6 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang: Fasilitas Pelayanan Kesehatan khususnya di Puskesmas merupakan salah satu tempat kerja yang mempunyai risiko terhadap keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja bagi SDM, Pasien, dan Pengunjung. Berdasarkan regulasi “PMK No 52/2018”, pelaksanaan dan pelaporan kegiatan K3 sangat penting untuk menjaga kesejahteraan SDM, pasien dan pengunjung tersebut agar tetap sehat dan produktif. Saat ini sistem pelaporan masih bersifat manual dan lambat dalam mengumpulkan laporan sehingga dibutuhkan sistem pelaporan yang lebih efektif dan efisien yaitu sistem pelaporan berbasis web pada pelaksanaan kegiatan K3 di Puskesmas.Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi perancangan sistem pelaporan berbasis web pada pelaksanaan kegiatan K3 di Puskesmas.Metode: Jenis penelitian yang digunakan merupakan research and development. Tahapan penelitian terdiri dari analisis kebutuhan dengan wawancara mendalam serta Focus Group Discussion (FGD) yang dihadiri oleh Kepala Puskesmas, Pimpinan serta Regu K3 Puskesmas Tegalrejo Kota Yogyakarta. Analisis kebutuhan selanjutnya digunakan untuk pedoman dalam perancangan sistem pelaporan berbasis website pada penerapan K3 di puskesmasHasil: Sistem pelaporan berbasis web pada pelaksanaan kegiatan K3 di Puskesmas dirancang sesuai dengan hasil analisis kebutuhan. 60% responden menyatakan puas dengan adanya sistem pelaporan berbasis web pada pelaksanaan kegiatan K3 di Puskesmas.Kesimpulan: Pencatatan dan pelaporan pelaksanaan kegiatan K3 di Puskesmas menjadi lebih efektif dan efisien setelah adanya sistem pelaporan berbasis web.Kata kunci: Keselamatan dan Kesehatan Kerja, Puskesmas, Sistem Pelaporan Berbasis We

    Contribuições do núcleo interno de regulação para a segurança do paciente

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    Objetivo: identificar as contribuições do Núcleo Interno de Regulação para a segurança do paciente. Método: pesquisa qualitativa desenvolvida entre agosto a outubro de 2020. Foram realizadas entrevistas audiogravadas junto a 13 profissionais que atuavam nas enfermarias, no pronto-socorro, na gestão da qualidade e no Núcleo Interno de Regulação. Os dados foram analisados com o auxílio do software IraMuteq® e as etapas propostas por Creswell. Resultados: os achados revelaram que o Núcleo Interno de Regulação contribui para a segurança do paciente, entornando as metas instituídas: comunicação efetiva; identificação do paciente; redução do risco de infecções associadas aos cuidados em saúde - a pandemia de COVID-19 foi apresentada como um importante dado; segurança para cirurgia, uma vez que agiliza o acesso ao hospital para procedimento cirúrgico; e diminuição de filas de espera. Ainda, contribui para prevenir complicações decorrentes de quedas, pois o paciente pode ser alocado com agilidade num leito seguro. Por fim, o enfermeiro, no seu papel de liderança do serviço e como elo para a gerência do cuidado seguro, também se mostrou importante. Conclusão: embora algumas fragilidades tenham sido detectadas, a contribuição do Núcleo Interno de Regulação se sobressai por fortalecer as metas da segurança do paciente. Em razão disso, reafirma-se a importância de fluxos regulatórios na perspectiva de gestão de leitos hospitalares, assim como os preceitos da segurança do paciente almejada pelos gestores. Não obstante, o enfermeiro atua como elo entre esses dois cenários

    Smoothing Patient Flow by Improving Bed Turnover Time

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    Bed Management Solutions (BMS) is a bed tracking system that provides real-time data into hospital activities, including admissions, transfers, discharges, bed turnover rates, and processing time frames. When BMS is used appropriately, it has the potential to improve bed turnover rates, reduce stress of clinical staff, improve patient satisfaction, and improve patients’ well-being. Delays in bed turnover times can create overcrowding, extended wait times, bottlenecking, delays in patient care, and significant patient flow problems. The purpose of this DNP project was to develop a staff education program to answer the question if the implementation of an educational training program could improve staff’s knowledge, skill, and practice in the baseline and proper use of BMS. Fox, Mazmanian, and Putnam’s change and learning theory guided and supported this staff education project. A PowerPoint presentation was developed and presented to address the practice-focused question to improve bed turnover times, ultimately improving patient flow. The paired t-test compared pretest and posttest data before and after the training session, indicating a significant improvement in the 17 participants’ knowledge. Pretest (M=67.64, SD=10.91) and posttest (M= 96.47, SD =6.06). The findings indicate the posttest mean of 96.47 (96%) is statistically significantly higher than the pretest mean score of 67.6 (68%). The project has the potential for positive social change due to increased knowledge among staff; it is anticipated that there will be an improvement in the patients’ and their families’ hospital experiences and satisfaction scores. Patients’ wait times will be decreased, and care will be delivered in a timelier manner

    Análisis de indicadores de gestión hospitalaria por subsistemas de salud en el Perú 2018

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    Objetivo: Analizar los indicadores de gestión y evaluación hospitalaria entre los subsistemas de salud en el Perú en el año 2018. Método: Es un estudio descriptivo, observacional, de corte trasversal. Que nos permitió analizar diferencias entre los indicadores de gestión hospitalaria de los subsistemas de salud, niveles de atención y regiones del Perú en el año 2018. Resultados: A nivel nacional el promedio de permanencia hospitalaria fue corto con un promedio de 4.8 días y mediana de 3.8 días (estándar 6 a 8 días), el porcentaje de ocupación cama fue de 63.5% y la mediana de 67%, (estándar 85 a 90%), el rendimiento cama fue óptimo. En las sanidades se encuentra un porcentaje de ocupación < 50%, las diferencias entre subsistemas fueron estadísticamente significativa (valor p <0.001). Respecto a niveles de atención el III nivel tuvo mayor estancia hospitalaria (mediana 6.7 y 3.7 días, valor p < 0.001) y porcentaje de ocupación (promedio de 80.3 y 58.8%, valor p <0.001) respecto al II nivel. La mediana de rendimiento cama fue mayor en el II nivel (4.8 y 3.6 egresos/mes/cama, valor p =0.008). No se encontró diferencias estadísticas en el intervalo de sustitución por niveles de atención. Conclusión: Se encuentra deficiencias en el aprovechamiento del recurso cama, prolongados tiempos logísticos para habilitar una cama y tiempo de estancia hospitalaria corto, se recomienda implementar sistemas de información en tiempo real y software para simulación de cambios que permitan mejorar el uso del recurso cama

    Front-Line Physicians' Satisfaction with Information Systems in Hospitals

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    Day-to-day operations management in hospital units is difficult due to continuously varying situations, several actors involved and a vast number of information systems in use. The aim of this study was to describe front-line physicians' satisfaction with existing information systems needed to support the day-to-day operations management in hospitals. A cross-sectional survey was used and data chosen with stratified random sampling were collected in nine hospitals. Data were analyzed with descriptive and inferential statistical methods. The response rate was 65 % (n = 111). The physicians reported that information systems support their decision making to some extent, but they do not improve access to information nor are they tailored for physicians. The respondents also reported that they need to use several information systems to support decision making and that they would prefer one information system to access important information. Improved information access would better support physicians' decision making and has the potential to improve the quality of decisions and speed up the decision making process.Peer reviewe