41 research outputs found


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    The demand for variety of services using wireless communication has grown remarkably in the past few many years, consequently causing an acute problem of spectrum scarcity. Today, it is one of the most challenging problems in modern wireless communication. To overcome this, the concept of cognitive radio has been proposed and this technology is fast maturing. The first and foremost function a cognitive radio must do is to sense the spectrum as accurately as possible and do it with least complexity. Among many techniques of spectrum sensing, the Multi-resolution Spectrum Sensing (MRSS) is a popular technique in recent literature. Various multi resolution techniques are used that include wavelet based spectrum estimation and spectral hole detection, wavelet based multi-resolution in analog domain and multi-resolution multiple antenna based detection. However, the basic idea is the same - the total bandwidth is sensed using coarse resolution energy detection, then, fine sensing is applied to the portion of interest. None of these techniques, however, use multi-resolution sensing using cyclostationary features for cognitive radio applications which are more reliable but computationally expensive. In this thesis, we suggest a cyclostationary features based low complexity multi-resolution spectrum sensing for cognitive radio applications. The proposed technique discussed in this thesis is inspired by the quickness of multi-resolution and the reliability of cyclostationary feature detection. The performance of the proposed scheme is primarily evaluated by its complexity analysis and by determining the minimum signal-to-noise ratio that gives 90% probability of correct classification. Both subjective and objective evaluation show that the proposed scheme is not only superior to the commonly used energy detection method but also to various multi-resolution sensing techniques as it relies on the robustness of cyclostationary feature detection. The results found are encouraging and the proposed algorithms are proved to be not only fast but also more robust and reliable

    Spectrum Sensing Techniqes in Cognitive Radio: Cyclostationary Method

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    Cognitive Radios promise to be a major shift in wireless communications based on developing a novel approach which attempt to reduce spectrum scarcity that growing up in the past and waited to increase in the future. Since formulating stages for increasing interest in wireless application proves to be extremely challenging, it is growing rapidly. Initially this growth leads to huge demand for the radio spectrum. The novelty of this approach needs to optimize the spectrum utilization and find the efficient way for sharing the radio frequencies through spectrum sensing process. Spectrum sensing is one of the most significant tasks that allow cognitive radio functionality to implement and one of the most challenging tasks. A main challenge in sensing process arises from the fact that, detecting signals with a very low SNR in back ground of noise or severely masked by interference in specific time based on high reliability. This thesis describes the fundamental cognitive radio system aspect based on design and implementation by connecting between the theoretical and practical issue. Efficient method for sensing and detecting are studied and discussed through two fast methods of computing the spectral correlation density function, the FFT Accumulation Method and the Strip Spectral Correlation Algorithm. Several simulations have been performed to show the ability and performance of studied algorithms.fi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    A Comparative Study Of Spectrum Sensing Methods For Cognitive Radio Systems

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    With the increase of portable devices utilization and ever-growing demand for greater data rates in wireless transmission, an increasing demand for spectrum channels was observed since last decade. Conventionally, licensed spectrum channels are assigned for comparatively long time spans to the license holders who may not over time continuously use these channels, which creates an under-utilized spectrum. The inefficient utilization of inadequate wireless spectrum resources has motivated researchers to look for advanced and innovative technologies that enable an efficient use of the spectrum resources in a smart and efficient manner. The notion of Cognitive Radio technology was proposed to address the problem of spectrum inefficiency by using underutilized frequency bands in an opportunistic method. A cognitive radio system (CRS) is aware of its operational and geographical surroundings and is capable of dynamically and independently adjust its functioning. Thus, CRS functionality has to be addressed with smart sensing and intelligent decision making techniques. Therefore, spectrum sensing is one of the most essential CRS components. The few sensing techniques that have been proposed are complicated and come with the price of false detection under heavy noise and jamming scenarios. Other techniques that ensure better detection performance are very sophisticated and costly in terms of both processing and hardware. The objective of the thesis is to study and understand the three of the most basic spectrum sensing techniques i.e. energy detection, correlation based sensing, and matched filter sensing. Simulation platforms were developed for each of the three methods using GNU radio and python interpreted language. The simulated performances of the three methods have been analyzed through several test matrices and also were compared to observe and understand the corresponding strengths and weaknesses. These simulation results provide the understanding and base for the hardware implementation of spectrum sensing techniques and work towards a combined sensing approach with improved sensing performance with less complexity


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    The demand for variety of services using wireless communication has grown remarkably in the past few many years, consequently causing an acute problem of spectrum scarcity. Today, it is one of the most challenging problems in modern wireless communication. To overcome this, the concept of cognitive radio has been proposed and this technology is fast maturing. The first and foremost function a cognitive radio must do is to sense the spectrum as accurately as possible and do it with least complexity. Among many techniques of spectrum sensing, the Multi-resolution Spectrum Sensing (MRSS) is a popular technique in recent literature. Various multi resolution techniques are used that include wavelet based spectrum estimation and spectral hole detection, wavelet based multi-resolution in analog domain and multi-resolution multiple antenna based detection. However, the basic idea is the same - the total bandwidth is sensed using coarse resolution energy detection, then, fine sensing is applied to the portion of interest. None of these techniques, however, use multi-resolution sensing using cyclostationary features for cognitive radio applications which are more reliable but computationally expensive. In this thesis, we suggest a cyclostationary features based low complexity multi-resolution spectrum sensing for cognitive radio applications. The proposed technique discussed in this thesis is inspired by the quickness of multi-resolution and the reliability of cyclostationary feature detection. The performance of the proposed scheme is primarily evaluated by its complexity analysis and by determining the minimum signal-to-noise ratio that gives 90% probability of correct classification. Both subjective and objective evaluation show that the proposed scheme is not only superior to the commonly used energy detection method but also to various multi-resolution sensing techniques as it relies on the robustness of cyclostationary feature detection. The results found are encouraging and the proposed algorithms are proved to be not only fast but also more robust and reliable

    Video Packet Scheduling With Stochastic QoS for Cognitive Heterogeneous Networks

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    Technology Implications of UWB on Wireless Sensor Network-A detailed Survey

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    In today’s high tech “SMART” world sensor based networks are widely used. The main challenge with wireless-based sensor networks is the underneath physical layer. In this survey, we have identified core obstacles of wireless sensor network when UWB is used at PHY layer. This research was done using a systematic approach to assess UWB’s effectiveness (for WSN) based on information taken from various research papers, books, technical surveys and articles. Our aim is to measure the UWB’s effectiveness for WSN and analyze the different obstacles allied with its implementation. Starting from existing solutions to proposed theories. Here we have focused only on the core concerns, e.g. spectrum, interference, synchronization etc.Our research concludes that despite all the bottlenecks and challenges, UWB’s efficient capabilities makes it an attractive PHY layer scheme for the WSN, provided we can control interference and energy problems. This survey gives a fresh start to the researchers and prototype designers to understand the technological concerns associated with UWB’s implementatio

    Wideband Spectrum Sensing for Dynamic Spectrum Sharing

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    The proliferation of wireless devices grows exponentially, demanding more and more data communication capacity over wireless links. Radio spectrum is a scarce resource, and traditional wireless networks deployed by Mobile Network Operators (MNO) are based on an exclusive spectrum band allocation. However, underutilization of some licensed bands in time and geographic domains has been reported, especially in rural areas or areas away from high population density zones. This coexistence of increasingly high data communication needs and spectrum underutilization is an incomprehensible scenario. A more rational and efficient use of the spectrum is the possibility of Licensed Users (known as Primary Users – PU) to lease the spectrum, when not in use, to Unlicensed Users (known as Secondary Users – SU), or allowing the SU to opportunistically use the spectrum after sensing and verifying that the PU is idle. In this latter case, the SU must stop transmitting when the PU becomes active. This thesis addresses the spectrum sensing task, which is essential to provide dynamic spectrum sharing between PUs and SUs. We show that the Spectral Correlation Function (SCF) and the Spectral Coherence Function (SCoF) can provide a robust signal detection algorithm by exploiting the cyclostationary characteristics of the data communication signal. We enhance the most used algorithm to compute de SCF - the FAM (FFT Accumulation Method) algorithm – to efficiently compute the SCF in a local/zoomed region of the support ( ; ) plane (frequency/cycle frequency plane). This will provide the quick identification of spectral bands in use by PUs or free, in a wideband sampling scenario. Further, the characterization of the probability density of the estimates of the SCF and SCoF when only noise is present, using the FAM algorithm, will allow the definition of an adaptive threshold to develop a blind (with respect to the noise statistics) Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) detector (using the SCoF) and also a CFAR and a Constant Detection Rate (CDR) detector when that characterization is used to obtain an estimate of the background noise variance (using the SCF).A proliferação de dispositivos sem fios cresce de forma exponencial, exigindo cada vez mais capacidade de comunicação de dados através de ligações sem fios. O espectro radioelétrico é um recurso escasso, e as redes sem fios tradicionais implantadas pelos Operadores de Redes Móveis baseiam-se numa atribuição exclusiva de bandas do espectro. No entanto, tem sido relatada a subutilização de algumas bandas licenciadas quer ao longo do tempo, quer na sua localização geográfica, especialmente em áreas rurais, e em áreas longe de zonas de elevada densidade populacional. A coexistência da necessidade cada vez maior de comunicação de dados, e a subutilização do espectro é um cenário incompreensível. Uma utilização mais racional e eficiente do espectro pressupõe a possibilidade dos Utilizadores Licenciados (conhecidos como Utilizadores Primários – Primary Users - PU) alugarem o espectro, quando este não está a ser utilizado, a Utilizadores Não Licenciados (conhecidos como Utilizadores Secundários – Secondary Users - SU), ou permitir ao SU utilizar oportunisticamente o espectro após a deteção e verificação de que o PU está inativo. Neste último caso, o SU deverá parar de transmitir quando o PU ficar ativo. Nesta tese é abordada a tarefa de deteção espectral, que é essencial para proporcionar a partilha dinâmica do espectro entre PUs e SUs. Mostra-se que a Função de Correlação Espectral (Spectral Correlation Function - SCF) e a Função de Coerência Espectral (Spectral Coherence Function - SCoF) permitem o desenvolvimento de um algoritmo robusto de deteção de sinal, explorando as características ciclo-estacionárias dos sinais de comunicação de dados. Propõe-se uma melhoria ao algoritmo mais utilizado para cálculo da SCF – o método FAM (FFT Accumulation Method) - para permitir o cálculo mais eficiente da SCF numa região local/ampliada do plano de suporte / (plano de frequência/frequência de ciclo). Esta melhoria permite a identificação rápida de bandas espectrais em uso por PUs ou livres, num cenário de amostragem de banda larga. Adicionalmente, é feita a caracterização da densidade de probabilidade das estimativas da SCF e SCoF quando apenas o ruído está presente, o que permite a definição de um limiar adaptativo, para desenvolver um detetor de Taxa de Falso Alarme Constante (Constant False Alarm Rate – CFAR) sem conhecimento do ruído de fundo (usando a SCoF) e também um detetor CFAR e Taxa de Deteção Constante (Constant Detection Rate – CDR), quando se utiliza aquela caracterização para obter uma estimativa da variância do ruído de fundo (usando a SCF)


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    Research on cognitive radio systems has attracted much interest in the last 10 years. Cognitive radio is born as a paradigm and since then the idea has seen contribution from technical disciplines under different conceptual layers. Since then improvements on processing capabilities have supported the current achievements and even made possible to move some of them from the research arena to markets. Cognitive radio implies a revolution that is even asking for changes in current business models, changes at the infrastructure levels, changes in legislation and requiring state of the art technology. Spectrum sensing is maybe the most important part of the cognitive radio system since it is the block designed to detect signal presence on the air. This thesis investigates what cognitive radio systems require, focusing on the spectrum sensing device. Two voice applications running under different Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) schemes are chosen. These are WiFi and Wireless Microphone. Then, a Cyclostationary Spectrum Sensing technique is studied and applied to define a device capable of detecting OFDM signals in a noisy environment. One of the most interesting methodologies, in terms of complexity and computational requirements, known as FAM is developed. Study of the performance and frequency synchronization results are shown, including the development of a blind synchronization technique for offset estimation. 