109 research outputs found

    Detection of advertising spaces from audiovisual scenes to product placement

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    Con las ventajas que ofrece la televisión digital interactiva, es posible incorporar, modificar o eliminar elementos publicitarios en los contenidos audiovisuales ya elaborados, y añadirle o asociarle aplicaciones o servicios interactivos. Sin embargo, la detección e incorporación de espacios publicitarios en los contenidos existentes es una tarea tediosa que, en la mayoría de los casos, se hace de forma manual. Este trabajo propone una alternativa de detección de espacios publicitarios en contenidos audiovisuales digitales que permitan posteriormente la inclusión de publicidad interactiva inmersa.With the advantages offered from the interactive digital TV, it is possible to add, modify or delete advertising audiovisual content already developed, and the chance of adding or associating applications or interactive services. However, detection and insertion of advertising spaces into existing content is a tedious task and in most cases it is done manually. This paper proposes an alternative advertising detection in digital audiovisual content for the subsequent inclusion of embedded interactive advertising

    The Webcasting Music Revolution is Ready to Begin, as Soon as We Figure out the Copyright Law: The Story of the Music Industry at War with Itself

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    No one has yet been able to agree on the meaning of the copyright laws related to webcast licensing and fees or how to define and treat new technological advances, innovations and uses. This article provides background into the history of the copyright law as it relates to music webcasting, including the Digital Performance Right in Sound Recordings Act of 1995 ( DPRA ) and the DMCA, explains the various forms of copyright protection held in recorded sound performances and its relation to online transmissions, discusses the history of the complex, legal situation which has resulted, new developments surrounding the proposed Music Online Competition Act ( MOCA ), and offers commentary and suggestions

    Screen real estate ownership based mechanism for negotiating advertisement display

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    As popularity of online video grows, a number of models of advertising are emerging. It is typically the brokers – usually the operators of websites – who maintain the balance between content and advertising. Existing approaches focus primarily on personalizing advertisements for viewer segments, with minimal decision-making capacity for individual viewers. We take a resource ownership view on this problem. We view consumers’ attention space, which can be abstracted as a display screen for an engaged viewer, as precious resource owned by the viewer. Viewers pay for the content they wish to view in dollars, as well as in terms of their attention. Specifically, advertisers may make partial payment for a viewer’s content, in return for receiving the viewer’s attention to their advertising. Our approach, named “FlexAdSense”, is based on CyberOrgs model, which encapsulates distributed owned resources for multi-agent computations. We build a market of viewers’ attention space in which advertisers can trade, just as viewers can trade in a market of content. We have developed key mechanisms to give viewers flexible control over the display of advertisements in real time. Specific policies needed for automated negotiations can be plugged-in. This approach relaxes the exclusivity of the relationship between advertisers and brokers, and empowers viewers, enhancing their viewing experience. This thesis presents the rationale, design, implementation, and evaluation of FlexAdSense. Feature comparison with existing advertising mechanisms shows how FlexAdSense enables viewers to control with fine-grained flexibility. Experimental results demonstrate the scalability of the approach, as the number of viewers increases. A preliminary analysis of user overhead illustrates minimal attention overhead for viewers as they customize their policies

    Epälineaarinen televisioitu urheilu – käyttäjätutkimus viivästettyjen sisältöjen katselukokemuksesta

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    Engaging with television is increasingly moving from viewing of linear broadcasts to time-shifted content. Sports is one of the most important but also one of the most time-dependent content genres. The objective of this thesis is to categorize time-shifted sports viewing behavior and clarify whether non-linear options can offer enjoyable viewing experiences. Our user research included contextual interviews, a survey and analysis of real-life usage data. The results confirm that live viewing is the dominant and preferred type of sports viewing experience. However, we identified three different paradigms of time-shifted viewing as well. They were perceived as secondary options, but relevant within certain circumstances. Our research shows that a number of peripheral activities affect non-linear viewing of sports. Social interactions, media use and betting are among the factors that seem to diminish the advantages of time-shifting. The findings support further development of services that offer non-linear sports content. Such services should let the viewers choose between a laid- back type of experience and more active involvement.Television katselu on yhä enemmän muuttumassa lineaarikanavien katselusta epälineaarisiin sisältöihin. Urheilu on yksi television tärkeimmistä mutta myös aikasidonnaisimmista ohjelmatyypeistä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on luokitella urheilun epälineaarista katsomista ja selvittää, voiko se tarjota nautinnollisia katselukokemuksia. Käyttäjätutkimuksemme koostui kontekstuaalisista haastatteluista, kyselystä ja käyttödatan analysoinnista. Tulokset vahvistavat suorien lähetysten olevan suosituin tapa katsoa urheilua. Tunnistimme kuitenkin myös kolme erilaista epälineaarisen katsomisen mallia. Niitä pidettiin toissijaisina, mutta tietyissä olosuhteissa olennaisina vaihtoehtoina. Oheistoiminta vaikuttaa urheilun epälineaariseen katsomiseen. Sosiaalinen kanssakäyminen, median käyttö ja vedonlyönti voivat vähentää epälineaarisen katsomisen etuja. Löydökset tukevat epälineaarisia urheilusisältöjä tarjoavien palveluiden kehitystä. Uusien palveluiden tulisi tarjota mahdollisuus sekä rentoon ja passiiviseen katselukokemukseen että aktiivisempaan katselutapaan

    Epälineaarinen televisioitu urheilu – käyttäjätutkimus viivästettyjen sisältöjen katselukokemuksesta

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    Engaging with television is increasingly moving from viewing of linear broadcasts to time-shifted content. Sports is one of the most important but also one of the most time-dependent content genres. The objective of this thesis is to categorize time-shifted sports viewing behavior and clarify whether non-linear options can offer enjoyable viewing experiences. Our user research included contextual interviews, a survey and analysis of real-life usage data. The results confirm that live viewing is the dominant and preferred type of sports viewing experience. However, we identified three different paradigms of time-shifted viewing as well. They were perceived as secondary options, but relevant within certain circumstances. Our research shows that a number of peripheral activities affect non-linear viewing of sports. Social interactions, media use and betting are among the factors that seem to diminish the advantages of time-shifting. The findings support further development of services that offer non-linear sports content. Such services should let the viewers choose between a laid- back type of experience and more active involvement.Television katselu on yhä enemmän muuttumassa lineaarikanavien katselusta epälineaarisiin sisältöihin. Urheilu on yksi television tärkeimmistä mutta myös aikasidonnaisimmista ohjelmatyypeistä. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena on luokitella urheilun epälineaarista katsomista ja selvittää, voiko se tarjota nautinnollisia katselukokemuksia. Käyttäjätutkimuksemme koostui kontekstuaalisista haastatteluista, kyselystä ja käyttödatan analysoinnista. Tulokset vahvistavat suorien lähetysten olevan suosituin tapa katsoa urheilua. Tunnistimme kuitenkin myös kolme erilaista epälineaarisen katsomisen mallia. Niitä pidettiin toissijaisina, mutta tietyissä olosuhteissa olennaisina vaihtoehtoina. Oheistoiminta vaikuttaa urheilun epälineaariseen katsomiseen. Sosiaalinen kanssakäyminen, median käyttö ja vedonlyönti voivat vähentää epälineaarisen katsomisen etuja. Löydökset tukevat epälineaarisia urheilusisältöjä tarjoavien palveluiden kehitystä. Uusien palveluiden tulisi tarjota mahdollisuus sekä rentoon ja passiiviseen katselukokemukseen että aktiivisempaan katselutapaan

    The Murray Ledger and Times, March 21, 2016

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    A Hipertelevisão no Cenário Mediático Brasileiro: Uma Análise das Estratégias Adotadas Pela Plataforma de Streaming Globoplay

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    Este artigo visa examinar como a televisão brasileira tem respondido às tendências tecnológicas no contexto da convergência mediática, com foco específico na plataforma de streaming do Grupo Globo, o maior conglomerado de média da América Latina, conhecida como Globoplay. O argumento central deste artigo gira em torno das várias formas de engajamento empregues pela organização enquanto procura adaptar-se ao cenário de constante mudança dos média. Utilizando o método de estudo de caso (Yin, 2015), esta pesquisa correlaciona o quadro teórico com três pontos centrais destinados a discutir as noções de engajamento na era da convergência dos média como base para as relações da televisão com os seus anunciantes, a criação de produtos e projetos audiovisuais e, sobretudo, a sua relação com a audiência. A análise destaca o uso de técnicas como inteligência artificial e aprendizagem automática, que ajudam a plataforma a remodelar as suas estratégias e processos de tomada de decisão. À luz dos resultados e discussão subsequentes, pode-se inferir que o objetivo principal dessas iniciativas consiste em adaptar-se ao contexto hipertelevisivo e ampliar o modo como o Grupo Globo se relaciona tanto com o seu público como com os seus anunciantes

    The Murray Ledger and Times, January 3, 2011

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    The Murray Ledger and Times, July 1, 2015

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