150 research outputs found

    Interrogation d'un réseau sémantique de documents : l'intertextualité dans l'accès à l'information juridique

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    A collection of documents is generally represented as a set of documents but this simple representation does not take into account cross references between documents, which often defines their context of interpretation. This standard document model is less adapted for specific professional uses in specialized domains in which documents are related by many various references and the access tools need to consider this complexity. We propose two models based on formal and relational concept analysis and on semantic web techniques. Applied on documentary objects, these two models represent and query in a unified way documents content descriptors and documents relations.Une collection documentaire est généralement représentée comme un ensemble de documents mais cette modélisation ne permet pas de rendre compte des relations intertextuelles et du contexte d'interprétation d'un document. Le modèle documentaire classique trouve ses limites dans les domaines spécialisés où les besoins d'accès à l'information correspondent à des usages spécifiques et où les documents sont liés par de nombreux types de relations. Ce travail de thèse propose deux modèles permettant de prendre en compte cette complexité des collections documentaire dans les outils d'accès à l'information. Le premier modèle est basée sur l'analyse formelle et relationnelle de concepts, le deuxième est basée sur les technologies du web sémantique. Appliquées sur des objets documentaires ces modèles permettent de représenter et d'interroger de manière unifiée les descripteurs de contenu des documents et les relations intertextuelles qu'ils entretiennent

    European Planning History in the 20th Century

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    The history of Europe in the 20th century is closely tied to the history of urban planning. Social and economic progress but also the brute treatment of people and nature throughout Europe were possible due to the use of urban planning and the other levels of spatial planning. Thereby, planning has constituted itself in Europe as an international subject. Since its emergence, through intense exchange but also competition, despite country differences, planning has developed as a European field of practice and scientific discipline. Planning is here much more than the addition of individual histories; however, historiography has treated this history very selective regarding geography and content. This book searches for an understanding of the historiography of planning in a European dimension. Scholars from Eastern and Western, Southern and Northern Europe address the issues of the public led production of city and the social functions of urban planning in capitalist and state-socialist countries. The examined examples include Poland and USSR, Czech Republic and Slovakia, UK, Netherlands, Germany, France, Portugal and Spain, Italy, and Sweden. The book will be of interest to students and scholars for Urbanism, Urban/Town Planning, Spatial Planning, Spatial Politics, Urban Development, Urban Policies, Planning History and European History of the 20th Century

    Migrating Words, Migrating Merchants, Migrating Law

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    Migrating Words, Migrating Merchants, Migrating Law, edited by S. Gialdroni, A. Cordes, S. Dauchy, D. De ruysscher and H. Pihlajamäki, offers a transdisciplinary account of the connections between merchants’ journeys, the languages they used and the development of commercial law. ; Readership: Scholars interested in commercial law history, economic history, history of linguistics, translation and, more generally, in the lives and travels of merchants and the impact they had on the development of law

    Migrating Words, Migrating Merchants, Migrating Law

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    Migrating Words, Migrating Merchants, Migrating Law, edited by S. Gialdroni, A. Cordes, S. Dauchy, D. De ruysscher and H. Pihlajamäki, offers a transdisciplinary account of the connections between merchants’ journeys, the languages they used and the development of commercial law. ; Readership: Scholars interested in commercial law history, economic history, history of linguistics, translation and, more generally, in the lives and travels of merchants and the impact they had on the development of law

    Impacts des polluants métalliques sur l'abeille : de la colonie au cerveau

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    Les abeilles sont des pollinisateurs essentiels. Une pléthore de facteurs de stress environnementaux, tels que les produits agrochimiques, a été identifiée comme contribuant à leur déclin mondial. En particulier, ces facteurs de stress altèrent les processus cognitifs impliqués dans les comportements fondamentaux. Jusqu'à présent, cependant, on ne sait pratiquement rien de l'impact de l'exposition à des métaux lourds, dont la toxicité est avérée chez de nombreux organismes. Pourtant, leurs émissions mondiales résultant des activités humaines ont élevé leurs concentrations bien au-dessus des niveaux naturels dans l'air, le sol, l'eau et la flore, exposant ainsi les abeilles à tous les stades de leur vie. Le but de ma thèse était d'examiner les effets de la pollution métallique sur l'abeille domestique en utilisant une approche multi-échelle, du cerveau à la colonie, en laboratoire et sur le terrain. J'ai d'abord observé que les abeilles exposées à une gamme de concentrations de trois métaux communs (arsenic, plomb et zinc) en laboratoire étaient incapables de percevoir et éviter des concentrations usuelles, néanmoins nocives, de ces métaux dans leur nourriture. J'ai ensuite exposé de façon chronique des colonies à des concentrations réalistes de plomb dans la nourriture et démontré que la consommation de ce métal altérait la cognition et le développement morphologique des abeilles. Comme les polluants métalliques se trouvent souvent dans des mélanges complexes dans l'environnement, j'ai exploré l'effet des cocktails de métaux, montrant que l'exposition au plomb, à l'arsenic ou au cuivre seul était suffisante pour ralentir l'apprentissage et perturber le rappel de la mémoire, et que les combinaisons de ces métaux induisaient des effets négatifs additifs sur ces deux processus cognitifs. J'ai finalement étudié l'impact de l'exposition naturelle aux polluants métalliques dans un environnement contaminé, en collectant des abeilles à proximité d'une ancienne mine d'or, et montré que les individus des populations les plus exposées aux métaux présentaient des capacités d'apprentissage et de mémoire plus faibles, et des altérations de leur développement conduisant à une réduction de la taille de leur cerveau. Une analyse plus systématique des abeilles non exposées a révélé une relation entre la taille de la tête, la morphométrie du cerveau et les performances d'apprentissage dans différentes tâches comportementales, suggérant que l'exposition aux polluants métalliques amplifie ces variations naturelles. Ainsi, mes résultats suggèrent que les abeilles domestiques sont incapables d'éviter l'exposition à des concentrations réalistes de métaux qui sont préjudiciables au développement et aux fonctions cognitives, et appellent à une révision des niveaux environnementaux considérés comme "sûrs". Ma thèse est la première analyse intégrée de l'impact de plusieurs polluants métalliques sur la cognition, la morphologie et l'organisation cérébrale chez l'abeille, et vise à encourager de nouvelles études sur la contribution de la pollution métallique dans le déclin signalé des abeilles, et plus généralement, des insectes.Honey bees are crucial pollinators. A plethora of environmental stressors, such as agrochemicals, have been identified as contributors to their global decline. Especially, these stressors impair cognitive processes involved in fundamental behaviours. So far however, virtually nothing is known about the impact of metal pollutants, despite their known toxicity to many organisms. Their worldwide emissions resulting from human activities have elevated their concentrations far above natural baselines in the air, soil, water and flora, exposing bees at all life stages. The aim of my thesis was to examine the effects of metallic pollution on honey bees using a multiscale approach, from brain to colonies, in laboratory and field conditions. I first observed that bees exposed to a range of concentrations of three common metals (arsenic, lead and zinc) in the laboratory were unable to perceive and avoid, low, yet harmful, field-realistic concentrations of those metals in their food. I then chronically exposed colonies to field-realistic concentrations of lead in food and demonstrated that consumption of this metal impaired bee cognition and morphological development, leading to smaller adult bees. As metal pollutants are often found in complex mixtures in the environment, I explored the effect of cocktails of metals, showing that exposure to lead, arsenic or copper alone was sufficient to slow down learning and disrupt memory retrieval, and that combinations of these metals induced additive negative effects on both cognitive processes. I finally investigated the impact of natural exposure to metal pollutants in a contaminated environment, by collecting bees in the vicinity of a former gold mine, and showed that individuals from populations most exposed to metals exhibited lower learning and memory abilities, and development impairments conducing to reduced brain size. A more systematic analysis of unexposed bees revealed a relationship between head size, brain morphometrics and learning performances in different behavioural tasks, suggesting that exposure to metal pollutants magnifies these natural variations. Hence, altogether, my results suggest that honey bees are unable to avoid exposure to field-realistic concentrations of metals that are detrimental to development and cognitive functions; and call for a revision of the environmental levels considered as 'safe'. My thesis is the first integrated analysis of the impact of several metal pollutants on bee cognition, morphology and brain structure, and should encourage further studies on the contribution of metal pollution in the reported decline of honey bees, and more generally, of insects

    Environmental law and policy in Cameroon - Towards making Africa the tree of life | Droit et politique de l'environnement au Cameroun - Afin de faire de l'Afrique l'arbre de vie

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    Cameroon - formerly a German colony situated at the Gulf of Guinea - is a geostrategically relevant Central African country rich in natural resources. Cameroonian law is a fascination stemming from different sources of law. The influences of British and French law, combined with the customary law of the numerous ethnic groups, are a reflection of the existing legal pluralism - also in the area of environmental protection. The publication adapts itself to today's language policy of Cameroon, which is predetermined by its Constitution, including both English and French chapters. Cameroonian environmental law and national environmental policy are examined in the interplay of international environmental norms and standards. It also addresses the environmental law of the African Union and that of the regional economic communities in Central Africa. In detail, topics such as environmental management, water and land law, conservation of biodiversity, resource protection law, mining and energy law, criminal aspects of environmental law, climate change law, environmental justice and human rights, as well as the legal framework conditions of international trade and sustainable development are presented. In doing so, the publication reflects legal and political options for regulating environmental interests in the African context, which are also relevant for international development cooperation and economic exchange. In addition, the work provides a solid basis for comparative environmental law

    Advances in formal Slavic linguistics 2018 (Volume 4)

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    Advances in Formal Slavic Linguistics 2018 offers a selection of articles that were prepared on the basis of talks presented at the conference Formal Description of Slavic Languages (FDSL 13) or at the parallel Workshop on the Semantics of Noun Phrases, which were held on December 5–7, 2018, at the University of Göttingen. The volume covers a wide array of topics, such as situation relativization with adverbial clauses (causation, concession, counterfactuality, condition, and purpose), clause-embedding by means of a correlate, agreeing vs. transitive ‘need’ constructions, clitic doubling, affixation and aspect, evidentiality and mirativity, pragmatics coming with the particle li, uniqueness, definiteness, maximal interpretation (exhaustivity), kinds and subkinds, bare nominals, multiple determination, quantification, demonstratives, possessives, complex measure nouns, and the NP/DP parameter. The set of object languages comprises Russian, Czech, Polish, Bulgarian, Macedonian, Serbo-Croatian, and Torlak Serbian. The numerous topics addressed demonstrate the importance of Slavic linguistics. The original analyses prove that substantial progress has been made in major fields of research
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