58 research outputs found

    Investigating the Effects of Network Dynamics on Quality of Delivery Prediction and Monitoring for Video Delivery Networks

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    Video streaming over the Internet requires an optimized delivery system given the advances in network architecture, for example, Software Defined Networks. Machine Learning (ML) models have been deployed in an attempt to predict the quality of the video streams. Some of these efforts have considered the prediction of Quality of Delivery (QoD) metrics of the video stream in an effort to measure the quality of the video stream from the network perspective. In most cases, these models have either treated the ML algorithms as black-boxes or failed to capture the network dynamics of the associated video streams. This PhD investigates the effects of network dynamics in QoD prediction using ML techniques. The hypothesis that this thesis investigates is that ML techniques that model the underlying network dynamics achieve accurate QoD and video quality predictions and measurements. The thesis results demonstrate that the proposed techniques offer performance gains over approaches that fail to consider network dynamics. This thesis results highlight that adopting the correct model by modelling the dynamics of the network infrastructure is crucial to the accuracy of the ML predictions. These results are significant as they demonstrate that improved performance is achieved at no additional computational or storage cost. These techniques can help the network manager, data center operatives and video service providers take proactive and corrective actions for improved network efficiency and effectiveness

    ARTICONF decentralized social media platform for democratic crowd journalism

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    Media production and consumption behaviors are changing in response to new technologies and demands, giving birth to a new generation of social applications. Among them, crowd journalism represents a novel way of constructing democratic and trustworthy news relying on ordinary citizens arriving at breaking news locations and capturing relevant videos using their smartphones. The ARTICONF project as reported by Prodan (Euro-Par 2019: parallel processing workshops, Springer, 2019) proposes a trustworthy, resilient, and globally sustainable toolset for developing decentralized applications (DApps) to address this need. Its goal is to overcome the privacy, trust, and autonomy-related concerns associated with proprietary social media platforms overflowed by fake news. Leveraging the ARTICONF tools, we introduce a new DApp for crowd journalism called MOGPlay. MOGPlay collects and manages audiovisual content generated by citizens and provides a secure blockchain platform that rewards all stakeholders involved in professional news production. Besides live streaming, MOGPlay offers a marketplace for audiovisual content trading among citizens and free journalists with an internal token ecosystem. We discuss the functionality and implementation of the MOGPlay DApp and illustrate four pilot crowd journalism live scenarios that validate the prototype

    Development and Evaluation of a Real-Time Framework for a Portable Assistive Hearing Device

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    Testing and verification of digital hearing aid devices, and the embedded software and algorithms can prove to be a challenging task especially taking into account time-to-market considerations. This thesis describes a PC based, real-time, highly configurable framework for the evaluation of audio algorithms. Implementation of audio processing algorithms on such a platform can provide hearing aid designers and manufacturers the ability to test new and existing processing techniques and collect data about their performance in real-life situations, and without the need to develop a prototype device. The platform is based on the Eurotech Catalyst development kit and the Fedora Linux OS, and it utilizes the JACK audio engine to facilitate reliable real-time performance Additionally, we demonstrate the capabilities of this platform by implementing an audio processing chain targeted at improving speech intelligibility for people suffering from auditory neuropathy. Evaluation is performed for both noisy and noise-free environments. Subjective evaluation of the results, using normal hearing listeners and an auditory neuropathy simulator, demonstrates improvement in some conditions

    3D Medical Image Lossless Compressor Using Deep Learning Approaches

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    The ever-increasing importance of accelerated information processing, communica-tion, and storing are major requirements within the big-data era revolution. With the extensive rise in data availability, handy information acquisition, and growing data rate, a critical challenge emerges in efficient handling. Even with advanced technical hardware developments and multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) availability, this demand is still highly promoted to utilise these technologies effectively. Health-care systems are one of the domains yielding explosive data growth. Especially when considering their modern scanners abilities, which annually produce higher-resolution and more densely sampled medical images, with increasing requirements for massive storage capacity. The bottleneck in data transmission and storage would essentially be handled with an effective compression method. Since medical information is critical and imposes an influential role in diagnosis accuracy, it is strongly encouraged to guarantee exact reconstruction with no loss in quality, which is the main objective of any lossless compression algorithm. Given the revolutionary impact of Deep Learning (DL) methods in solving many tasks while achieving the state of the art results, includ-ing data compression, this opens tremendous opportunities for contributions. While considerable efforts have been made to address lossy performance using learning-based approaches, less attention was paid to address lossless compression. This PhD thesis investigates and proposes novel learning-based approaches for compressing 3D medical images losslessly.Firstly, we formulate the lossless compression task as a supervised sequential prediction problem, whereby a model learns a projection function to predict a target voxel given sequence of samples from its spatially surrounding voxels. Using such 3D local sampling information efficiently exploits spatial similarities and redundancies in a volumetric medical context by utilising such a prediction paradigm. The proposed NN-based data predictor is trained to minimise the differences with the original data values while the residual errors are encoded using arithmetic coding to allow lossless reconstruction.Following this, we explore the effectiveness of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) as a 3D predictor for learning the mapping function from the spatial medical domain (16 bit-depths). We analyse Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) models’ generalisabil-ity and robustness in capturing the 3D spatial dependencies of a voxel’s neighbourhood while utilising samples taken from various scanning settings. We evaluate our proposed MedZip models in compressing unseen Computerized Tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) modalities losslessly, compared to other state-of-the-art lossless compression standards.This work investigates input configurations and sampling schemes for a many-to-one sequence prediction model, specifically for compressing 3D medical images (16 bit-depths) losslessly. The main objective is to determine the optimal practice for enabling the proposed LSTM model to achieve a high compression ratio and fast encoding-decoding performance. A solution for a non-deterministic environments problem was also proposed, allowing models to run in parallel form without much compression performance drop. Compared to well-known lossless codecs, experimental evaluations were carried out on datasets acquired by different hospitals, representing different body segments, and have distinct scanning modalities (i.e. CT and MRI).To conclude, we present a novel data-driven sampling scheme utilising weighted gradient scores for training LSTM prediction-based models. The objective is to determine whether some training samples are significantly more informative than others, specifically in medical domains where samples are available on a scale of billions. The effectiveness of models trained on the presented importance sampling scheme was evaluated compared to alternative strategies such as uniform, Gaussian, and sliced-based sampling

    Connecting mathematical models for image processing and neural networks

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    This thesis deals with the connections between mathematical models for image processing and deep learning. While data-driven deep learning models such as neural networks are flexible and well performing, they are often used as a black box. This makes it hard to provide theoretical model guarantees and scientific insights. On the other hand, more traditional, model-driven approaches such as diffusion, wavelet shrinkage, and variational models offer a rich set of mathematical foundations. Our goal is to transfer these foundations to neural networks. To this end, we pursue three strategies. First, we design trainable variants of traditional models and reduce their parameter set after training to obtain transparent and adaptive models. Moreover, we investigate the architectural design of numerical solvers for partial differential equations and translate them into building blocks of popular neural network architectures. This yields criteria for stable networks and inspires novel design concepts. Lastly, we present novel hybrid models for inpainting that rely on our theoretical findings. These strategies provide three ways for combining the best of the two worlds of model- and data-driven approaches. Our work contributes to the overarching goal of closing the gap between these worlds that still exists in performance and understanding.Gegenstand dieser Arbeit sind die Zusammenhänge zwischen mathematischen Modellen zur Bildverarbeitung und Deep Learning. Während datengetriebene Modelle des Deep Learning wie z.B. neuronale Netze flexibel sind und gute Ergebnisse liefern, werden sie oft als Black Box eingesetzt. Das macht es schwierig, theoretische Modellgarantien zu liefern und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu gewinnen. Im Gegensatz dazu bieten traditionellere, modellgetriebene Ansätze wie Diffusion, Wavelet Shrinkage und Variationsansätze eine Fülle von mathematischen Grundlagen. Unser Ziel ist es, diese auf neuronale Netze zu übertragen. Zu diesem Zweck verfolgen wir drei Strategien. Zunächst entwerfen wir trainierbare Varianten von traditionellen Modellen und reduzieren ihren Parametersatz, um transparente und adaptive Modelle zu erhalten. Außerdem untersuchen wir die Architekturen von numerischen Lösern für partielle Differentialgleichungen und übersetzen sie in Bausteine von populären neuronalen Netzwerken. Daraus ergeben sich Kriterien für stabile Netzwerke und neue Designkonzepte. Schließlich präsentieren wir neuartige hybride Modelle für Inpainting, die auf unseren theoretischen Erkenntnissen beruhen. Diese Strategien bieten drei Möglichkeiten, das Beste aus den beiden Welten der modell- und datengetriebenen Ansätzen zu vereinen. Diese Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zum übergeordneten Ziel, die Lücke zwischen den zwei Welten zu schließen, die noch in Bezug auf Leistung und Modellverständnis besteht.ERC Advanced Grant INCOVI

    Multimedia in mobile networks: Streaming techniques, optimization and User Experience

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    1.UMTS overview and User Experience 2.Streaming Service & Streaming Platform 3.Quality of Service 4.Mpeg-4 5.Test Methodology & testing architecture 6.Conclusion


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    In recent years, the sparsity concept has attracted considerable attention in areas of applied mathematics and computer science, especially in signal and image processing fields. The general framework of sparse representation is now a mature concept with solid basis in relevant mathematical fields, such as probability, geometry of Banach spaces, harmonic analysis, theory of computability, and information-based complexity. Together with theoretical and practical advancements, also several numeric methods and algorithmic techniques have been developed in order to capture the complexity and the wide scope that the theory suggests. Sparse recovery relays over the fact that many signals can be represented in a sparse way, using only few nonzero coefficients in a suitable basis or overcomplete dictionary. Unfortunately, this problem, also called `0-norm minimization, is not only NP-hard, but also hard to approximate within an exponential factor of the optimal solution. Nevertheless, many heuristics for the problem has been obtained and proposed for many applications. This thesis provides new regularization methods for the sparse representation problem with application to face recognition and ECG signal compression. The proposed methods are based on fixed-point iteration scheme which combines nonconvex Lipschitzian-type mappings with canonical orthogonal projectors. The first are aimed at uniformly enhancing the sparseness level by shrinking effects, the latter to project back into the feasible space of solutions. In the second part of this thesis we study two applications in which sparseness has been successfully applied in recent areas of the signal and image processing: the face recognition problem and the ECG signal compression problem