2 research outputs found

    „Biblioteki” w paleolicie

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    Institutions that provide support for information and knowledge management processes such as libraries were established following the invention and progress of writing as well as tangible storage media devices in social communication such as clay tablets, papyrus scrolls, parchment codices, etc. The history of libraries has been extensively addressed and elaborated in bibliology and information science, whereas the preliteracy period, the period in the development of humankind prior to the introduction of the book culture still needs additional attention and exploration. The present article attempts to demonstrate what methods for information and knowledge management were used before libraries and books (including proto-books) appeared. The examples presented in the article come from the Upper Paleolithic and belong to an archaic type to early Homo sapiens. The following presentation is only a general overview and has introductory character. However, it provides the theoretical foundation for further more extensive studies, while its main purpose is to claim the necessity of adding completely new and expanded research areas in bibliology and information science that would cover the period prior to the emergence of libraries, proto-books and finally fully-fledged books.Instytucje wspomagające procesy zarządzania informacją i wiedzą, jakimi są biblioteki, pojawiły się w wyniku wprowadzenia do komunikacji społecznej pisma oraz nośników pisma, a więc m.in. tabliczek glinianych, zwojów papirusowych, kodeksów pergaminowych. W bibliologii i informatologii historia bibliotek jest dobrze opracowana naukowo. Natomiast okres rozwoju ludzkości przed kulturą książki wymaga uzupełnienia. Celem niniejszego tekstu jest wykazanie, jakie metody zarządzania informacją i wiedzą stosowano przed pojawieniem się bibliotek i książek (także proto-książek). Wybrane na potrzeby artykułu przykłady pochodzą z paleolitu górnego i dotyczą wczesnych homo sapiens sapiens. Przedstawiony wywód jest wstępem do szerzej zakrojonych badań, a jego celem jest zasygnalizowanie możliwości rozszerzenia obszaru badawczego bibliologii i informatologii na okres poprzedzający narodziny bibliotek, proto-książek i książek sensu stricto

    The adoption of employee share ownership plans (ESOPs) in Nigeria

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    This study investigated the factors that influence the adoption of ESOPs in Nigeria. Furthermore, the study investigated the influence of the adoption of ESOPs on organisational performance, employee retention and employee commitment. The study results reveal that trade union responsiveness, reforms, awareness of employee benefits and taxation implication positively influence the adoption of ESOPs based on transparency. The results in this study further reveal that trade union responsiveness, takeovers, reforms, awareness of employee benefits and taxation implication effectively influence the adoption of ESOPs based on two-way communication. In addition, the study results reveal that trade union responsiveness, takeovers, reforms, awareness of employee benefits and trust positively influence the adoption of ESOPs based on empowerment. The study further reveals that adoption of ESOPs based on transparency, two-way communication and empowerment leads to organisational performance, employee retention and employee commitment. This study, being the first of its kind in Nigeria, filled the gap that existed in the Nigerian literature in respect of the awareness and adoption of ESOPs. This study provides literature and theoretical model that can be used as a foundation by organisations and the government to start up the adoption of ESOPs. This study showed that ESOPs is beneficial to boost the economy, enhance desired organisational outcomes (organisational performance, employee retention and employee commitment) and meet the financial and retirement needs of employees. However, for organisations and employees to enjoy the full benefits of ESOPs, underlying forces such as, trade union responsiveness, takeovers, reforms, awareness of employee benefits, trusts and taxation implication must be taken into account. Furthermore, the adoption, implementation and operations of ESOPs will be successful management, trade union leaders and employees utilise strategies such as, transparency, two-way communication and empowerment