10 research outputs found

    Mediatic graphs

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    Any medium can be represented as an isometric subgraph of the hypercube, with each token of the medium represented by a particular equivalence class of arcs of the subgraph. Such a representation, although useful, is not especially revealing of the structure of a particular medium. We propose an axiomatic definition of the concept of a `mediatic graph'. We prove that the graph of any medium is a mediatic graph. We also show that, for any non-necessarily finite set S, there exists a bijection from the collection M of all the media on a given set S (of states) onto the collection G of all the mediatic graphs on S.Comment: Four axioms replaced by two; two references added; Fig.6 correcte

    A primer on media theory

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    Media theory is a new branch of discrete applied mathematics originally developed in mid-nineties to deal with stochastic evolution of preference relations in political science and mathematical psychology. However, many different examples of media can be found, ranging from learning spaces to hypercube computers, suggesting that this concept is ubiquitous. The paper presents very basic concepts and results of media theory and is aimed at a wide body of researchers in discrete applied mathematics.Peer Reviewe

    Del simulacro a la virtualidad: ordenando algunos aportes teóricos de los noventa útiles al estudio comparado de la tecnoescritura

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    El propósito de este artículo es ordenar algunos aportes fundamentales de la teoría del simulacro y los llamados media studies en los años noventa, que pueden ser útiles para explicar las transformaciones de la literatura contemporánea. Estas no solo tienen que ver con un cambio en el formato y concepción cibertextual de la obra literaria, sino también con la tematización de nuevas ecologías mediáticas a cargo de la literatura impresa. En segundo lugar, propondremos a partir de este marco teórico el desarrollo de una investigación de la escritura de la tecnología de lo que Poster llama segunda edad de los media en la narrativa actual a partir de un corpus de textos del Río de la Plata.Le but de cet article est à l’ordre des contributions fondamentales la théorie du simulacre et des études des médias dans les années quatre-vingt dix, ce qui peut être utile pour expliquer les transformations de la littérature contemporaine. Non seulement ils ont à voir avec un changement dans le format cybertextuel et la conception de l’œuvre littéraire, mais aussi avec les thèmes de l’écologie des nouveaux médias avec la littérature imprimée. Deuxièmement, nous proposons à partir de ce cadre théorique le développement d’une recherche de l’écriture de la technologie que Poster appelle un deuxième âge des médias, dans la narrative actuel à partir d’un corpus de textes du Río de la Plata.Firstly, the aim of this article is to order some of the most important theoretical advances in media theory throughout the nineties which can be useful to understand some of the transformations of literature from our present. These changes do not have to do merely with some formal changes in the format and modes of functioning of the texts (such as those implicated by cybertextuality), but also with the transcription of new media ecologies in literature. Secondly, I would like to propose a corpus of Uruguayan and Argentinean texts in which I have tried to read the transcription and awareness of the Second Media Age technologies

    Del simulacro a la virtualidad: ordenando algunos aportes teóricos de los noventa útiles al estudio comparado de la tecnoescritura

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    El propósito de este artículo es ordenar algunos aportes fundamentales de la teoría del simulacro y los llamados media studies en los años noventa, que pueden ser útiles para explicar las transformaciones de la literatura contemporánea. Estas no solo tienen que ver con un cambio en el formato y concepción ciber-textual de la obra literaria, sino también con la tematización de nuevas ecologías mediáticas a cargo de la literatura impresa. En segundo lugar, propondremos a partir de este marco teórico el desarrollo de una investigación de la escritura de la tecnología de lo que Poster llama segunda edad de los media en la narrativa actual a partir de un corpus de textos del Río de la Plata.Le but de cet article est à l’ordre des contributions fondamentales la théorie du simulacre et des études des médias dans les années quatre-vingt dix, ce qui peut être utile pour expliquer les transformations de la littérature contemporaine. Non seulement ils ont à voir avec un changement dans le format cybertextuel et la conception de l’œuvre littéraire, mais aussi avec les thèmes de l’écologie des nouveaux médias avec la littérature imprimée. Deuxièmement, nous proposons à partir de ce cadre théorique le développement d’une recherche de l’écriture de la technologie que Poster appelle un deuxième âge des médias, dans la narrative actuel à partir d’un corpus de textes du Río de la Plata.Firstly, the aim of this article is to order some of the most important theoretical advances in media theory throughout the nineties which can be useful to understand some of the transformations of literature from our present. These changes do not have to do merely with some formal changes in the format and modes of functioning of the texts (such as those implicated by cybertextuality), but also with the transcription of new media ecologies in literature. Secondly, I would like to propose a corpus of Uruguayan and argentinean texts in which I have tried to read the transcription and awareness of the Second Media age technologies

    European Avant-Garde: Art, Borders and Culture in Relationship to Mainstream Cinema and New Media

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    This research analyses the impact of transformation and hybridization processes at the intersection of art, science and technology. These forms of transformation and hybridization are the result of contemporary interactions between classic and digital media. It discusses the concept of 'remediation' presented by Bolter and proposes the concept of 'digital ekphrasis,' which is based on Manovich' s analyses of the interactions between classic and digital media. This is a model which, borrowed from semiotic structures, encompasses the technical as well as aesthetic and philosophical transformations of contemporary media. The thesis rejects Baudrillard's and Virilio's proposed concepts of 'digital black hole' as the only possible form of evolution of contemporary digital media. It proposes a different concept for the evolutionary model of contemporary hybridization processes based on contemporary forms of hybridizations that are rooted in aesthetic, philosophical and technological developments. This concept is argued as emancipated from the 'religious' idea of a 'divine originated' perfect image that Baudrillard and Virilio consider to be deteriorated from contemporary hybridization experimentation. The thesis proposes, through historical examples in the fine arts, the importance of transmedia migrations and experimentations as the framework for a philosophical, aesthetic and technological evolutionary concept of humanity freed from the restrictions of religious imperatives

    Front Commun (Lausanne)

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    Interactive media such as video games and virtual reality (VR) provide users with lived experiences that may be dangerous or even impossible in daily life. By providing interactive experiences in highly authentic, detail-rich contexts, these technologies have demonstrated measurable success in impacting how people think, feel, and behave in the physical world. At the same time, violent interactive media content has been historically connected with a range of antisocial effects in both popular press and academic research. Extant literature has established a small-but-statistically significant effect of interactive media violence on aggressive thoughts and behaviors, which could serve as a risk factor for interpersonal violence. However, left unexplored is the seemingly paradoxical claim that under some conditions, interactive media experiences might protect against interpersonal violence. Drawing on advances in media theory and research and the evolution of interactive media content and production practices, the current manuscript suggests ways in which interactive media violence may be leveraged to lower the likelihood of real-world violence experiences. For example, research on both violent and non-violent games has found that players can (a) express guilt after committing violent acts, (b) report reflective and introspective emotional reactions during gameplay, and (c) debate the morality of their actions with others. Regarding VR, studies have demonstrated that (a) witnessing physical violence in immersive spaces led participants to take the perspective of victims and better understand their emotional state and (b) controlled exposure to traumatic or violent events can be used for treatment. Broadly, studies into video games and VR demonstrate that the impact of actions in virtual worlds transfer into the physical worlds to influence (later) attitudes and behaviors. Thus, how these experiences may be potentially harnessed for social change is a compelling and open consideration, as are side-effects of such interventions on vulnerable groups. The current manuscript summarizes emerging research perspectives (as well as their limitations) to offer insight into the potential for interactive media violence to protect against real-world violence victimization and perpetration.CC999999/ImCDC/Intramural CDC HHSUnited States

    Del simulacro a la virtualidad: ordenando algunos aportes teóricos de los noventa útiles al estudio comparado de la tecnoescritura

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    El propósito de este artículo es ordenar algunos aportes fundamentales de la teoría del simulacro y los llamados media studies en los años noventa, que pueden ser útiles para explicar las transformaciones de la literatura contemporánea. Estas no solo tienen que ver con un cambio en el formato y concepción cibertextual de la obra literaria, sino también con la tematización de nuevas ecologías mediáticas a cargo de la literatura impresa. En segundo lugar, propondremos a partir de este marco teórico el desarrollo de una investigación de la escritura de la tecnología de lo que Poster llama segunda edad de los media en la narrativa actual a partir de un corpus de textos del Río de la Plata.Le but de cet article est à l’ordre des contributions fondamentales la théorie du simulacre et des études des médias dans les années quatre-vingt dix, ce qui peut être utile pour expliquer les transformations de la littérature contemporaine. Non seulement ils ont à voir avec un changement dans le format cybertextuel et la conception de l’œuvre littéraire, mais aussi avec les thèmes de l’écologie des nouveaux médias avec la littérature imprimée. Deuxièmement, nous proposons à partir de ce cadre théorique le développement d’une recherche de l’écriture de la technologie que Poster appelle un deuxième âge des médias, dans la narrative actuel à partir d’un corpus de textes du Río de la Plata.Firstly, the aim of this article is to order some of the most important theoretical advances in media theory throughout the nineties which can be useful to understand some of the transformations of literature from our present. These changes do not have to do merely with some formal changes in the format and modes of functioning of the texts (such as those implicated by cybertextuality), but also with the transcription of new media ecologies in literature. Secondly, I would like to propose a corpus of Uruguayan and Argentinean texts in which I have tried to read the transcription and awareness of the Second Media Age technologies