1,304 research outputs found

    Ntertekstualitas Naskah Kempalan Kitab-kitab Islam Koleksi Museum Sonobudoyo: Syariat dalam Islam Jawa

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    Intertextuality of a religious manuscript can be used to understand the meaning and position of religious thought in the text. This research focuses on the relation between shari'ah/fiqh and tasawuf/hakikat in Yogyakarta Sultanete Milieu, through intertextualanalysis of the manuscript Kempalan Kitab-Kitab Islam (code: MSB/H/15/SK92), a collection of Sonobudoyo Museum in Yogyakarta. This manuscript was studied by seeing its position between two texts in two traditions (keraton and pesantren), but in the same milieu (Sultanete Yogyakarta), i.e Serat Suryaraja (royal heritage of Yogyakarta Sultanete) and Al-Sunī al-maṭālib fī isṭilāḥal-‘awāqib by Kiai Nur Iman from Pesantren Mlangi of Yogyakarta. This research shows that Kempalan Kitab-Kitab Islam can be seen as a point which signifies the acceptance of sharia as part of a way of achieving “ilmu kesempurnaan” (the science of perfection) in the conception of Sufism in Java

    The Quran As A Protector Of Self And Practice In Community

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    Abstrack The Qur’an for the Muslim community is not only seen as a sacred text that is read, but is also used for various purposes, including as personal protection. This article is about to discuss about the verse or letter of the Qur’an as a means of protection (mageri) themselves according to the angry interpretation of the labid and the views of the people in etc. Cikalan against the Qur’an as a personal protector. The research combines library research and field research with descriptive analysis and using the living Qur'an approach. The results of this study indicate that the Qur'an can be used as a means of personal protection. The verses or Surahs that are often practiced by the public are Surah al Ikhlas, Surah al Falaq, Surah an Nas, Surah al Mulk and verse seats. The purpose of carrying out the practice of the Qur'an as self-protection is to obtain blessings, get used to reading the Qur'an and follow what the Prophet Muhammad taught. namely making the Qur'an as a stronghold, and every human being wants to be spafe from danger wherever they are, both when sleeping, staying at home and outside. The results of this study reinforce the view that the reception of the Muslim community towards the Qur’an varies, not only as a text that is read, but a text that is used in daily life. Keywords: Living Qur’an, Protector, Society Abstrak Alquran bagi masyarakat muslim tidak hanya dipandang sebagai sebuah teks sakral yang dibaca, tetapi juga digunakan untuk berbagai kepentingan, termasuk sebagai pelindung diri. Artikel ini hendak mendiskusikan tentang ayat atau surat Alquran sebagai sarana pelindung (mageri) diri menurut tafsir marah labid dan pandangan masyarakat di dusun Cikalan terhadap ayat Alquran sebagai pelindung diri. Penelitian menggabungkan penelitian kepustakaan (library research) dan penelitian lapangan (field research) dengan analisis deskriptif dan menggunakan pendekatan living Qur’an. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa Alquran bisa di gunakan sebagai sarana pelindung diri. Adapun ayat atau surat Alquran yang sering diamalkan oleh masyarakat  yaitu surat al Ikhlas, surat al Falaq, surat an Nas, surat al Mulk dan ayat kursi. Tujuan pelaksanaan pengamalan Alquran sebagai pelindung diri tersebut adalah agar memperoleh berkah, membiasakan diri membaca Alquran dan mengikuti apa yang telah diajarkan Nabi Muhammad saw. yaitu menjadikan Alquran sebagai benteng pertahanan, serta setiap manusia menginginkan selamat dari bahaya dimana saja berada, baik ketika tidur, diam di rumah maupun di luar rumah. Hasil penelitian ini memperkuat pandangan bahwa resepsi masyarakat Muslim terhadap  Alquran beragam, tidak hanya sebagai teks yang dibaca, tetapi teks yang difungsikan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: Living Qur’an, Pelindung, Masyaraka

    Divergent Interpretations and Inter-Organizational Relations of Halal Product Guarantee Policy in Indonesia

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    The emergence of the issue of halal products, both in the form of food and services, has also led to competition regarding the certification of halal products. Studies on competition between certification bodies have been carried out, but these studies do not focus on the competition that occurs in Southeast Asian countries, including Indonesia which is a big market for the halal industry. In Indonesia, the implementation of the regulation of Halal Product Guarantee (HPG) in Law No. 33 2014 still raises problems, including the related issue of inter-organizational relations. This article discusses the relations between organizations based on the interpretation of each party related to the Halal Product Guarantee policy, and the consequences arising from it. This article used new institutional theory, and a semiotics approach as analysis of verbal signs and gestures raised by each of the parties. This article argued that the interpretations of each organizational actor towards the new halal certification policy in Indonesia are driven by different institutional reasons/logics, resulting in contradictions, even conflicts related to the relationship between organizations implementing the policy. The difference in meaning, especially in the connotative meaning, shows the difference in institutional logic. Thus, there is a divergence in meaning. Therefore, it is important to equate significance (meaning/interpretation) to each of the institutions related to Halal Product Guarantee in order to realize the implementation of the regulations properly

    Penerapan Etika Bisnis Islam dalam Perdagangan Bawang Merah di Pasar Sukomoro Nganjuk

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    This research focuses on the practice of buying and selling Red Onions in the Sukomoro Market, Nganjuk Regency, and the application of Islamic business ethics principles by traders. Prophet Muhammad, as a trader, provides a historical context. The research method employed is qualitative with a descriptive approach. Primary data is obtained from wholesale Red Onion traders, retail traders, and buyers; while secondary data comes from observations and archives. The findings indicate that transaction practices generally adhere to Islamic principles such as honesty and avoidance of deception. However, there is still a lack of understanding in the principles of trustworthiness and fair competition. In the application of Islamic business ethics, some traders do not fully comprehend the principles of accountability and tauhid. Nevertheless, the principles of justice, freedom, and ihsan have been well applied in trade. The research aims to understand and enhance traders' understanding of Islamic business ethics

    Strategi Pemasaran yang Efektif: Meningkatkan Omzet Penjualan Roti dalam Tinjauan Hukum Ekonomi Islam di Mawaddah Bakery Bandar Lor Kediri

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    This study delves into the marketing strategies of Mawaddah Bakery, located in Bandar Lor, Kediri, with the aim of increasing sales revenue and examining the perspectives of Islamic economic law. Utilizing a descriptive and qualitative case study approach, primary data sources include the business owner, supplemented by secondary data in the form of documentation. Research findings indicate that Mawaddah Bakery has successfully implemented an effective marketing mix strategy (4Ps). Strategies related to product, price, place, and promotion are executed well, encompassing product quality, pricing, strategic location, and consumer service promotion. In the context of Islamic economics, these strategies align with Sharia principles, emphasizing characteristics such as devotion, realism, humanism, and ethics. The strategies adhere to the characteristics of Sharia marketing and the Islamic marketing strategy system. This reflects compliance with Islamic economic values in a business context

    Ritme Bisnis Digital: Dinamika Transaksi Online Jesika Shop Kebonagung Dalam Konteks Ekonomi Islam

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    This study explores the online buying and selling transactions at Jesika Shop Kebonagung, focusing on the aspects of contracts (akad), Islamic economics, and problem-solving strategies. Jesika Shop Kebonagung, as an online store, exhibits a transaction process involving marketing through social media, product selection, buyer information input, payment methods, and product delivery. The Islamic economic review highlights the utilization of Salam and Wakalah Bi Al-Ujrah contracts. Strategies to address issues involve active communication between sellers and buyers through various social media platforms, recommendations for transactions through applications with shipping cost subsidies, and offers of discounted shipping promotions. The research methodology employed is qualitative descriptive, utilizing observation, interviews, and documentation. The research findings provide comprehensive insights into the online buying and selling practices of Jesika Shop Kebonagung from the perspective of Islamic economics

    Mendedah Identitas Aktivis Dakwah Kampus dalam Keragaman Keanggotaan LDK-MPM IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo

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    This article elaborates on the way in which the identity of campus da’wa activists forms a culture of diversity through Lembaga Dakwah Kampus Mahasiswa Pencinta Mushola (LDK-MPM) in IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo. The members of the LDK consist of students from various backgrounds, including PMII, HMI, IMM, KAMMI, etc.  The method used in this study is participant-observation with self/identity theory proposed by Gabriele Marranci as the framework of analysis. This article shows that LDK-MPM since its foundation have been an open organization for all Muslims students regardless of their organizational affiliations. The environments and experiences of those students are diverse, leading to diversity in deciding the organizational affiliations outside of the LDK. The diversity of its members is maintained through the mutual agreement between the members and the murabbi, that LDK is a neutral space for all students. Additionally, they are capable of positions themselves; when to behave as the members of LDK and when to act as the cadre of other extra-campus organizations. LDK-MPM has been a unifying space for Muslims student in IAIN Sultan Amai Gorontalo


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    This study discusses the crime of child pornography through social media. This research uses empirical and normative legal research where empirical legal research carried out by collecting data through observation, interviews. Sources of data used by researchers in this study are primary data sources compiled from observations, interviews and questionnaires in the field and secondary data sources collected from library research. This research analyzed using descriptive qualitative methods. In this research, the theory used is the Law Enforcement Theory according to Joseph Goldstein, namely: Total Enforcement, meaning the scope of criminal law enforcement as formulated by substantive criminal law. This research expected to give advice, recommendations and study material about cases of child pornography in the community Key words: pornography; Law, Children, Social Medi