19 research outputs found

    Implementation of Multidimensional Databases with Document-Oriented NoSQL

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    International audienceNoSQL (Not Only SQL) systems are becoming popular due to known advantages such as horizontal scalability and elasticity. In this paper, we study the implementation of data warehouses with document-oriented NoSQL systems. We propose mapping rules that transform the multidimensional data model to logical document-oriented models. We consider three different logical models and we use them to instantiate data warehouses. We focus on data loading, model-to-model conversion and OLAP cuboid computation

    Analyse multigraduelle OLAP

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    National audienceDecisional systems are based on multidimensional databases improving OLAP analyses. The paper describes a new OLAP operator named « BLEND » to perform multigradual analyses. The operation transforms multidimensional structures during querying in order to analyse measures according to various granularity levels, which are reorganised into a single parameter. We study valid combinations of the operation in the context of strict hierarchies. First experimentations implement the operation in an R-OLAP framework showing the slight cost of this operation

    Personnalisation de SystÚmes OLAP Annotés

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    National audienceThis paper deals with personalization of annotated OLAP systems. Data constellation is extended to support annotations and user preferences. Annotations reflect the decision-maker experience whereas user preferences enable users to focus on the most interesting data. User preferences allow annotated contextual recommendations helping the decision-maker during his/her multidimensional navigations

    Personnalisation de bases de données multidimensionnelles

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    National audienceThis paper deals with decision support systems resting on multidimensional modelling of data. Moreover, we intend to offer a set of concepts and mechanisms for personalized multidimensional database specifications. This personalization consists in associating weights to different components of a multidimensional schema. Personalization specifications are specified through the use of a language based on the principle of Event Condition Action. This personalisation determines multidimensional data display as well as their analyses (with the use of drilling or rotating operations)

    Implementation of multidimensional databases in column-oriented NoSQL systems

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    International audienceNoSQL (Not Only SQL) systems are becoming popular due to known advantages such as horizontal scalability and elasticity. In this paper, we study the implementation of multidimensional data warehouses with columnoriented NoSQL systems. We define mapping rules that transform the conceptual multidimensional data model to logical column-oriented models. We consider three different logical models and we use them to instantiate data warehouses. We focus on data loading, model-to-model conversion and OLAP cuboid computation

    Benchmarking Big Data OLAP NoSQL Databases

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    With the advent of Big Data, new challenges have emerged regarding the evaluation of decision support systems (DSS). Existing evaluation benchmarks are not configured to handle a massive data volume and wide data diversity. In this paper, we introduce a new DSS benchmark that supports multiple data storage systems, such as relational and Not Only SQL (NoSQL) systems. Our scheme recognizes numerous data models (snowflake, star and flat topologies) and several data formats (CSV, JSON, TBL, XML, etc.). It entails complex data generation characterized within “volume, variety, and velocity” framework (3 V). Next, our scheme enables distributed and parallel data generation. Furthermore, we exhibit some experimental results with KoalaBench

    Implantation Not Only SQL des bases de données multidimensionnelles

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    International audienceLes systÚmes NoSQL (Not Only SQL) se développent notamment grùce à leur capacité à gérer facilement de grands volumes de données, et leur flexibilité en terme de type de données. Dans cet article, nous étudions l'implantation d'un entrepÎt de données multidimensionnelles avec un systÚme NoSQL orienté documents. Nous proposons des rÚgles de transformation qui permettent de passer d'un modÚle conceptuel multidimensionnel vers un modÚle logique NoSQL orienté documents. Nous proposons trois types de transformation pour implanter les entrepÎts de données multidimensionnelles. Nous expérimentons ces trois approches avec le systÚme MongoDB, et étudions le chargement des données, les processus de transformation d'un type d'implantation à un autre ainsi que le pré-calcul d'agrégats inhérents aux entrepÎts de données multidimensionnelles

    Implementing Multidimensional Data Warehouses into NoSQL

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    International audienceNot only SQL (NoSQL) databases are becoming increasingly popular and have some interesting strengths such as scalability and flexibility. In this paper, we investigate on the use of NoSQL systems for implementing OLAP (On-Line Analytical Processing) systems. More precisely, we are interested in instantiating OLAP systems (from the conceptual level to the logical level) and instantiating an aggregation lattice (optimization). We define a set of rules to map star schemas into two NoSQL models: columnoriented and document-oriented. The experimental part is carried out using the reference benchmark TPC. Our experiments show that our rules can effectively instantiate such systems (star schema and lattice). We also analyze differences between the two NoSQL systems considered. In our experiments, HBase (columnoriented) happens to be faster than MongoDB (document-oriented) in terms of loading time

    Diseño de un almacén de datos histórico en el marco del desarrollo de software dirigido por modelos

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    Un Decision Support System (DSS) asiste a los usuarios en el proceso de anĂĄlisis de datos en una organizaciĂłn con el propĂłsito de producir informaciĂłn que les permita tomar mejores decisiones. Los analistas que utilizan el DSS estĂĄn mĂĄs interesados en identificar tendencias que en buscar algĂșn registro individual en forma aislada [HRU96]. Con ese propĂłsito, los datos de las diferentes transacciones se almacenan y consolidan en una base de datos central denominada Data Warehouse (DW); los analistas utilizan esas estructuras de datos para extraer informaciĂłn de sus negocios que les permita tomar mejores decisiones [GHRU97]. BasĂĄndose en el esquema de datos fuente y en los requisitos de informaciĂłn de la organizaciĂłn, el objetivo del diseñador de un DSS es sintetizar esos datos para reducirlos a un formato que le permita, al usuario de la aplicaciĂłn, utilizarlos en el anĂĄlisis del comportamiento de la empresa. Dos tipos diferentes (pero relacionados) de actividades estĂĄn presentes: el diseño de las estructuras de almacenamiento y la creaciĂłn de consultas sobre esas estructuras. La primera tarea se desarrolla en el ĂĄmbito de los diseñadores de aplicaciones informĂĄticas; la segunda, en la esfera de los usuarios finales. Ambas actividades, normalmente, se realizan con escasa asistencia de herramientas automatizadas.Eje: TecnologĂ­a InformĂĄtica aplicada en educaciĂłnRed de Universidades con Carreras en InformĂĄtica (RedUNCI

    OLAPing Reflexive Multidimensional Fact

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    The multidimensional data model and implementations of social networks come with a set of specific constraints, such as missing data, reflexive relationship on fact instance. However, the conventional OLAP operators and existing models do not provide solutions for handling those specificities. Therefore, further efforts should be invested to extend these operators to take into consideration the specificities of multidimensional modeling of tweets and their manipulation. Face to this issue, we propose, in this paper, two new OLAP operators that enhance existing solutions for OLAP analyses involving a reflexive relationship on the fact instances. For each OLAP operator, we suggest a user-oriented definition as an algebraic formalization, along with an implementation algorithmic