88 research outputs found

    Moving from the digital to the virtual library:The Tilburg experience

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    Enhancing Content-And-Structure Information Retrieval using a Native XML Database

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    Three approaches to content-and-structure XML retrieval are analysed in this paper: first by using Zettair, a full-text information retrieval system; second by using eXist, a native XML database, and third by using a hybrid XML retrieval system that uses eXist to produce the final answers from likely relevant articles retrieved by Zettair. INEX 2003 content-and-structure topics can be classified in two categories: the first retrieving full articles as final answers, and the second retrieving more specific elements within articles as final answers. We show that for both topic categories our initial hybrid system improves the retrieval effectiveness of a native XML database. For ranking the final answer elements, we propose and evaluate a novel retrieval model that utilises the structural relationships between the answer elements of a native XML database and retrieves Coherent Retrieval Elements. The final results of our experiments show that when the XML retrieval task focusses on highly relevant elements our hybrid XML retrieval system with the Coherent Retrieval Elements module is 1.8 times more effective than Zettair and 3 times more effective than eXist, and yields an effective content-and-structure XML retrieval

    Repository Replication Using NNTP and SMTP

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    We present the results of a feasibility study using shared, existing, network-accessible infrastructure for repository replication. We investigate how dissemination of repository contents can be ``piggybacked'' on top of existing email and Usenet traffic. Long-term persistence of the replicated repository may be achieved thanks to current policies and procedures which ensure that mail messages and news posts are retrievable for evidentiary and other legal purposes for many years after the creation date. While the preservation issues of migration and emulation are not addressed with this approach, it does provide a simple method of refreshing content with unknown partners.Comment: This revised version has 24 figures and a more detailed discussion of the experiments conducted by u

    User-Based Web Recommendation System: A Case Study of the National Museum of History

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    With the explosion and the rapidly growing market of the Internet, it is imperative that managers re-think to using technology, especially internet, to deliver services faster, cheaper, and with better quality than their competitors do. The web site provides a communication way that reveals real-time assess data and fruitful information of customers. Therefore, the call for customer with personalized web pages has become loud. To achieve personalized web pages, this study proposes recommendation algorithm of user behavior oriented by using the web log files from National Museum of History

    ADL 96 - Näkökulmia informaatioalan teknologiseen kehitykseen

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    ADL 96 - Näkökulmia informaatioalan teknologiseen kehitykseen

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    Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information Science, Year 9

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    This report summarizes the range of computer science related activities undertaken by CESDIS(Center of Excellence in Space Data and Information Sciences) for NASA in the twelve months from July 1, 1996 through June 30, 1997. These activities address issues related to accessing, processing, and analyzing data from space observing systems through collaborative efforts with university, industry, and NASA space and Earth scientists

    A Literature Survey on Web Content Mining

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    Web is an accumulation of inter related documents on one or more web servers while web mining implies extricating important data from web databases. Web mining is one of the data mining spaces where data mining methods are utilized for extricating data from the web servers. The web information incorporates site pages, web links, questions on the web and web logs. Web mining is utilized to comprehend the client behavior, assess a specific site in view of the data which is stored in web log documents. Web mining is assessed by utilizing data mining strategies, specifically Association Rules, Classification and Clustering. It has some helpful regions or applications, for example, Electronic trade, E-learning, E-government, E-arrangements, E-majority rules system, Electronic business, security, crime examination and computerized library. Recovering the required web page from the web productively and adequately becomes a challenging task since web is comprised of unstructured information, which conveys the substantial measure of data and increment the unpredictability of managing data from various web service providers. The accumulation of data turns out to be elusive, extract, channel or assess the significant data for the clients. In this paper, we have considered the essential ideas of web mining, classification, procedures and issues. Notwithstanding this, this paper likewise broke down the web mining research challenges

    Digitalisasi Dan Sistem Otomasi Perpustakaan STIE Syari’ah Bengkalis

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    Perpustakaan merupakan gudang ilmu, sebab disanalah terdapat berbagai macam sumber keilmuan yang diabstraksikan dalam baik dalam bentuk gambar maupun tulisan. Perpustakaan sendiri diawali dengan adanya perpustakaan tradisional dimana terdiri dari kumpulan buku-buku tanpa katalog, kemudian berkembang menjadi perpustakaan semi modern yang sudah menggunakan katalog (index). Tetapi perpustakaan semi modern ini jika diterapkan untuk perpustakaan kampus sangat tidak relevan lagi, karena pengelola dan pengguna perpustakaan akan mengalami kesulitan sebab koleksi buku sudah sangat banyak. Kesulitannya dapat digambarkan seperti dalam melakukan pencarian buku menggunakan katalog manual dan sirkulasi dicatat secara manual. Seiring berjalannya waktu dan perkembangan dunia teknologi informasi maka perpustakaan dituntut untuk menerapkan sistem otomasi perpustakaan supaya dalam pengoperasian perpustakaan dapat dibantu dengan menggunakan teknologi komputer sehingga dapat membantu manajemen operasi, akses dan sirkulasi perpustakaan yang lebih cepat. Tetapi setelah adanya sistem otomasi perpustakaan maka otomatis perpustakaan juga mulai dituntut untuk menerapkan sistem digitalisasi koleksi yang ada sehingga koleksi-koleksi yang ada dapat diakses secara digital dan itu sangat membantu sekali bagi pengguna perpustakaan di era digitalisasi ini. Oleh karena itu penulis perlu membahas mengenai Digitalisasi dan Sistem Otomasi Perpustakaan yang diimplementasikan di STIE Syariah Bengkalis
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