821 research outputs found

    Aerospace Medicine and Biology: a Continuing Bibliography with Indexes (supplement 330)

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    This bibliography lists 156 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information System during November 1989. Subject coverage includes: aerospace medicine and psychology, life support system and controlled environments, safety equipment, exobiology and extraterrestrial life, and flight crew behavior and performance

    2014 JRC Ocean Energy Status Report

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    Oceans and seas have the potential to play a significant role in providing clean energy. Different technologies are currently being developed to ensure a long term contribution of ocean energy to the future energy system. Among the different ocean energy technologies, tidal and wave conversion systems are expected to contribute the most to the European energy system in the short to medium term, due to both local availability of the resources and advanced technological status. Current projections foresee about 40 MW of tidal and 25 MW of wave energy capacity being installed by 2018. The sector has witnessed encouraging signals both on the policy side and on projected markets; however, the commercialisation of key technologies and their technical maturity have not progressed as expected. In 2014, the European Commission has reinforced its support and commitment to the development of ocean energy through a dedicated policy framework and its inclusion in both the blue growth agenda and the 2050 energy agenda. This report stems from the need of monitoring the evolution of the ocean energy technology, industry and market in Europe, with an eye at its global development. It aims to portray the state-of-play of the sector, key achievements, and mechanisms that have been put in place to overcome documented gaps and barriers in the sector towards commercialisation.JRC.F.6-Energy Technology Policy Outloo

    Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Engineering Test Facility (ETF) 200 MWe power plant. Conceptual Design Engineering Report (CDER). Volume 2: Engineering. Volume 3: Costs and schedules

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    Engineering design details for the principal systems, system operating modes, site facilities, and structures of an engineering test facility (ETF) of a 200 MWE power plant are presented. The ETF resembles a coal-fired steam power plant in many ways. It is analogous to a conventional plant which has had the coal combustor replaced with the MHD power train. Most of the ETF components are conventional. They can, however, be sized or configured differently or perform additional functions from those in a conventional coal power plant. The boiler not only generates steam, but also performs the functions of heating the MHD oxidant, recovering seed, and controlling emissions

    DRI Renewable Energy Center (REC) (NV)

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    The primary objective of this project was to utilize a flexible, energy-efficient facility, called the DRI Renewable Energy Experimental Facility (REEF) to support various renewable energy research and development (R&D) efforts, along with education and outreach activities. The REEF itself consists of two separate buildings: (1) a 1200-ft2 off-grid capable house and (2) a 600-ft2 workshop/garage to support larger-scale experimental work. Numerous enhancements were made to DRI's existing renewable power generation systems, and several additional components were incorporated to support operation of the REEF House. The power demands of this house are satisfied by integrating and controlling PV arrays, solar thermal systems, wind turbines, an electrolyzer for renewable hydrogen production, a gaseous-fuel internal combustion engine/generator set, and other components. Cooling needs of the REEF House are satisfied by an absorption chiller, driven by solar thermal collectors. The REEF Workshop includes a unique, solar air collector system that is integrated into the roof structure. This system provides space heating inside the Workshop, as well as a hot water supply. The Workshop houses a custom-designed process development unit (PDU) that is used to convert woody biomass into a friable, hydrophobic char that has physical and chemical properties similar to low grade coal. Besides providing sufficient space for operation of this PDU, the REEF Workshop supplies hot water that is used in the biomass treatment process. The DRI-REEF serves as a working laboratory for evaluating and optimizing the performance of renewable energy components within an integrated, residential-like setting. The modular nature of the system allows for exploring alternative configurations and control strategies. This experimental test bed is also highly valuable as an education and outreach tool both in providing an infrastructure for student research projects, and in highlighting renewable energy features to the public

    Aeronautical engineering: A special bibliography with indexes, supplement 82, April 1977

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    This bibliography lists 311 reports, articles, and other documents introduced into the NASA scientific and technical information system in March 1977

    New industrial heat pump applications to a synthetic rubber plant. Final report, Phase IIA

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    Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Engineering Test Facility (ETF) 200 MWe power plant Conceptual Design Engineering Report (CDER)

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    The reference conceptual design of the magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Engineering Test Facility (ETF), a prototype 200 MWe coal-fired electric generating plant designed to demonstrate the commercial feasibility of open cycle MHD, is summarized. Main elements of the design, systems, and plant facilities are illustrated. System design descriptions are included for closed cycle cooling water, industrial gas systems, fuel oil, boiler flue gas, coal management, seed management, slag management, plant industrial waste, fire service water, oxidant supply, MHD power ventilatin

    Radon reduction, improvement of indoor air quality, and energy savings through an original solar ventilation system

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    This study evaluated the improvement of indoor air quality and energy savings achieved, by an original solar ventilation system installed at test sites exhibiting elevated radon levels. Conventional residential energy conservation measures that limit air exchange rates between the indoors and outdoors have been shown to increase concentrations of radioactive radon decay products as well as other indoor air contaminants. Growing concern about radon lung cancer risks, carbon monoxide poisoning, and the sick building syndrome have increased demand for improved indoor air quality. Due to added heating and cooling loads, ventilation generally incurs substantial installation and operational costs. All commercially available radon mitigation systems, even those equipped with heat recovery devices, operate with net energy loss, and few alleviate other indoor air pollutants. The ventilation system investigated combines energy conservation with low-cost radon reduction and indoor air quality management. Drawing on established mitigation techniques of ventilation, air supply and pressurization, the Solar Radon Reduction System (SRRS) provides energy efficient make-up air for combustion appliances and stack effect losses. Indoor air quality is improved through dilution, slight pressurization, and reduced radon infiltration with induced-draft ventilation. Solar heating of intake air enables the SRRS to operate with energy gain during cold weather, and the blower provides low-energy summertime cooling when outdoor temperatures drop below indoor levels. The system was installed at six homes in Waterloo and Cedar Falls, Iowa, and a detailed assessment was conducted of the extent that the SRRS reduced radon levels and provided energy savings as well as how the system could be improved. Blower door tests were initially conducted to characterize the airtightness of each house. Electronic control units to trigger system operation based on radon levels and intake temperatures were devised, and PC data acquisition systems were installed at each site. The research methodology included synchronized hourly radon concentrations collected at the test homes and a control house maintained with closed conditions over five 10-day test periods. Operational modes tested included radon-trigger, temperature-trigger, and combined trigger system performance. Outlet temperatures and fan status were continuously recorded at five test homes, and dataloggers were additionally placed at two of the sites to measure inlet, outlet and basement temperature and humidity, solar radiation, and outdoor-basement pressure differentials. Fan rates were added to infiltration estimates for each house to determine system effects on house air time constants. The SRRS was found to improve overall indoor air quality with energy benefits and to significantly reduce radon, up to 73% from closed house levels as high as 21 pCi/L. SRRS effectiveness was found to be related to the duration of system operation and dwelling leakiness; increased weatherization and fan capacity appear to enhance pressurization and dilution gains. An inverse correlation of winter temperatures and solar availability was found to be beneficial for solar heat collection. The control house exhibited fluctuating radon levels apparently due to weather-related factors, which correlated closely with radon trends particularly at the more leaky test sites. Thus a separate closed house was found to serve as an appropriate reference for simultaneous multi-home remediation comparisons. This study shows the SRRS is a promising energy-efficient indoor air improvement technique that can attain radon concentrations below the EPA guideline in existing dwellings with elevated levels