12 research outputs found

    Reference Based Study On Impact Of Covid-19 On Sustainable Computing

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    This reference based study shows that the transformational leadership (in forms such as idealized influence, individualized consideration, and inspirational motivation) of information security managers can improve the effectiveness of information security. The enforcement and relevance of information security policies could be mediating effects on the effectiveness of information security. This study collects data from governmental and public institutions in Korea. This study suggests the need for leadership education programs, and indicates that job training for information security managers should be conducted regularly

    Guest Editorial: Special issue on data analytics and machine learning for network and service management-Part II

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    Network and Service analytics can harness the immense stream of operational data from clouds, to services, to social and communication networks. In the era of big data and connected devices of all varieties, analytics and machine learning have found ways to improve reliability, configuration, performance, fault and security management. In particular, we see a growing trend towards using machine learning, artificial intelligence and data analytics to improve operations and management of information technology services, systems and networks

    Guest Editorial: Special issue on data analytics and machine learning for network and service management-Part II

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    Network and Service analytics can harness the immense stream of operational data from clouds, to services, to social and communication networks. In the era of big data and connected devices of all varieties, analytics and machine learning have found ways to improve reliability, configuration, performance, fault and security management. In particular, we see a growing trend towards using machine learning, artificial intelligence and data analytics to improve operations and management of information technology services, systems and networks

    Security risks in cyber physical systems—A systematic mapping study

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    The increased need for constant connectivity and complete automation of existing systems fuels the popularity of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) worldwide. Increasingly more, these systems are subjected to cyber attacks. In recent years, many major cyber-attack incidents on CPS have been recorded and, in turn, have been raising concerns in their users' minds. Unlike in traditional IT systems, the complex architecture of CPS consisting of embedded systems integrated with the Internet of Things (IoT) requires rather extensive planning, implementation, and monitoring of security requirements. One crucial step to planning, implementing, and monitoring of these requirements in CPS is the integration of the risk management process in the CPS development life cycle. Existing studies do not clearly portray the extent of damage that the unattended security issues in CPS can cause or have caused, in the incidents recorded. An overview of the possible risk management techniques that could be integrated into the development and maintenance of CPS contributing to improving its security level in its actual environment is missing. In this paper, we are set out to highlight the security requirements and issues specific to CPS that are discussed in scientific literature and to identify the state-of-the-art risk management processes adopted to identify, monitor, and control those security issues in CPS. For that, we conducted a systematic mapping study on the data collected from 312 papers published between 2000 and 2020, focused on the security requirements, challenges, and the risk management processes of CPS. Our work aims to form an overview of the security requirements and risks in CPS today and of those published contributions that have been made until now, towards improving the reliability of CPS. The results of this mapping study reveal (i) integrity authentication and confidentiality as the most targeted security attributes in CPS, (ii) model-based techniques as the most used risk identification and assessment and management techniques in CPS, (iii) cyber-security as the most common security risk in CPS, (iv) the notion of “mitigation measures” based on the type of system and the underline internationally recognized standard being the most used risk mitigation technique in CPS, (v) smart grids being the most targeted systems by cyber-attacks and thus being the most explored domain in CPS literature, and (vi) one of the major limitations, according to the selected literature, concerns the use of the fault trees for fault representation, where there is a possibility of runtime system faults not being accounted for. Finally, the mapping study draws implications for practitioners and researchers based on the findings.</p

    The Effect of Urban Fortification on Public Space

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    This dissertation contributes to empirical studies on the spatial extent and intensity of urban fortification/security zones and their influence on urban public space. Urban public space has been based on creating open and safe environments for city dwellers. However, ultra-secure urban spaces have been found to filter citizens, restrict movement, and modify individual behavior. This first part of this study determines where security zones manifest themselves, quantify the fortification of the security zones, and measure the intensity of these spaces in three major U.S. cities. The second part of the study offers an explanation of how social and commercial activity is being affected by security zones

    Advanced Simulation and Computing FY12-13 Implementation Plan, Volume 2, Revision 0.5

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    e-Skills: The International dimension and the Impact of Globalisation - Final Report 2014

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    In today’s increasingly knowledge-based economies, new information and communication technologies are a key engine for growth fuelled by the innovative ideas of highly - skilled workers. However, obtaining adequate quantities of employees with the necessary e-skills is a challenge. This is a growing international problem with many countries having an insufficient numbers of workers with the right e-Skills. For example: Australia: “Even though there’s 10,000 jobs a year created in IT, there are only 4500 students studying IT at university, and not all of them graduate” (Talevski and Osman, 2013). Brazil: “Brazil’s ICT sector requires about 78,000 [new] people by 2014. But, according to Brasscom, there are only 33,000 youths studying ICT related courses in the country” (Ammachchi, 2012). Canada: “It is widely acknowledged that it is becoming inc reasingly difficult to recruit for a variety of critical ICT occupations –from entry level to seasoned” (Ticoll and Nordicity, 2012). Europe: It is estimated that there will be an e-skills gap within Europe of up to 900,000 (main forecast scenario) ICT pr actitioners by 2020” (Empirica, 2014). Japan: It is reported that 80% of IT and user companies report an e-skills shortage (IPA, IT HR White Paper, 2013) United States: “Unlike the fiscal cliff where we are still peering over the edge, we careened over the “IT Skills Cliff” some years ago as our economy digitalized, mobilized and further “technologized”, and our IT skilled labour supply failed to keep up” (Miano, 2013)

    Deep Mining Port Scans from Darknet

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    International audienceTCP/UDP port scanning or sweeping is one of the most common technique used by attackers to discover accessible and potentially vulnerable hosts and applications. Although extracting and distinguishing different port scanning strategies is a challenging task, the identification of dependencies among probed ports is primordial for profiling attacker behaviors, with as a final goal to better mitigate them. In this paper, we propose an approach that allows to track port scanning behavior patterns among multiple probed ports and identify intrinsic properties of observed group of ports. Our method is fully automated based on graph modeling and data mining techniques including text mining. It provides to security analysts and operators relevant information about services that are jointly targeted by attackers. This is helpful to assess the strategy of the attacker, such that understanding the types of applications or environment she targets. We applied our method to data collected through a large Internet telescope (or Darknet)

    Perancangan Peletakan Access Point Dengan Menggunakan Metode Pruning Dan Neighborhood Search

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    Dewasa ini penggunaan jaringan nirkabel (wireless network) telah menjadi suatu tr~nd yang membawa banyak kemudahan bagi user teknologi informasi. Hal ini didukung d~ngan semakin majunya teknologi jaringan nirkabel itu sendiri, sehingga memungkinkan transfer data lebih cepat. Standar untukjaringan nirkabel pun telah dibuat s~hingga memungkinkan produsen untuk memproduksi massal, yang tentunya b~rpengaruh secara langsung terhadap semakin murahnya harga dari alat jaringan ryirkabel itu sendiri. Seiring dengan peningkatan penggunaanan jaringan nirkabel, metode perancangan Prnempatan access point semakin berkembang. Cara yang paling sederhana dilakukan yij.itu dengan proses manual, dengan mengukur tingkat SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio). J).ftika tingkat SNR berada di bawah tingkat yang diinginkan, maka di tempat itu q;pasang access point baru atau repeater. Hal ini tentunya membuat pekerjaan t;nfmbangun jaringan terlihat lebih merepotkan. Dalam penelitian ini akan dijelaskan bagaimana membantu memecahkan permasalahan di atas, yaitu dengan menggunakan metode pruning dan metode neighborhood search. Kedua metode tersebut akan digunakan dalam sebuah aplikasi simulasi penempatan. Berdasarkan hasil uji coba, metode pruning dan neighborhood search mampu memberikan lokasi peletakan access point (AP) yang optimal dengan batasan jumlah AP dan untuk kasus tanpa batasan jumlah AP, mampu memberikan jumlah AP yang optimal yang nantinya digunakan dalam proses perhitungan. ii