair and high-quality predictions with privacy guarantees and minimal response delay. In this context, we propose a federated adaptation that mitigates discrimination embedded in the streaming data while handling concept drifts (FAC-Fed). We present a novel adaptive data augmentation method that mitigates client-side discrimination embedded in the data during optimization, resulting in an optimized and fair centralized server. Extensive experiments on a set of publicly available streaming and static datasets confirm the effectiveness of the proposed method. To the best of our knowledge, this work is the first attempt towards fairness-aware federated adaptation for stream classification, therefore, to prove the superiority of our proposed method over state-of-the-art, we compare the centralized version of our proposed method with three centralized stream classification baseline models (FABBOO, FAHT, CSMOTE). The experimental results show that our method outperforms the current methods in terms of both discrimination mitigation and predictive performance

    Integrated platform to assess seismic resilience at the community level

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    Due to the increasing frequency of disastrous events, the challenge of creating large-scale simulation models has become of major significance. Indeed, several simulation strategies and methodologies have been recently developed to explore the response of communities to natural disasters. Such models can support decision-makers during emergency operations allowing to create a global view of the emergency identifying consequences. An integrated platform that implements a community hybrid model with real-time simulation capabilities is presented in this paper. The platform's goal is to assess seismic resilience and vulnerability of critical infrastructures (e.g., built environment, power grid, socio-technical network) at the urban level, taking into account their interdependencies. Finally, different seismic scenarios have been applied to a large-scale virtual city model. The platform proved to be effective to analyze the emergency and could be used to implement countermeasures that improve community response and overall resilience

    Application of Integer Programming for Mine Evacuation Modeling with Multiple Transportation Modes

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    The safe evacuation of miners during an emergency within the shortest possible time is very important for the success of a mine evacuation program. Despite developments in the field of mine evacuation, little research has been done on the use of mine vehicles during evacuation. Current research into mine evacuation has emphasized on miner evacuation by foot. Mathematical formulations such as Minimum Cost Network Flow (MCNF) models, Ant Colony algorithms, and shortest path algorithms including Dijkstra's algorithm and Floyd-Warshall algorithm have been used to achieve this. These models, which concentrate on determining the shortest escape routes during evacuation, have been found to be computationally expensive with expanding problem sizes and parameter ranges or they may not offer the best possible solutions.An ideal evacuation route for each miner must be determined considering the available mine vehicles, locations of miners, safe havens such as refuge chambers, and fresh-air bases. This research sought to minimize the total evacuation cost as a function of the evacuation time required during an emergency while simultaneously helping to reduce the risk of exposure of the miners to harmful conditions during the evacuation by leveraging the use of available mine vehicles. A case study on the Turquoise Ridge Underground Mine (Nevada Gold Mines) was conducted to validate the Integer Programming (IP) model. Statistical analysis of the IP model in comparison with a benchmark MCNF model proved that leveraging the use of mine vehicles during an emergency can further reduce the total evacuation time. A cost-savings analysis was made for the IP model, and it was found that the time saved during evacuation, by utilizing the IP model, increased linearly, with an increase in the number of miners present at the time of evacuation

    High dimensional kNN-graph construction using space filling curves

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    Numerical methods for shape optimization of photonic nanostructures

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