2,469 research outputs found

    Local Nash Realizations

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    In this paper we investigate realization theory of a class of non-linear systems, called Nash systems. Nash systems are non-linear systems whose vector fields and readout maps are analytic semi-algebraic functions. In this paper we will present a characterization of minimality in terms of observability and reachability and show that minimal Nash systems are isomorphic. The results are local in nature, i.e. they hold only for small time intervals. The hope is that the presented results can be extended to hold globally.Comment: 8 pages, extended conference pape

    Polynomial Interrupt Timed Automata

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    Interrupt Timed Automata (ITA) form a subclass of stopwatch automata where reachability and some variants of timed model checking are decidable even in presence of parameters. They are well suited to model and analyze real-time operating systems. Here we extend ITA with polynomial guards and updates, leading to the class of polynomial ITA (PolITA). We prove the decidability of the reachability and model checking of a timed version of CTL by an adaptation of the cylindrical decomposition method for the first-order theory of reals. Compared to previous approaches, our procedure handles parameters and clocks in a unified way. Moreover, we show that PolITA are incomparable with stopwatch automata. Finally additional features are introduced while preserving decidability

    On the Skolem Problem for Continuous Linear Dynamical Systems

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    The Continuous Skolem Problem asks whether a real-valued function satisfying a linear differential equation has a zero in a given interval of real numbers. This is a fundamental reachability problem for continuous linear dynamical systems, such as linear hybrid automata and continuous-time Markov chains. Decidability of the problem is currently open---indeed decidability is open even for the sub-problem in which a zero is sought in a bounded interval. In this paper we show decidability of the bounded problem subject to Schanuel's Conjecture, a unifying conjecture in transcendental number theory. We furthermore analyse the unbounded problem in terms of the frequencies of the differential equation, that is, the imaginary parts of the characteristic roots. We show that the unbounded problem can be reduced to the bounded problem if there is at most one rationally linearly independent frequency, or if there are two rationally linearly independent frequencies and all characteristic roots are simple. We complete the picture by showing that decidability of the unbounded problem in the case of two (or more) rationally linearly independent frequencies would entail a major new effectiveness result in Diophantine approximation, namely computability of the Diophantine-approximation types of all real algebraic numbers.Comment: Full version of paper at ICALP'1

    Near-Optimal Complexity Bounds for Fragments of the Skolem Problem

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    Given a linear recurrence sequence (LRS), specified using the initial conditions and the recurrence relation, the Skolem problem asks if zero ever occurs in the infinite sequence generated by the LRS. Despite active research over last few decades, its decidability is known only for a few restricted subclasses, by either restricting the order of the LRS (upto 4) or by restricting the structure of the LRS (e.g., roots of its characteristic polynomial). In this paper, we identify a subclass of LRS of arbitrary order for which the Skolem problem is easy, namely LRS all of whose characteristic roots are (possibly complex) roots of real algebraic numbers, i.e., roots satisfying x^d = r for r real algebraic. We show that for this subclass, the Skolem problem can be solved in NP^RP. As a byproduct, we implicitly obtain effective bounds on the zero set of the LRS for this subclass. While prior works in this area often exploit deep results from algebraic and transcendental number theory to get such effective results, our techniques are primarily algorithmic and use linear algebra and Galois theory. We also complement our upper bounds with a NP lower bound for the Skolem problem via a new direct reduction from 3-CNF-SAT, matching the best known lower bounds

    Exact Algorithms for Solving Stochastic Games

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    Shapley's discounted stochastic games, Everett's recursive games and Gillette's undiscounted stochastic games are classical models of game theory describing two-player zero-sum games of potentially infinite duration. We describe algorithms for exactly solving these games

    Rational semimodules over the max-plus semiring and geometric approach of discrete event systems

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    We introduce rational semimodules over semirings whose addition is idempotent, like the max-plus semiring, in order to extend the geometric approach of linear control to discrete event systems. We say that a subsemimodule of the free semimodule S^n over a semiring S is rational if it has a generating family that is a rational subset of S^n, S^n being thought of as a monoid under the entrywise product. We show that for various semirings of max-plus type whose elements are integers, rational semimodules are stable under the natural algebraic operations (union, product, direct and inverse image, intersection, projection, etc). We show that the reachable and observable spaces of max-plus linear dynamical systems are rational, and give various examples.Comment: 24 pages, 9 postscript figures; example in section 4.3 expande

    Solving Commutative Relaxations of Word Problems

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    We present an algebraic characterization of the standard commutative relaxation of the word problem in terms of a polynomial equality. We then consider a variant of the commutative word problem, referred to as the “Zero-to-All reachability” problem. We show that this problem is equivalent to a finite number of commutative word problems, and we use this insight to derive necessary conditions for Zero-to-All reachability. We conclude with a set of illustrative examples

    On the Polytope Escape Problem for Continuous Linear Dynamical Systems

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    The Polyhedral Escape Problem for continuous linear dynamical systems consists of deciding, given an affine function f:Rd→Rdf: \mathbb{R}^{d} \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{d} and a convex polyhedron P⊆Rd\mathcal{P} \subseteq \mathbb{R}^{d}, whether, for some initial point x0\boldsymbol{x}_{0} in P\mathcal{P}, the trajectory of the unique solution to the differential equation x˙(t)=f(x(t))\dot{\boldsymbol{x}}(t)=f(\boldsymbol{x}(t)), x(0)=x0\boldsymbol{x}(0)=\boldsymbol{x}_{0}, is entirely contained in P\mathcal{P}. We show that this problem is decidable, by reducing it in polynomial time to the decision version of linear programming with real algebraic coefficients, thus placing it in ∃R\exists \mathbb{R}, which lies between NP and PSPACE. Our algorithm makes use of spectral techniques and relies among others on tools from Diophantine approximation.Comment: Accepted to HSCC 201
