106 research outputs found

    Aggregating skip bigrams into key phrase-based vector space model for web person disambiguation

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    The 11th Conference on Natural Language Processing (KONVENS) was organized by ÖGAI and was hosted on September 19-21, 2012 in Vienna.2012-2013 > Academic research: refereed > Refereed conference paperVersion of RecordPublishe

    Semantic annotation and summarization of biomedical text

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    Advancements in the biomedical community are largely documented and published in text format in scientific forums such as conference papers and journals. To address the scalability of utilizing the large volume of text-based information generated by continuing advances in the biomedical field, two complementary areas are studied. The first area is Semantic Annotation, which is a method for providing machineunderstandable information based on domain-specific resources. A novel semantic annotator, CONANN, is implemented for online matching of concepts defined by a biomedical metathesaurus. CONANN uses a multi-level filter based on both information retrieval and shallow natural language processing techniques. CONANN is evaluated against a state-of-the-art biomedical annotator using the performance measures of time (e.g. number of milliseconds per noun phrase) and precision/recall of the resulting concept matches. CONANN shows that annotation can be performed online, rather than offline, without a significant loss of precision and recall as compared to current offline systems. The second area of study is Text Summarization which is used as a way to perform data reduction of clinical trial texts while still describing the main themes of a biomedical document. The text summarization work is unique in that it focuses exclusively on summarizing biomedical full-text sources as opposed to abstracts, and also exclusively uses domain-specific concepts, rather than terms, to identify important information within a biomedical text. Two novel text summarization algorithms are implemented: one using a concept chaining method based on existing work in lexical chaining (BioChain), and the other using concept distribution to match important sentences between a source text and a generated summary (FreqDist). The BioChain and FreqDist summarizers are evaluated using the publicly-available ROUGE summary evaluation tool. ROUGE compares n-gram co-occurrences between a system summary and one or more model summaries. The text summarization evaluation shows that the two approaches outperform nearly all of the existing term-based approaches.Ph.D., Information Science and Technology -- Drexel University, 200

    Semantic annotation and summarization of biomedical text

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    Advancements in the biomedical community are largely documented and published in text format in scientific forums such as conference papers and journals. To address the scalability of utilizing the large volume of text-based information generated by continuing advances in the biomedical field, two complementary areas are studied. The first area is Semantic Annotation, which is a method for providing machineunderstandable information based on domain-specific resources. A novel semantic annotator, CONANN, is implemented for online matching of concepts defined by a biomedical metathesaurus. CONANN uses a multi-level filter based on both information retrieval and shallow natural language processing techniques. CONANN is evaluated against a state-of-the-art biomedical annotator using the performance measures of time (e.g. number of milliseconds per noun phrase) and precision/recall of the resulting concept matches. CONANN shows that annotation can be performed online, rather than offline, without a significant loss of precision and recall as compared to current offline systems. The second area of study is Text Summarization which is used as a way to perform data reduction of clinical trial texts while still describing the main themes of a biomedical document. The text summarization work is unique in that it focuses exclusively on summarizing biomedical full-text sources as opposed to abstracts, and also exclusively uses domain-specific concepts, rather than terms, to identify important information within a biomedical text. Two novel text summarization algorithms are implemented: one using a concept chaining method based on existing work in lexical chaining (BioChain), and the other using concept distribution to match important sentences between a source text and a generated summary (FreqDist). The BioChain and FreqDist summarizers are evaluated using the publicly-available ROUGE summary evaluation tool. ROUGE compares n-gram co-occurrences between a system summary and one or more model summaries. The text summarization evaluation shows that the two approaches outperform nearly all of the existing term-based approaches.Ph.D., Information Science and Technology -- Drexel University, 200

    Keywords at Work: Investigating Keyword Extraction in Social Media Applications

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    This dissertation examines a long-standing problem in Natural Language Processing (NLP) -- keyword extraction -- from a new angle. We investigate how keyword extraction can be formulated on social media data, such as emails, product reviews, student discussions, and student statements of purpose. We design novel graph-based features for supervised and unsupervised keyword extraction from emails, and use the resulting system with success to uncover patterns in a new dataset -- student statements of purpose. Furthermore, the system is used with new features on the problem of usage expression extraction from product reviews, where we obtain interesting insights. The system while used on student discussions, uncover new and exciting patterns. While each of the above problems is conceptually distinct, they share two key common elements -- keywords and social data. Social data can be messy, hard-to-interpret, and not easily amenable to existing NLP resources. We show that our system is robust enough in the face of such challenges to discover useful and important patterns. We also show that the problem definition of keyword extraction itself can be expanded to accommodate new and challenging research questions and datasets.PHDComputer Science & EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/145929/1/lahiri_1.pd

    Acquiring Broad Commonsense Knowledge for Sentiment Analysis Using Human Computation

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    While artificial intelligence is successful in many applications that cover specific domains, for many commonsense problems there is still a large gap with human performance. Automated sentiment analysis is a typical example: while there are techniques that reasonably aggregate sentiments from texts in specific domains, such as online reviews of a particular product category, more general models have a poor performance. We argue that sentiment analysis can be covered more broadly by extending models with commonsense knowledge acquired at scale, using human computation. We study two sentiment analysis problems. We start with document-level sentiment classification, which aims to determine whether a text as a whole expresses a positive or a negative sentiment. We hypothesize that extending classifiers to include the polarities of sentiment words in context can help them scale to broad domains. We also study fine-grained opinion extraction, which aims to pinpoint individual opinions in a text, along with their targets. We hypothesize that extraction models can benefit from broad fine-grained annotations to boost their performance on unfamiliar domains. Selecting sentiment words in context and annotating texts with opinions and targets are tasks that require commonsense knowledge shared by all the speakers of a language. We show how these can be effectively solved through human computation. We illustrate how to define small tasks that can be solved by many independent workers so that results can form a single coherent knowledge base. We also show how to recruit, train, and engage workers, then how to perform effective quality control to obtain sufficiently high-quality knowledge. We show how the resulting knowledge can be effectively integrated into models that scale to broad domains and also perform well in unfamiliar domains. We engage workers through both enjoyment and payment, by designing our tasks as games played for money. We recruit them on a paid crowdsourcing platform where we can reach out to a large pool of active workers. This is an effective recipe for acquiring sentiment knowledge in English, a language that is known by the vast majority of workers on the platform. To acquire sentiment knowledge for other languages, which have received comparatively little attention, we argue that we need to design tasks that appeal to voluntary workers outside the crowdsourcing platform, based on enjoyment alone. However, recruiting and engaging volunteers has been more of an art than a problem that can be solved systematically. We show that combining online advertisement with games, an approach that has been recently proved to work well for acquiring expert knowledge, gives an effective recipe for luring and engaging volunteers to provide good quality sentiment knowledge for texts in French. Our solutions could point the way to how to use human computation to broaden the competence of artificial intelligence systems in other domains as well

    Site-Specific Rules Extraction in Precision Agriculture

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    El incremento sostenible en la producción alimentaria para satisfacer las necesidades de una población mundial en aumento es un verdadero reto cuando tenemos en cuenta el impacto constante de plagas y enfermedades en los cultivos. Debido a las importantes pérdidas económicas que se producen, el uso de tratamientos químicos es demasiado alto; causando contaminación del medio ambiente y resistencia a distintos tratamientos. En este contexto, la comunidad agrícola divisa la aplicación de tratamientos más específicos para cada lugar, así como la validación automática con la conformidad legal. Sin embargo, la especificación de estos tratamientos se encuentra en regulaciones expresadas en lenguaje natural. Por este motivo, traducir regulaciones a una representación procesable por máquinas está tomando cada vez más importancia en la agricultura de precisión.Actualmente, los requisitos para traducir las regulaciones en reglas formales están lejos de ser cumplidos; y con el rápido desarrollo de la ciencia agrícola, la verificación manual de la conformidad legal se torna inabordable.En esta tesis, el objetivo es construir y evaluar un sistema de extracción de reglas para destilar de manera efectiva la información relevante de las regulaciones y transformar las reglas de lenguaje natural a un formato estructurado que pueda ser procesado por máquinas. Para ello, hemos separado la extracción de reglas en dos pasos. El primero es construir una ontología del dominio; un modelo para describir los desórdenes que producen las enfermedades en los cultivos y sus tratamientos. El segundo paso es extraer información para poblar la ontología. Puesto que usamos técnicas de aprendizaje automático, implementamos la metodología MATTER para realizar el proceso de anotación de regulaciones. Una vez creado el corpus, construimos un clasificador de categorías de reglas que discierne entre obligaciones y prohibiciones; y un sistema para la extracción de restricciones en reglas, que reconoce información relevante para retener el isomorfismo con la regulación original. Para estos componentes, empleamos, entre otra técnicas de aprendizaje profundo, redes neuronales convolucionales y “Long Short- Term Memory”. Además, utilizamos como baselines algoritmos más tradicionales como “support-vector machines” y “random forests”.Como resultado, presentamos la ontología PCT-O, que ha sido alineada con otras ontologías como NCBI, PubChem, ChEBI y Wikipedia. El modelo puede ser utilizado para la identificación de desórdenes, el análisis de conflictos entre tratamientos y la comparación entre legislaciones de distintos países. Con respecto a los sistemas de extracción, evaluamos empíricamente el comportamiento con distintas métricas, pero la métrica F1 es utilizada para seleccionar los mejores sistemas. En el caso del clasificador de categorías de reglas, el mejor sistema obtiene un macro F1 de 92,77% y un F1 binario de 85,71%. Este sistema usa una red “bidirectional long short-term memory” con “word embeddings” como entrada. En relación al extractor de restricciones de reglas, el mejor sistema obtiene un micro F1 de 88,3%. Este extractor utiliza como entrada una combinación de “character embeddings” junto a “word embeddings” y una red neuronal “bidirectional long short-term memory”.<br /

    Entity-Oriented Search

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    This open access book covers all facets of entity-oriented search—where “search” can be interpreted in the broadest sense of information access—from a unified point of view, and provides a coherent and comprehensive overview of the state of the art. It represents the first synthesis of research in this broad and rapidly developing area. Selected topics are discussed in-depth, the goal being to establish fundamental techniques and methods as a basis for future research and development. Additional topics are treated at a survey level only, containing numerous pointers to the relevant literature. A roadmap for future research, based on open issues and challenges identified along the way, rounds out the book. The book is divided into three main parts, sandwiched between introductory and concluding chapters. The first two chapters introduce readers to the basic concepts, provide an overview of entity-oriented search tasks, and present the various types and sources of data that will be used throughout the book. Part I deals with the core task of entity ranking: given a textual query, possibly enriched with additional elements or structural hints, return a ranked list of entities. This core task is examined in a number of different variants, using both structured and unstructured data collections, and numerous query formulations. In turn, Part II is devoted to the role of entities in bridging unstructured and structured data. Part III explores how entities can enable search engines to understand the concepts, meaning, and intent behind the query that the user enters into the search box, and how they can provide rich and focused responses (as opposed to merely a list of documents)—a process known as semantic search. The final chapter concludes the book by discussing the limitations of current approaches, and suggesting directions for future research. Researchers and graduate students are the primary target audience of this book. A general background in information retrieval is sufficient to follow the material, including an understanding of basic probability and statistics concepts as well as a basic knowledge of machine learning concepts and supervised learning algorithms