82,745 research outputs found

    The transformation of traditional banking activity in digital

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    Purpose: This article investigates specifics of the transformation of banking activity in the conditions of digitalization of the economy. In the light of penetration of digital technologies into all the spheres of our life, the rapid development of financial technologies and their active implementation in the banking sector of the economy, digital financial innovations are formed at the intersection of the concepts of "financial technologies" and "financial innovations". Design/Methodology/Approach: In order to investigate the process of transformation of the banking sector in the context of digitalization, it is necessary to consider this issue from three points of view: 1) theoretical understanding of the concept of "financial technologies"; 2) the need to ensure the efficiency and sustainability of the banking sector; 3) the change in the IT- architecture of banking activities and the formation of the digital ecosystem with banks in the center. It is also reasonable to analyze promising areas of implementation of financial technologies into the banking sector. Findings: The main directions of the development of financial technologies in the banking sector, aimed at further transformation of traditional banking services through digital technologies. Practical Implications: The results of the study can be applied in the development of the legislative regulation of the FinTech industry in Russia. Originality/Value: The main contribution of this study is to determine the prospects for the development of the domestic banking sector in the context of digitalization, the need to transform in order not only to improve the competitiveness and efficiency of functioning, but also to stay in the banking business.peer-reviewe

    THE role of the technology acceptance model in information systems research: a case study

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    Explaining the factors that lead to use and acceptance of information technology (IT), both at individual and organizational levels, has been the focus of information systems (IS) researchers since 1970s. The Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) is known as such an explanatory model and has increasingly gained recognition due to its focus on theories of human behaviour. Although this model has faced with some criticism in terms of not being able to fully explain the social-technical acceptance of technology, it is still known as one of the best IS methodologies that contributes greatly to explaining it. This paper discusses, describes and explains TAM as one of the well-known information system research methodologies and attempts to demonstrate how this model can be applied in practice in IS research projects. TAM is widely used in different areas of IS studies such as e-commerce, e-business, multimedia and mobile commerce. This paper shows how TAM can be applied in an IS research project by referring to a case study conducted in the area of mobile banking in the UK. This paper aims to contribute to IS research by providing an informed criticism of TAM as well as a clear proposal on how to use it

    Integrating personal learning and working environments

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    This review paper part of a series of papers commissioned by the Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick under the title of 'Beyond Current Horizons – Working and Employment Challenge'. In turn, in forms part of a larger programme of work under the banner of Beyond Current Horizons that is being managed by FutureLab on behalf of the UK Department for Schools, Children and Families. The brief was to cover: - The main trends and issues in the area concerned; - Any possible discontinuities looking forward to 2025 and beyond; - Uncertainties and any big tensions; - Conclusions on what the key issues will be in the future and initial reflections on any general implications for education. Given the wide ranging nature of the brief, this paper largely confines itself to trends and issues in the UK, although where appropriate examples from other countries in Europe are introduced. We realise that in an age of growing globalisation the future of work and learning in the UK cannot be separated from developments elsewhere and that developments in other parts of the world may present a different momentum and trajectory from that in the UK. Thus, when reading this report, please bear in mind the limitations in our approach

    It's Not Just the ATMs: Technology, Firm Strategies, Jobs, and Earnings in Retail Banking

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    The authors examine trends in job content and earnings in selected jobs in two American banks. Firm restructuring and technological changes resulted in higher earnings for college-educated workers. The banks followed different strategies in implementing these changes for lower-skill jobs, with different effects on bank tellers in particular. The authors conclude that technology enables workplace reform but does not determine its effect on jobs and earnings; these effects are contingent on managerial strategies. This focus on organizational processes and managerial strategy provides a complementary approach to accounts of growing inequality that center solely on the role of individual skills and technological change.

    Conceivable security risks and authentication techniques for smart devices

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    With the rapidly escalating use of smart devices and fraudulent transaction of users’ data from their devices, efficient and reliable techniques for authentication of the smart devices have become an obligatory issue. This paper reviews the security risks for mobile devices and studies several authentication techniques available for smart devices. The results from field studies enable a comparative evaluation of user-preferred authentication mechanisms and their opinions about reliability, biometric authentication and visual authentication techniques

    Citizen's Online

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