9 research outputs found

    Optimized Stage Ratio of Tapered CMOS Inverters for Minimum Power and Mismatch Jitter Product

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    In this paper, an optimum stage ratio (tapering factor) for a tapered CMOS inverter chain is derived to minimize the product of power dissipation and jitter variance due to device mismatch. Analysis shows that this optimum stage ratio (2.4) is lower than that of minimum delay (3.6) and minimum power-delay (6.35) product. This analysis is verified by simulation results using standard 180 nm as well as 90 nm CMOS technology. Knowledge of the optimum stage ratio helps to design low power low mismatch jitter buffers for multi phase clock generation circuits that can drive large load capacitances.\ud \u

    Flip-Flops for accurate multiphase clocking: transmission gate versus current mode logic

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    Dynamic transmission gate (DTG) flip-flops (FFs) (DTG-FFs) and current mode logic (CML) FFs (CML-FFs) are compared targeting power efficient multiphase clock generation with low phase error. The effect of component mismatches on multiphase clock timing inaccuracies is modeled and compared, using the product of mismatch-induced jitter variance and power consumption as a figure-of-merit (FOM). Analytical equations are derived to estimate the jitter–power FOM for DTG-FF- and CML-FF- based dividers. Simulations confirm the trends predicted by the equations and show that DTG-FFs achieve a better FOM than CML-FFs. The advantage increases for CMOS processes with smaller feature size and for a lower input frequency compared to fTf_T

    Advantages of Shift Registers over DLLs for Flexible Low Jitter Multiphase Clock Generation

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    In this paper, we compare a shift register (SR) to a delay-locked loop (DLL) for flexible multiphase clock generation, and motivate why a SR is not only more flexible but often also better. For a given power budget, we show that a SR almost always generates less jitter than a DLL, assuming both are realized with current-mode logic. This is due to differences in jitter accumulation and the possibility to choose latch delays in a SR much smaller than the delays of DLL elements. For N-phase clock generation, a SR also functions as a divide-by-N and requires a voltage-controlled oscillator with N-times higher frequency. However, this does not necessary lead to more power consumption and can even have advantages like higher Q and less area for the inductors

    8-Phase Ring oscillator for modern receivers

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    The evolution of receiver architectures, built in modern CMOS technologies, allows the design of high efficient receivers. A key block in modern receivers is the oscillator. The main objective of this thesis is to design a very low power and low area 8-Phase Ring Oscillator for biomedical applications (ISM and WMTS bands). Oscillators with multiphase outputs and variable duty cycles are required. In this thesis we are focused in 12.5% and 50% duty-cycles approaches. The proposed circuit uses eight inverters in a ring structure, in order to generate the output duty cycle of 50%. The duty cycle of 1/8 is achieved through the combination of the longer duty cycle signals in pairs, using, for this purpose, NAND gates. Since the general application are not only the wireless communications context, as well as industrial, scientific and medical plans, the 8-Phase Oscillator is simulated to be wideband between 100 MHz and 1 GHz, and be able to operate in the ISM bands (447 MHz-930 MHz) and WMTS (600 MHz). The circuit prototype is designed in UMC 130 nm CMOS technology. The maximum value of current drawn from a DC power source of 1.2 V, at a maximum frequency of 930 MHz achieved, is 17.54 mA. After completion of the oscillator layout studied (occupied area is 165 ÎŒm x 83 ÎŒm). Measurement results confirm the expected operating range from the simulations, and therefore, that the oscillator fulfil effectively the goals initially proposed in order to be used as Local Oscillator in RF Modern Receivers

    A CCO-based Sigma-Delta ADC

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    Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) is one of the most important blocks in nowadays systems. Most of the data processing is done in the digital domain however, the physical world is analog. ADCs make the bridge between analog and digital domain. The constant and unstoppable evolution of the technology makes the dimensions of the transistors smaller and smaller, and the classical solutions of Sigma-Delta converters (ΣΔ) are becoming more challenging to design because they normally require high active gain blocks difficult to achieve in modern technologies. In recent years, the use of voltage-controlled oscillators (VCO) in ΣΔ converters has been widely explored, since they are used as quantizers and their implementations are mostly made with digital blocks, which is preferable with new technologies. In this work a second-order ΣΔ modulator based on two current-controlled oscillators (CCO) with a single output phase and an independent phase generator for each CCO that generates any desired number of phases using the oscillation of its CCO as reference has been proposed. This ΣΔ modulator was studied through a MATLAB/Simulink¼ model, obtaining promising results with the SNDR in the order of 75 dB, at a sampling frequency of 1 GHz, and a bandwidth of 5 MHz, corresponding to an ENOB of, approximately, 12 bits

    Design of an Active Harmonic Rejection N-Path Filter for Highly Tunable RF Channel Selection

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    As the number of wireless devices in the world increases, so does the demand for flexible radio receiver architectures capable of operating over a wide range of frequencies and communication protocols. The resonance-based channel-select filters used in traditional radio architectures have a fixed frequency response, making them poorly suited for such a receiver. The N-path filter is based on 1960s technology that has received renewed interest in recent years for its application as a linear high Q filter at radio frequencies. N-path filters use passive mixers to apply a frequency transformation to a baseband low-pass filter in order to achieve a high-Q band-pass response at high frequencies. The clock frequency determines the center frequency of the band-pass filter, which makes the filter highly tunable over a broad frequency range. Issues with harmonic transfer and poor attenuation limit the feasibility of using N-path filters in practice. The goal of this thesis is to design an integrated active N-path filter that improves upon the passive N-path filter’s poor harmonic rejection and limited outof- band attenuation. The integrated circuit (IC) is implemented using the CMRF8SF 130nm CMOS process. The design uses a multi-phase clock generation circuit to implement a harmonic rejection mixer in order to suppress the 3rd and 5th harmonic. The completed active N-path filter has a tuning range of 200MHz to 1GHz and the out-ofband attenuation exceeds 60dB throughout this range. The frequency response exhibits a 14.7dB gain at the center frequency and a -3dB bandwidth of 6.8MHz

    Low-Power and Low-Noise Clock Generator for High-Speed ADCs

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    The rapid development of high-performance communication technologies reflects a clear trend in demanding requirements imposed on analog-to-digital converters (ADCs). Thus, it appears that these requirements imply higher frequencies not only for the input signal but also higher sampling frequencies, which translates into a higher sensitivity of the circuit to thermal noise and consequent increase in phase-noise. This arises as to the main purpose of this document, which will seek, as its main objective, the development of an architecture that allows the generation of multiple clock signals at high input frequencies with low jitter and low power dissipation to make ADCs more efficient and faster. This dissertation proposes an architecture implemented by a Clock Buffer that converts a differential input signal into a single-ended output signal, a Digital Buffer that transforms a sine wave into a square wave, and finally a Multi Clock Phase Generator (MPCG), consisting of Shift Registers. Both architectures are implemented in 130 nm CMOS technology. The architecture is powered by a LVDS signal with an amplitude of 200 mV and a frequency of 1 GHz, in order to output 8 square wave clock signals with an amplitude of 1.2 V and with a frequency of 125 MHz. The signals obtained at the output later will feed an architecture of 8 Time-Interleaved ADCs. The total area of the implemented circuit is about 8054.3 ÎŒm2, for a dissipated power of 5.3 mW and a jitter value of 1.13 ps. This new architecture will be aimed at all types of entities that work with devices that are made up of high-speed performance ADCs, to improve the operation of these same devices, making the processing from a continuous signal to a discrete signal as efficiently as possible.O rĂĄpido desenvolvimento das tecnologias de comunicação de alto desempenho, reflete uma tendĂȘncia clara na exigĂȘncia dos requisitos impostos aos conversores analĂłgico-digital (ADCs). Deste modo, verifica-se que estes requisitos implicam elevadas frequĂȘncias nĂŁo sĂł sinal de entrada, como tambĂ©m frequĂȘncias elevadas de amostragem o que se traduz numa maior sensibilidade do circuito ao ruĂ­do tĂ©rmico e consequente aumento ruĂ­do de fase. Esta problemĂĄtica, surge como propĂłsito principal deste documento, no qual se procurarĂĄ, como objetivo principal, o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura que permita gerar mĂșltiplos sinais de relĂłgio a altas frequĂȘncias de entrada e perĂ­odos de amostragem, com um baixo jitter e baixa energia consumida de forma a tornar mais eficiente e rĂĄpido o funcionamento de ADCs. Ruido tĂ©rmico. Esta dissertação propĂ”e uma arquitetura composta por um amplificador de sinal de relĂłgio que converte o duplo sinal de entrada num Ășnico sinal de saĂ­da, um amplificador digital que transforma uma onda sinusoidal numa onda quadrada e por fim um gerador de fase mĂșltipla de sinais de relĂłgio (MPCG), constituĂ­do por registos de deslocamento. Ambas as arquiteturas sĂŁo implementadas em tecnologia CMOS de 130 nm. A arquitetura Ă© alimentada com um sinal LVDS de 200 mV de amplitude e com uma frequĂȘncia de 1 GHz, de forma a obter Ă  saĂ­da 8 sinais de relĂłgio de onda quadrada com uma amplitude de 1,2 V e com 125 MHz de frequĂȘncia. Os sinais obtidos Ă  saĂ­da posteriormente alimentarĂŁo uma arquitetura de 8 canais com multiplexagem temporal. A ĂĄrea total do circuito implementado Ă© cerca de 8054,3 ÎŒm2, para uma potĂȘncia dissipada de 5,3 mW e para um valor de jitter de 1,13 ps. Esta nova arquitetura serĂĄ direcionada para todo o tipo de entidades que trabalham com dispositivos que sĂŁo constituĂ­dos por ADCs de alta velocidade de desempenho, de forma a poder melhorar o funcionamento desses mesmos dispositivos, tornando o processamento de sinal continuo para sinal discreto o mais eficiente possĂ­vel

    Equalization Architectures for High Speed ADC-Based Serial I/O Receivers

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    The growth in worldwide network traïŹƒc due to the rise of cloud computing and wireless video consumption has required servers and routers to support increased serial I/O data rates over legacy channels with signiïŹcant frequency-dependent attenuation. For these high-loss channel applications, ADC-based high-speed links are being considered due to their ability to enable powerful digital signal processing (DSP) algorithms for equalization and symbol detection. Relative to mixed-signal equalizers, digital implementations oïŹ€er robustness to process, voltage and temperature (PVT) variations, are easier to reconïŹgure, and can leverage CMOS technology scaling in a straight-forward manner. Despite these advantages, ADC-based receivers are generally more complex and have higher power consumption relative to mixed-signal receivers. The ensuing digital equalization can also consume a signiïŹcant amount of power which is comparable to the ADC contribution. Novel techniques to reduce complexity and improve power eïŹƒciency, both for the ADC and the subsequent digital equalization, are necessary. This dissertation presents eïŹƒcient modeling and implementation approaches for ADC-based serial I/O receivers. A statistical modeling framework is developed, which is able to capture ADC related errors, including quantization noise, INL/DNL errors and time interleaving mismatch errors. A novel 10GS/s hybrid ADC-based receiver, which combines both embedded and digital equalization, is then presented. Leveraging a time-interleaved asynchronous successive approximation ADC architecture, a new structure for 3-tap embedded FFE inside the ADC with low power/area overhead is used. In addition, a dynamically-enabled digital 4-tap FFE + 3-tap DFE equalizer architecture is introduced, which uses reliable symbol detection to achieve remarkable savings in the digital equalization power. Measurement results over several FR4 channels verify the accuracy of the modeling approach and the eïŹ€ectiveness of the proposed receiver. The comparison of the fabricated prototype against state-of-the-art ADC-based receivers shows the ability of the proposed archi-tecture to compensate for the highest loss channel, while achieving the best power eïŹƒciency among other works