103 research outputs found

    KinshipGAN: Synthesizing of Kinship Faces From Family Photos by Regularizing a Deep Face Network

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    In this paper, we propose a kinship generator network that can synthesize a possible child face by analyzing his/her parent's photo. For this purpose, we focus on to handle the scarcity of kinship datasets throughout the paper by proposing novel solutions in particular. To extract robust features, we integrate a pre-trained face model to the kinship face generator. Moreover, the generator network is regularized with an additional face dataset and adversarial loss to decrease the overfitting of the limited samples. Lastly, we adapt cycle-domain transformation to attain a more stable results. Experiments are conducted on Families in the Wild (FIW) dataset. The experimental results show that the contributions presented in the paper provide important performance improvements compared to the baseline architecture and our proposed method yields promising perceptual results.Comment: Accepted to IEEE ICIP 201

    Towards Accurate Camera Geopositioning by Image Matching

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    In this work, we present a camera geopositioning system based on matching a query image against a database with panoramic images. For matching, our system uses memory vectors aggregated from global image descriptors based on convolutional features to facilitate fast searching in the database. To speed up searching, a clustering algorithm is used to balance geographical positioning and computation time. We refine the obtained position from the query image using a new outlier removal algorithm. The matching of the query image is obtained with a recall@5 larger than 90% for panorama-to-panorama matching. We cluster available panoramas from geographically adjacent locations into a single compact representation and observe computational gains of approximately 50% at the cost of only a small (approximately 3%) recall loss. Finally, we present a coordinate estimation algorithm that reduces the median geopositioning error by up to 20%

    Class-Weighted Convolutional Features for Visual Instance Search

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    Image retrieval in realistic scenarios targets large dynamic datasets of unlabeled images. In these cases, training or fine-tuning a model every time new images are added to the database is neither efficient nor scalable. Convolutional neural networks trained for image classification over large datasets have been proven effective feature extractors for image retrieval. The most successful approaches are based on encoding the activations of convolutional layers, as they convey the image spatial information. In this paper, we go beyond this spatial information and propose a local-aware encoding of convolutional features based on semantic information predicted in the target image. To this end, we obtain the most discriminative regions of an image using Class Activation Maps (CAMs). CAMs are based on the knowledge contained in the network and therefore, our approach, has the additional advantage of not requiring external information. In addition, we use CAMs to generate object proposals during an unsupervised re-ranking stage after a first fast search. Our experiments on two public available datasets for instance retrieval, Oxford5k and Paris6k, demonstrate the competitiveness of our approach outperforming the current state-of-the-art when using off-the-shelf models trained on ImageNet. The source code and model used in this paper are publicly available at http://imatge-upc.github.io/retrieval-2017-cam/.Comment: To appear in the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), September 201

    An accurate retrieval through R-MAC+ descriptors for landmark recognition

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    The landmark recognition problem is far from being solved, but with the use of features extracted from intermediate layers of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), excellent results have been obtained. In this work, we propose some improvements on the creation of R-MAC descriptors in order to make the newly-proposed R-MAC+ descriptors more representative than the previous ones. However, the main contribution of this paper is a novel retrieval technique, that exploits the fine representativeness of the MAC descriptors of the database images. Using this descriptors called "db regions" during the retrieval stage, the performance is greatly improved. The proposed method is tested on different public datasets: Oxford5k, Paris6k and Holidays. It outperforms the state-of-the- art results on Holidays and reached excellent results on Oxford5k and Paris6k, overcame only by approaches based on fine-tuning strategies

    Automatic Query Image Disambiguation for Content-Based Image Retrieval

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    Query images presented to content-based image retrieval systems often have various different interpretations, making it difficult to identify the search objective pursued by the user. We propose a technique for overcoming this ambiguity, while keeping the amount of required user interaction at a minimum. To achieve this, the neighborhood of the query image is divided into coherent clusters from which the user may choose the relevant ones. A novel feedback integration technique is then employed to re-rank the entire database with regard to both the user feedback and the original query. We evaluate our approach on the publicly available MIRFLICKR-25K dataset, where it leads to a relative improvement of average precision by 23% over the baseline retrieval, which does not distinguish between different image senses.Comment: VISAPP 2018 paper, 8 pages, 5 figures. Source code: https://github.com/cvjena/ai

    Deep Learning Features at Scale for Visual Place Recognition

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    The success of deep learning techniques in the computer vision domain has triggered a range of initial investigations into their utility for visual place recognition, all using generic features from networks that were trained for other types of recognition tasks. In this paper, we train, at large scale, two CNN architectures for the specific place recognition task and employ a multi-scale feature encoding method to generate condition- and viewpoint-invariant features. To enable this training to occur, we have developed a massive Specific PlacEs Dataset (SPED) with hundreds of examples of place appearance change at thousands of different places, as opposed to the semantic place type datasets currently available. This new dataset enables us to set up a training regime that interprets place recognition as a classification problem. We comprehensively evaluate our trained networks on several challenging benchmark place recognition datasets and demonstrate that they achieve an average 10% increase in performance over other place recognition algorithms and pre-trained CNNs. By analyzing the network responses and their differences from pre-trained networks, we provide insights into what a network learns when training for place recognition, and what these results signify for future research in this area.Comment: 8 pages, 10 figures. Accepted by International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2017. This is the submitted version. The final published version may be slightly differen