6 research outputs found

    Follow the dummy: measuring the influence of a biomimetic robotic fish-lure on the collective decisions of a zebrafish shoal inside a circular corridor

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    Robotic agents that are accepted by animals as conspecifics are very powerful tools in behavioral biology because of the ways they help in studying social interactions in gregarious animals. In recent years, we have developed a biomimetic robotic fish lure for the purpose of studying the behavior of the zebrafish Danio rerio. In this paper, we present a series of experiments that were designed to assess the impact of some features of the lure regarding its acceptance among the fish. We developed an experimental setup composed of a circular corridor and a motorized rotating system able to steer the lure inside the corridor with a tunable linear speed. We used the fish swimming direction and distance between the fish and the lure as a metric to characterize the level of acceptance of the lure, depending on various parameters. The methodology presented and the experimental results are promising for the field of animal–robot interaction studies

    Quantifying the biomimicry gap in biohybrid systems

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    Biohybrid systems in which robotic lures interact with animals have become compelling tools for probing and identifying the mechanisms underlying collective animal behavior. One key challenge lies in the transfer of social interaction models from simulations to reality, using robotics to validate the modeling hypotheses. This challenge arises in bridging what we term the "biomimicry gap", which is caused by imperfect robotic replicas, communication cues and physics constrains not incorporated in the simulations that may elicit unrealistic behavioral responses in animals. In this work, we used a biomimetic lure of a rummy-nose tetra fish (Hemigrammus rhodostomus) and a neural network (NN) model for generating biomimetic social interactions. Through experiments with a biohybrid pair comprising a fish and the robotic lure, a pair of real fish, and simulations of pairs of fish, we demonstrate that our biohybrid system generates high-fidelity social interactions mirroring those of genuine fish pairs. Our analyses highlight that: 1) the lure and NN maintain minimal deviation in real-world interactions compared to simulations and fish-only experiments, 2) our NN controls the robot efficiently in real-time, and 3) a comprehensive validation is crucial to bridge the biomimicry gap, ensuring realistic biohybrid systems

    Dense conjugate initialization for deterministic PSO in applications: ORTHOinit+

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    This paper describes a class of novel initializations in Deterministic Particle Swarm Optimization (DPSO) for approximately solving costly unconstrained global optimization problems. The initializations are based on choosing specific dense initial positions and velocities for particles. These choices tend to induce in some sense orthogonality of particles’ trajectories, in the early iterations, in order to better explore the search space. Our proposal is inspired by both a theoretical analysis on a reformulation of PSO iteration, and by possible limits of the proposals reported in Campana et al. (2010); Campana et al. (2013). We explicitly show that, in comparison with other initializations from the literature, our initializations tend to scatter PSO particles, at least in the first iterations. The latter goal is obtained by imposing that the initial choice of particles’ position/velocity satisfies specific conjugacy conditions, with respect to a matrix depending on the parameters of PSO. In particular, by an appropriate condition on particles’ velocities, our initializations also resemble and partially extend a general paradigm in the literature of exact methods for derivative-free optimization. Moreover, we propose dense initializations for DPSO, so that the final approximate global solution obtained is possibly not too sparse, which might cause troubles in some applications. Numerical results, on both Portfolio Selection and Computational Fluid Dynamics problems, validate our theory and prove the effectiveness of our proposal, which applies also in case different neighborhood topologies are adopted in DPSO

    Shoaling with fish: using miniature robotic agents to close the interaction loop with groups of zebrafish Danio rerio

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    Robotic animals are nowadays developed for various types of research, such as bio-inspired robotics, biomimetics and animal behavior studies. The miniaturization of technologies and the increase in performance of embedded systems allowed engineers to develop more powerful, sophisticated and miniature devices. The case of robotic fish is a typical example of such challenging design: the fish locomotion and body movements are difficult to reproduce and the device has to move autonomously underwater. More specifically, in the case of collective animal behavior research, the robotic device has to interact with animals by generating and exploiting signals relevant for social behavior. Once perceived by the animal society as conspecific, these robots can become powerful tools to study the animal behaviors, as they can at the same time monitor the changes in behavior and influence the collective choices of the animal society. In this work, we present novel robotized tools that can integrate shoals of fish in order to study their collective behaviors. This robotic platform is composed of two subsystems: a miniature wheeled mobile robot that can achieve dynamic movements and multi-robot long-duration experiments, and a robotic fish lure that is able to beat its tail to generate fish-like body movements. The two subsystems are coupled with magnets which allows the wheeled mobile robot to steer the robotic fish lure so that it reaches very high speeds and accelerations while achieving shoaling. An experimental setup to conduct studies on mixed societies of artificial and living fish was designed to facilitate the experiments for biologists. A software framework was also implemented to control the robots in a closed-loop using data extracted from visual tracking that retrieved the position of the robots and the fish. We selected the zebrafish Danio rerio as a model to perform experiments to qualify our system. We used the current state of the art on the zebrafish social behavior to define the specifications of the robots, and we performed stimuli analysis to improve their developments. Bio-inspired controllers were designed based on data extracted from experiments with zebrafish for the robots to mimic the zebrafish locomotion underwater. Experiments involving a robot with a shoal of fish in a constrained environment showed that the locomotion of the robot was one of the main factor to affect the collective behavior of zebrafish. We also shown that the body movements and the biomimetic appearance of the lure could increase its acceptance by fish. Finally, an experiment involving a mixed society of fish and robots qualified the robotic system to be integrated among a zebrafish shoal and to be able to influence the collective decisions of the fish. These results are very promising for the field of fish-robot interaction studies, as we showed the effect of the robots in long-duration experiments and repetitively, with the same order of response from the animals

    Markets, Elections, and Microbes: Data-driven Algorithms from Theory to Practice

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    Many modern problems in algorithms and optimization are driven by data which often carries with it an element of uncertainty. In this work, we conduct an investigation into algorithmic foundations and applications across three main areas. The first area is online matching algorithms for e-commerce applications such as online sales and advertising. The importance of e-commerce in modern business cannot be overstated and even minor algorithmic improvements can have huge impacts. In online matching problems, we generally have a known offline set of goods or advertisements while users arrive online and allocations must be made immediately and irrevocably when a user arrives. However, in the real world, there is also uncertainty about a user's true interests and this can be modeled by considering matching problems in a graph with stochastic edges that only have a probability of existing. These edges can represent the probability of a user purchasing a product or clicking on an ad. Thus, we optimize over data which only provides an estimate of what types of users will arrive and what they will prefer. We survey a broad landscape of problems in this area, gain a deeper understanding of the algorithmic challenges, and present algorithms with improved worst case performance The second area is constrained clustering where we explore classical clustering problems with additional constraints on which data points should be clustered together. Utilizing these constraints is important for many clustering problems because they can be used to ensure fairness, exploit expert advice, or capture natural properties of the data. In simplest case, this can mean some pairs of points have ``must-link'' constraints requiring that that they must be clustered together. Moving into stochastic settings, we can describe more general pairwise constraints such as bounding the probability that two points are separated into different clusters. This lets us introduce a new notion of fairness for clustering and address stochastic problems such as semi-supervised learning with advice from imperfect experts. Here, we introduce new models of constrained clustering including new notions of fairness for clustering applications. Since these problems are NP-hard, we give approximation algorithms and in some cases conduct experiments to explore how the algorithms perform in practice. Finally, we look closely at the particular clustering problem of drawing election districts and show how constraining the clusters based on past voting data can interact with voter incentives. The third area is string algorithms for bioinformatics and metagenomics specifically where the data deluge from next generation sequencing drives the necessity for new algorithms that are both fast and accurate. For metagenomic analysis, we present a tool for clustering a microbial marker gene, the 16S ribosomal RNA gene. On the more theoretical side, we present a succinct application of the Method of the Four Russians to edit distance computation as well as new algorithms and bounds for the maximum duo-preservation string mapping (MPSM) problem